  • 博客访问:

4/21 星期二

(2009-04-20 23:24:22) 下一个
昨晚去GYM, 结果是每个月的休馆日, 我竟然不知道, 于是, 无功而返. 早早到家, 吃饭, 打扫卫生, 上网... 立刻被老娘抓到, 问我最近都在干什么, 总是不见人. 我能干什么, 上班, 去GYM, 回家, 睡觉, 象个普通地球人一样的生活. 既然"偶遇"老妈, 就顺便向她汇报一下, GW去冲绳, 省得她看不到我上网就瞎琢磨. 老妈一听, 立刻变身为十万个为什么, 什么时候去? 和谁去? 住哪里? 玩什么? 吃什么?... (省略500字) 幸好我还没提Kevin的名字, 不然老妈的问题就更多更难, 例如他的爷爷的爷爷是干什么的... 我把最近的思想动态向老娘汇报了一下, 说市场不好, 我打算先focus on 个人大事, 争取年内把婚结了. 老妈一听, 语气立刻变得如春风阳光一般和煦, 从来没见她老人家这么亲切过, 包括我拿到学位, 换工作等一系列人生大事, 她从来都是从容不迫的"哦"一声而已. "你有这个想法, 我很欣慰", 老娘打出这么一句, 外加5个巨大的笑脸, 估计在屏幕那边, 她的表情一定好似... 电视剧里屡教不改的犯人终于悔悟, 决定重新做人的时候, 管教干部的那种欣慰且笑里含泪的表情. 老娘很怕我这个念头一瞬即逝, "时间不等人... 一年很快就过去了... 人无完人... 感情是要慢慢培养的... 安定的生活多好啊... " 她"语无伦次"的如国民党劝降广播一样, 对我"狂轰乱炸", 最后终于想起来最重要的point了, "你有对象了吗???" "没有, 初步想法而已." 我实话实说, 以为老娘会抓狂, 出乎意料, 她更加和颜悦色, "对象总会有的, 有想法就好... 哈哈... 哈哈... " 我觉得我的汗毛都竖起来了, 要是今年内达不成目标, 她会不会拿刀砍我啊???

今天早晨查email, 新的tracking number到了. 上Australia Post的网页上一查, Express可以网上tracking, Registered Post International不可以, 不可以tracking, 你给个tracking number干什么???!!! Australia Post is such a joke, damn! 在网上四处搜索, 发现Australia Post的服务简直是怨声载道, 有个人竟然连续丢了3个包裹, 还有的人包裹已经到达local post office, 竟然被一直放置在那儿, 将近2个月... 还有这个要命的tracking number, 邮局staffs经常忘记scan, if they dont scan the barcode, the tracking number would never be registered to the system, means your parcel would be lost forever... GOSH!!! can you believe that??? 我开始对Lisa感到歉意, 看来真的不是她的错, 照澳洲邮政局这么个工作法儿, 包裹能准时顺利的到达那才是奇迹呢. 我开始担心第二个包裹, 于是托澳洲的朋友帮忙问一下, Registered Post International的tracking number大概只有直接去问的时候才能用上, 而且还得是在你运气比较好, 你的包裹的barcode被正常scan过, LOL. 问回来的结果更惊人, 第一个包裹没有丢, 今天被送出澳大利亚, 第二个的tracking number not into the system yet... WHAT???!!! 我又和朋友确认了一次, 他说没有错, 他直接去邮局问的... 晕死... 昨天Lisa问的时候, 第一个包裹的tracking number not in the system, so she assumed its lost, and now its in the system, and being shipped out... This is unbelievable... The possibility is that, my parcel was being forgotten in the post office for about one week, since Lisa said they sent out last Tuesday, then Lisa called, they realized the parcel still there, now they finally started shipping it... WTF!!! Australia Post might be one of the worst postal services I have ever known. Now there are still problems, have they actually sent it out of Australia by today? Once its out of Australia, I would feel much relieved. Its said that Registered Post International costs 3-10 days on their website, I think they should at least add a line under it, "if you are lucky enough", LOL. And, I might get 2 swimsuits since Lisa sent a replacement after considering the first one was lost, and nobody has any idea where the second parcel is now!!!

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jgey 回复 悄悄话 hehehe... sure :)

小墨 回复 悄悄话 u can give one to me, if u receive two at the end. Then my target will be try to fit into this swimming suit. haha