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4/24 星期五

(2009-04-23 19:48:13) 下一个
星期五... 星期五!!! 振奋人心, 漫长的一周即将结束, YEAH!!! 昨天偷懒没去GYM, 结果吃完晚饭, 看网上的Music Video, 俊男美女, 身材超好, 觉得很惭愧, 于是出去跑步. 沿着河边跑了两趟, 气喘如牛, 不过几天没跑而已, 看来锻炼重在坚持. 回到家继续weight lifting, 闲置多日的weight终于派上用场, 朋友赞我有毅力, 过奖, 过奖, 我这人最没有的就是毅力, 没什么事能坚持久的. 之所以这么下工夫锻炼身体, 主要是出于虚荣心. 既然买了那么hot的泳衣, 就一定要穿出最好的效果, 为了追求效果, 所以拼命锻炼. 要在极其有限的时间内达到fit的效果, 只有加大运动量, 减少饮食, 最最极端的手段, 吃泻药... 当然, 我还没那么走火入魔, 目前仅限于运动和适当减少晚餐的量, 还有不到一周的时间, 真是的, 早知道应该从上个月开始.

Hmmm.... German... YUMMY!!! This is a damn hot video, and the name of the song is Du hast den schonsten Arsch der Welt, which means you have the sweetest ass in the world, LOL! Ja, Ich habe... I got to visit Germany for sure, germans seem so interesting to me. Sometimes they could be sooooooooooo seriously boring, well, or you can say, serious and boring, but sometimes they are just incredibly funny with cold jokes which Tom is very good at, and super HOT, well, sexually hot, you know what I mean, check out that video, that blond boy at 1:58, hmmm... yeah... What kinda culture makes this combination, I am so curious. Guess I have to continue my german course, for a2.1, which gonna be every Sat and Sun for a whole month, gosh... Can I really do that???

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