1. QE的定义
2. 谁得到了QE的钱?
3. 怎么样才能拿到 QE 的钱?
4. MBS 和 Treasury notes
5. QE 的钱是用来做什么的?
6. QE 的利弊
7. 结论
1. QE的定义
A central bank implements quantitative easing by buying specified amounts of long term financial assets from commercial banks and other private institutions, thus increasing the monetary base and lowering the yield on those financial assets. This is distinguished from the more usual policy of buying or selling government bonds in order to keep interbank interest rates at a specified target value.
这里说的是,通过从商业银行及其他私营机构买入 长期 金融资产,增加货币量,降低那些长期 金融资产的收益率。
http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%87%8F%E5%8C%96%E5%AF%AC%E9%AC%86 (12/2013)
2. 谁得到了QE的钱?
谁是英文版本里的‘commercial banks and other private institutions’ (商业银行和私营机构)?你不会以为谁都可以拿到QE的钱吧?事实上只有附图所示的18家机构有资格交易。 是不是很眼熟?
来源: http://ciovaccocapital.com/videos/qe/qevideopartfive.html
3. 怎么样才能弄到 QE 的钱?
靠的是上面英文定义里的‘long term financial assets ’。那么什么是这些‘金融财政资产’呢?金融资产包括银行存款,债券,股票,衍生金融工具等。第二张图我们可以知道QE买的是什么金融资产。
一楼第二张图详细说明了QE1-QE3的规模以及去向。 Treasury security ($2.2Trillion)是回购的政府债券。 MBS($1.4Trillion, Mortgage-backed securities )是通过摸给机抵押的债券。你买了房,或者refinanced 你以前的高利率的贷款,你按现在的利率每月给银行付钱。 银行把你和其他人的摸给机打个包成了MBS,Fed把银行的这个MBS买下来。 银行手里就又有了钱,可以继续去周转赚钱。
Treasury security 是国债,国家通过花街发债券筹资。各机构买了国债,现在可以卖给Fed,手里有钱,又可以周转去赚钱。
当然,Fed买这些东西的来源都是thin air,凭空造的,所谓的‘空手套白狼‘印钱。FED怎么作到的?我不清楚细节,但是可以想像他们设立了一个‘清风’账户,可以从这个账户里借了无限的美元。买的这些债券到期后,财政部回来还美元换回这些债券,然后再清空这个‘清风’账户。当然了,美国现在的年赤字就是1万亿,想让他们还钱,是一个小概率事件。所以FED这些债券将来如何消失是一个有意思的事情,这大概是为什么有人吵吵着要查FED账的原因吧。
来源: http://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h41/Current/
United States QE1, QE2, and QE3
The US Federal Reserve held between $700 billion and $800 billion of Treasury notes on its balance sheet before the recession. In late November 2008, the Federal Reserve started buying $600 billion in mortgage-backed securities. By March 2009, it held $1.75 trillion of bank debt, mortgage-backed securities, and Treasury notes, and reached a peak of $2.1 trillion in June 2010. After the halt in June, holdings started falling naturally as debt matured and were projected to fall to $1.7 trillion by 2012. The Fed's revised goal became to keep holdings at $2.054 trillion. To maintain that level, the Fed bought $30 billion in two- to ten-year Treasury notes every month.
In November 2010, the Fed announced a second round of quantitative easing, buying $600 billion of Treasury securities by the end of the second quarter of 2011. The expression "QE2" became a ubiquitous nickname in 2010, used to refer to this second round of quantitative easing by US central banks. Retrospectively, the round of quantitative easing preceding QE2 was called "QE1". Similarly, "QE3" refers to the third round of quantitative easing following QE2.
A third round of quantitative easing, QE3, was announced on 13 September 2012. In an 11–1 vote, the Federal Reserve decided to launch a new $40 billion per month, open-ended bond purchasing program of agency mortgage-backed securities. Additionally, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) announced that it would likely maintain the federal funds rate near zero "at least through 2015." According to NASDAQ.com, this is effectively a stimulus program that allows the Federal Reserve to relieve $40 billion per month of commercial housing market debt risk. Because of its open-ended nature, QE3 has earned the popular nickname of "QE-Infinity." On 12 December 2012, the FOMC announced an increase in the amount of open-ended purchases from $40 billion to $85 billion per month.
