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A Walk In The Spring Rain /Ingrid Bergman

(2024-08-28 23:24:33) 下一个

When you're bored with your elusive Peace of mind, you got kicked up with disturbing gusty wind, haliking 


Shocking to see this:

Will’s disgusting shot at Libby, telling her he killed his son for her, revealed what kind of man he was. Wow, that was quite something. She made the RIGHT decision.
She was alert! It was an accident! 
3 days ago
Somehow I was thinking “sentimental and cheap old movie,” but it developed into a tender love story of two people hungry for love. It touched me deeply. And QB team was superb.

A Walk In The Spring Rain FULL MOVIE | (Ingrid Bergman (Libby), Anthony Quinn (neighbor, Will), Fritz Weaver (Husband, Roger), Katherine Crawford (Ellen, daughter)

Libby and Roger move into a small house in the woods. While her intellectual husband is busy writing a book, she enjoys life in the woods more and more and is attracted to her neighbor, Will.
It reminds me of the film "The Bridges of Madison County” with Clint Eastwood and Meryl Streep, which digged much deeper into the impossible love of two adult people. Here we see Anthony Quinn and Ingrid Bergmann at age 55.
Can there be a more extraordinary sensual scenery than he rubbing her cold feet amid winter in a dark stable with the smell of hay and goats?
And talking about his fantasies of bathing her... the love they feel for each other, the longing for attention, is so touching.
You can feel the passion and how he uses his creativity and sensibility to let her unfold like a flower in spring...
Great film. Thank you for uploading!
Addendum: there is a lot of satanic symbolism in the film. Quinn in a double role: God/Satan always waiting, temptation/manipulation, the goats, frogs, and watercress (revelation of the secret of rejuvenation), Susanna and the bathing, choosing between two "candies" and the broken vessel, "spring = sacré du Printemps, "the strength of our Constitution," "ambiguity," the sacrifice of the male first-born (!), the seductive singing, the cracked eggs, spring  rain = sexual union/insemination, etc
When her husband came to the insight of his insignificance when he showed humbleness, the spell upon her was broken.
Somehow, I was thinking of a “sentimental and cheap old movie,” but it developed into the tender love story of two people hungry for love. It touched me deeply. And QB team was superb.
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