
You are entitled to NOTHING -- House of Cards

Ben Carson’s 2016 Announcement

(2015-03-18 14:02:31) 下一个
Dear American,

Just the other day, I filed with the Federal Election Commission the necessary paperwork to formally consider a run for President of the United States in 2016.

Let me tell you why I’ve taken this step, and how you can help.

For many years, I have traveled the country closely studying our politics. I believe we are on the verge of robbing our children of the American Dream.

We are racking up a virtually insurmountable debt, stifling our economic potential and placing our children’s future at risk.

At home and abroad, we are silencing honest debate about our challenges, our differences and our culture, all in the name of political correctness.

We are ceding more and more power to Washington bureaucrats at the expense of our personal liberty, ignoring the wisdom of our founders who risked their lives to form “a more perfect union.”

Too many of our children are trapped in failing schools and find themselves thrust into a deadly cycle of crime, dependence and despair.

Over the course of thousands of operations as the head of pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, I have spent most of my adult life caring for very ill children. As co-founder of the non-profit Carson Scholars Fund, my wife Candy and I have spent years helping children find their own inspiration to reach their full, God-given potential.

In many ways, that is the duty of my generation – to do everything in our power to give the next generation the opportunity to achieve greatness.

I believe that with hard work and determined leadership, greatness is within our grasp. America was founded on the self-evident truth that we as a nation have the right to think big and pursue happiness.

It is this core principle that allowed me, a young boy, raised in Detroit by a single, illiterate but determined mother, to overcome poverty, bad grades, and low self-esteem to become one of the world’s leading physicians.

I’ve decided to explore a potential run for the office of President because I believe my values, life experience, and willingness to speak the truth and seek solutions, prepares me well to lead our nation toward more prosperity, security, and freedom for every American.

As I travel around the country to listen, learn and determine whether or not this is a race I can win, your financial support during the next two months will be extremely helpful.

To make a secure contribution to my exploratory committee now, please go here.

I look forward to working with you, and the rest of our fellow citizens to restore the promise of America.

Thank you, and God Bless America.


Ben Carson 
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