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iPhone15ProMax display appearance: Light, dark, auto. which save

(2024-05-22 13:37:44) 下一个
For preserving your iPhone's battery health, it's generally recommended to charge it when it falls between 20% to 80% rather than letting it drop to very low levels like 10%. Charging it from 10% can put a bit more strain on the battery, as it has to work harder to replenish the charge. So, ideally, charging it around 20% is a good balance between preserving battery health and ensuring you have enough charge to use your phone comfortably. However, occasional full charges and discharges can also be beneficial for battery calibration.
display appearance: Light, dark, auto. which save battery?

In terms of battery consumption, using a dark display appearance typically consumes less power compared to a light display appearance, especially on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens. This is because darker pixels require less energy to produce compared to lighter ones on these types of displays.

Auto brightness, on the other hand, adjusts the screen brightness based on ambient light conditions. While it can help optimize battery life by adjusting brightness to appropriate levels, its impact on battery consumption depends on how frequently the brightness adjusts and the overall brightness levels it chooses.

So, if you're looking to save battery life, using a dark display appearance manually or in conjunction with auto brightness could be beneficial, especially on devices with OLED or AMOLED screens.


Why did Apple change to USB-C?
The move is largely the result of a new European Union law requiring universal USB-C phone chargers by 2024. While it will require users to get new cables for their iPhones, they'll also be able to use those cables to charge more things, and many people probably already own USB-C cables.Sep 12, 2023
Is the iPhone 15 charger different than the iPhone 14?
While iPhone 14 comes with Apple's proprietary Lightning port, iPhone 15 is equipped with USB-C charging, the universal standard. Why is that significant? USB-C means you can now charge all your go-to devices, from your iPhone 15 to your Nintendo Switch, even your AirPods and Apple Watch, with the same cable.Oct 2, 2023

How to CHARGE the iPhone 15 Pro Max — A Beginner's Guide

5.24K subscribers
1,995 views Dec 31, 2023
In this video, I'm going to show you how to charge the iPhone 15 Pro Max. This is a new model of the iPhone that has a larger screen and is faster than the other iPhones. I'm going to cover everything you need to know to charge your iPhone 15 Pro Max. If you're looking for a comprehensive guide to charging your iPhone, then this video is for you! I'll show you everything you need to know to charge your iPhone 15 Pro Max, from charging tips to how to use the charging cable. By the end of this video, you'll know everything you need to charge your iPhone 15 Pro Max and keep it up and running!
how to charge the iPhone 15 Pro Max
let's dive right into it when you
originally purchased the iPhone 15 Pro
Max all you get is actually USBC cable
just like this one here so this is the
cable you're supposed to use to charge
your iPhone 15 Pro Max of course now on
the iPhone 15 Pro Max we obviously have
this USBC Port here which is actually
great because Apple now finally changed
to USBC and is not using lightning
cables anymore on iPhones which most
people will highly appreciate because
you can't really use these lightning
connectors for anything else than Apple
devices the bad news though is as we
have just this cable here in order to
charge our iPhone 15 Pro Max we will
need some additional devices or
accessories if you want to charge your
iPhone 15 Pro Max in the wall you will
need to purchase a wall break like this
one here where on one side you have a
USBC port and on the other side you have
that thing to connect it to the wall now
depending on where you're living this
might look a little bit different of
course but what is important is that you
have a USBC port on one side and on the
other side you would need to have that
connector that lets you connect
connected to the wall so if you have a
brake like this you can simply connect
your USBC cable like this here and then
the other side you will connect it to
your iPhone 15 Pro Max just like
that then just connect this to the wall
and you can now finally charge your
iPhone 15 Pro max if you don't have a
wall break you can use your computer or
Mac to charge your iPhone 15 Pro Max all
you need for that is obviously a USBC
port on your Mac or computer if you do
have that you can take your USBC cable
then plug it in here on your computer or
then take the other side and connect it
to your iPhone 15 Pro
Max and our iPhone is now charging if
your computer only has an old usba a
port you know one that looks like this
here then in that case you could also
use a usba a to USBC cable to charge
your iPhone 15 Pro Max in that case you
would need to use a cable that looks
like this here where you have USBC on
one side and usba a on the other side
this device that I just showed you here
is actually a power bank and you
probably guessed it you could also use a
power bank to charge your iPhone 15 Pro
Max in that case here as we have a usba
a port we could use this cable here and
then simply connect it like
this put the other side here in our
iPhone and then charge it like that and
that's it that is all you need to know
about how to charge the iPhone 15 Pro
max if you enjoyed this video make sure
to smash a like button and subscribe for
more iPhone tutorials
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