  • 博客访问:

10/2 星期二

(2007-10-02 01:33:53) 下一个
终于搬到"新"办公室了, 破破烂烂, 也只好凑和. 凳子不舒服, 靠背太短, 老板很cheap, 为省钱, 全搬以前办公室的旧家具...TNND... 昨晚和Dave吃晚饭, 然后去喝酒, 在A971喝了一杯, 觉得很没意思, 又杀到我办公室附近的那家BAR. 一对比, A971的酒根本不算是酒, 掺太多水, MA CHAMBRE的BARTENDER专业无比, 配出的酒味道好极. Dave和ex wife闹矛盾, 复合的路还很漫长, 我对工作诸多不满, 恋爱也"三天打渔, 两天晒网"的; 我们两个臭味相投, 一起喝酒胡侃, 还是很开心的.

上周五和Robert约会, 意大利餐, 烛光, 音乐, 浪漫是很浪漫, 但我总觉得不上不下的, 被吊在半空中的感觉. Rob要我be patient, 但是我向来缺乏耐心, 或许这正是我恋爱屡战屡败的原因? 我觉得, 喜欢是一种当机立断的直觉, 如果需要花很多时间来考虑是否喜欢, 那本质上就是不喜欢. 我理解Rob的想法, 他考虑的不只是喜欢或不喜欢的问题, 而是more serious issues, 例如, 婚姻, 将来... 有些人喜欢计划事情, 而有些人则喜欢go with the flow.

懒得写了... 最近很是百无聊赖.

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朱珠尔 回复 悄悄话 回复jgey的评论:
That is pretty good already - I mean the not lying part.
jgey 回复 悄悄话 what you think is not right. of cos I wont lie about anything here, but it doesnt mean I will show the whole picture here, after all, this blog is open to public. Hopefully, Rob wouldnt be like that russian guy...
朱珠尔 回复 悄悄话 You don't hide anything here, do you?. I can't believe you made Rob tell you to be patient about that....what exactly did you do you him??
just kidding... :)
btw, it dosen't reminds me Carrie and Aiden, but Carrie and that old artist...
elpher 回复 悄悄话 这么一长段E文,开始看看觉得思路正确有理又比较严肃,8过到最后暴露了,'test drive'....卡卡卡....希望试驾有愉悦的体验....^_^Y
jgey 回复 悄悄话 To 朱珠尔,

你算是问到点子上了... I am not sure how to explain this, we are dating, but is it official? is it exclusive? It sounds kinda weird, but I need some confirm to feel comfortable and secure. I can feel that Rob might have a second thought, actually he mentioned that too... well, long story. After all, from casual dating to exclusive relationship, it seems there is a long way to go. And yes, there is something that I cant wait, such as a "test drive"?LOL...

To elpher,

elpher 回复 悄悄话 下面这位同学的问题很尖锐啊!
朱珠尔 回复 悄悄话 rob want you to be more patient? What are you not patient for? You are dating already, what could be the next that you can't wait.......?