4. MBS 和 Treasury notes
这里先提一下QE里Treasury notes 和 mortgage-backed securities 的差别。
MBS是高度杠杆化金融产品。你的膜给鸡只需要最多20%预付款,银行拿到你20%的预付款,却去发行100%的债券,这就是5倍的杠杆。就是说你用2800亿本金,交到银行手里,买了1.4万亿的房子。银行用你的膜给鸡,再到到FED那周转一下,到手1.4万亿给卖家。 这个过程中FED从清风印出1.4万亿美金。银行手里多了你的2800亿定金,外加中间挣的手续费。当然,卖家拿到了1.4万亿资金,还会在银行或其他机构里周转。FED手里拿着这1.4万亿的MBS,年利息3%-4%。一旦房价下跌,买房的人就会有违约的冲动。一旦forclosure,这个房子所属的MBS就会亏损。比如説2008这次危机,很多房子价格跌了2/3, 那MBS至少也得亏一半。所以FED印钱买风
险如此之高的带杠杆的产品,实在是一步险中求胜之招,赌的是房价只升不跌。当然了,有人会问保险公司会补偿损失的。不过上一轮危机最先倒的就是保险公司。 那谁怎么说的?信保险公司,老母猪也会上树。
而发在Treasury notes 上的2.2万亿就又是另一个故事了:按理说,Treasury notes 是‘国家’发行的债券,‘国家’作担保,信用度那可是极高,按照传统观念理解,相当于美元现金外加利息。可是当今着世界变化快,如果真是好东西的话应该大家抢着要啊,为什么需要FED印钱来买呢?既然要FED出面,就是说要么别人都没有现金,要么就是即使有现金,也不来买国债 ---或者是因为风险太高,或者是国债利息太低。我更倾向于认为现在美债没人买的主要原因是风险太高。思路是这样的:美国和天朝不一样的地方是这里的政客是选票选出来的,为了上台,要么许诺福利,要么许诺减税。国债正常的话,或者从常识来理解的话,是要用老百姓的税来还的,现在的赤字以及积累下来的巨额债务,要么得减福利,要么得加税,债务才能减少或还清。但是这帮政客上了台,互相扯皮,既无法减福利,也无法加税,那么还有一条捷径就是破产,而最泼皮的破产就是破产不清算,债券直接清零。而美国宣布破产的可能性很大,每次的债务天花板的讨论就是为这个。破产的话倒霉的就是买债券的人,这就是为什么美债风险太高的原因。
5. QE 的钱是用来做什么的?
第一个渠道,政府拿去烧了。 比如说花几亿做一个没法用的健保网站,然后再花几亿让它半死不活的运行起来。估计最后还得在来道法令把它废了。嘿嘿,开个玩笑,钱不可能被烧掉的,只是从一部分人手里到另一部分人手里而已。上面说到,FED入市买国债,买谁手里的国债?买政府现在发行的国债。美国现政权发行的国债在市场上滞销。所以呢,FED就印钱帮助政府运行。下面是数字:
Year | Total revenue requested (trillion) |
Total revenue Actual (trillion) |
Total expenditures Requested (trillion) |
Total expenditures Actual (trillion) |
Deficit Requested (billion) | Deficit Actual (billion) | Debt (trillion) |
2007 | 2.57 | 2.73 | 161 | 9 | |||
2008 | 2.7 | 2.9 | 239 | 454.8 | 10.02 | ||
2009 | 2.7 | 2.105 | 3.107 | 3.518 | 407 | 1413 | 11.91 |
2010 | 2.381 | 2.163 | 3.552 | 3.456 | 1171 | 1293 | 13.56 |
2011 | 2.567 | 2.303 | 3.834 | 3.603 | 1645 | 1300 | |
2012 | 2.627 | 2.449 | 3.729 | 3.538 | 1101 | 1089 | |
2013 | 2.902 |
2.77 | 3.803 | 3.45 | 901 | 680 | 17.07 |
2014 | 3.03 | 3.77 | 744 |