11/30 星期三
(2011-11-29 22:35:15)
我刚刚读了几篇过去的blog,难以置信是我写的,更难以置信的是,不过几年我的中文写作水平下降这么多。The dinner last night turned out to be very good. I got to the restaurant first, so just relaxing, reading a book while waiting for A. 8pm, he showed up, looks like he lost weight quite much, A told me that he was training for marathon next year. I was a bit surprised that he being so active, cos he doesn't look like jock type at all. A looks like those goody-goody students type, top scores in class, a bit geeky, a bit shy, but smart, always under control, wouldn't do anything crazy or without plans... Now you perhaps already understand why I wasn't so attracted to him at the beginning, cos I am the crazy type, and I think those goody-goody students are boring. So we started talking, we both like this restaurant ROTI, and he suggested me to try some new dish, Israel food. Yes, his family from Israel, A is jewish. That appetizer was surprisingly delicious, I liked it. A was very talkative, we started sharing our travel experiences, he told me about his backpack trip to Europe back in high school, I was talking about Hawaii and D.C. NYC trips this year... We just kept talking, work, crazy trip accidents, hangover experiences... I was quite surprised that we had so much to talk about, never got bored, and food was good, very nice atmosphere... It turned out to be a great dinner out, I really glad that I made it.
Well, other than that, I don't know. As I said, A is a bit shy, and not so aggressive... So I am not very sure how he feels most time, plus I don't have much experience with guys like him. Most guys I dated are very aggressive and straight forward, and yes, most are a-holes as well. Anyway, we talked all the way to subway station, and hugged for good bye, and kept standing there talking more, about company year party next Friday. A said he gonna do the performance, I said, cool, I will take a video then... while thinking that I really needed to pick my dress carefully for the night, lol. Finally we said good night, no kiss, but I was pretty happy. On my way home, I was thinking about A, well, he is not tall big muscle guy which I usually like, and he is not simple-minded either... A is not so handsome, but he looks nice, and very smart, likes sports I like, the most important thing is that he can hold a conversation which wouldn't bore me. Hmm... I don't know, we will see.