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4/1 星期日

(2007-03-31 17:47:30) 下一个


中午和已转职的前辈一起吃午饭,很愉快,得到不少面试的tips。然后顺路把鞋子拿去修理清洗,竟然要6000块,真是抢钱,不过那双鞋值6万块,总比重新买一双要便宜,于是,忍痛掏钱。和Jeff约定的时间已经过了1小时,出租车慢得要命,因为是周五,天气又好,好像全东京的车都堵在去表参道的路上。司机也不想再继续堵在那条路上,于是走小巷,拐来拐去,终于到了,Jeff已经等了我近1个小时,我连声道歉。把Jeff带到AVENDA咖啡,Rina在那里也等了近1个小时,我真的不是个称职的matchmaker,anyway,他们终于见面了,而且看起来,they like each other, my mission is completed. Dave正好在附近,于是也过来一起喝咖啡,他晚上要和一些朋友出去玩,而我,必须乖乖回家,因为9点有一个phone interview from a company's NY office, its friday nite! damn!

9点,终于等到电话,我听到对方的第一句话的瞬间,“damn! its an indian!” Well, I am not against indians at all, actually I used to have some indian coworkers who are very friendly and nice people, I like them. But the thing is, I am quite nervous about this phone interview, after all, its not like talking in person, and recruiters told me they gonna ask some questions on technical skills which I am not very confident about. Now, plus this tough indian accent, its just getting worse and worse. The connection was not that great either, I wasnt sure if they could hear me well, and for a few questions, I totally had no clues, its a disaster. The indian guy didnt sound very happy, I guess I just screwed up this interview. I told my recruiter that I was afraid that I wasnt qualified for this position, cos they want someone with 4 years experiences and skills on all the fields, TCP/IP, Java, firewall...sounds like a superman, LOL!

下周还有3个interview,希望不会搞砸,至少应该比这个要命的phone interview好一些。

Chatted with Dave for a while on Sat nite, I slept for the whole day. It seems he had quite a lot fun with his buddies on friday nite, when he told me about some cute girls in 911, I was kinda pissed off, and trying hard not to show it in my lines. Its weird, I am not supposed to feel anything, but I was, at the moment, its not a good start. To be rational, Dave is not a good choice for relationship, its fun to hang out with him, as long as nothing gets serious. And the question is, --Do I wanna get serious?

Tha is a tough question, even tougher than any question from the phone interview. If I get serious, I might get hurt, and if I am not serious at all, the game is not that fun. There is no win-win solution, "love like never been hurt", who can actually do that?

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G.C. 回复 悄悄话 哦,我没有说过嘛?呵呵,可能那是我想说却忘了说的名言之一, 不好意思。再说了,听我的教导那么久了,难道你不能意会嘛?

jgey 回复 悄悄话 你什么时候又早就说过???明明是马后炮嘛。。。哈!
G.C. 回复 悄悄话 出差一周未查你的博客,发现这几天的产量颇大,质量也很高,关于人生的serious的问题一个接一个。我看为了我们广大读者,你就迟点上班吧。

我早就说过你和这个Dave很难保持纯粹的朋友关系,又不是四五岁的小孩。I am sure Dave would love to hook up with you, but then what?