0 +0是 早晨日本空袭中途岛,什么也没炸着;同时美军住岛机群去炸日本舰队,也什么也没炸着。
6+ 0 是 随后美军6个中队的鱼雷机和攻击机攻击日本舰队,也还是什么也没炸着,且损失惨重殆尽。
2打3是 10点25分,美国2个中队的俯冲轰炸机利用5分钟的静空机会打烂了日军3艘主力航母。
1打1是 下午,美军 (Lexington destroyed. Yorktown crippled) 和日军都损失一艘航母。https://youtu.be/L3unV1cB0A0?si=86fEWS62slItaRSH
'The Final Japanese Carrier Goes Down' Scene | Midway
All Out Action
853K subscribers
852,035 views Sep 6, 2024 #AllOutAction #Midway
The American fleet has an air battle with the Imperial Japanese Navy as their efforts advance to take out the last Japanese carrier.
Yamato's Final Battle
The legendary Yamato. The largest battleship in the world. She displaced 72,808 tons and was 263 meters or 863ft long. Her main guns could fire shells weighing 1.5 tons but despite her impressive size and armament, she was to be defeated. By 1945 Japan was desperate and had sent their leviathan to its doom on a one way mission with orders to beach and fight to the end. But even this final mission was cut short by over 200 American planes. Their sheer numbers stopped her in her tracks, sending her to the bottom of the sea. Yarnhub uses the Unreal® Engine. Unreal® is a trademark or registered trademark of Epic Games, Inc. in the United States of America and elsewhere. Unreal® Engine, Copyright 1998 – 2022, Epic Games, Inc. All rights reserved.
2 weeks ago
Facing overwhelming odds, the U.S. Navy’s courage and determination at Midway were unmatched. It is truly legendary that the U.S. Navy was able to take down three carriers in one day, and later the fourth, using limited technology and sheer skill. Those pilots and sailors truly were a unique breed—heroes we may never see the likes of again.
The Battle That Won WW2 | 2024 Hollywood Action War Movie | Free Action Movie
1,008,902 views Dec 18, 2024 #2024actionmovie #FullFreeMovies #FreeYouTubeMovies
Battle Force: In the thick of WWII, the 1st Special Service Force unit is called to duty on a secret rescue mission. Challenged by Nazis at every turn, our band of heroes bunkers in a bombed-out city and races against time to relay a message that is crucial to the Allies D-Day invasion. Confronted with a precarious situation, their sole recourse is to intensify their firepower!
2024. Stars: Scott Martin, Clint Hummel, Tony Pauletto
Universal Squadrons: Returning home from war, Captain Deakin struggles to adapt back to civilian life. Suffering from post-traumatic stress, his nightmares escalate about the truth of his experience in Iraq. When former members of his unit try to murder him, he discovers that he was under scientific experimentation, brain modification, and strength enhancement, and his discharge leaves him knowing way too much. He must now fight for survival and kill the people who did this to him before they kill him.
2024. Stars: Riley Smith, Willa Ford, Barry Corbin
*Under legal license from Archstone. All rights reserved*