
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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匈奴 蒙古 契丹 鲜卑 女真 华夏族(2000 BC-1912)

(2024-04-03 19:19:36) 下一个
"女真" - 匈奴 蒙古 契丹 鲜卑 华夏族(2000 BC-1912)
1). 元朝非華夏族 but Mongols-conquered main-land
2) Jurchen在中文中是"女真" - 匈奴 蒙古 契丹 鲜卑 华夏族(2000 BC-1912)
匈奴 蒙古 契丹 鲜卑 各种宗教侵袭: 还能保持华夏族主体思想不就靠的大一统?黄河长江两大水系,沃野千里,多少人惦记?事实是,国家和民族的形成,本质上就是人类抱团取暖的一种形式而已。
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fz_uQNQBK0g? In this video we give you every Chinese Dynasty from around 2000 BC to the end of the imperial system in 1912. Subscribe to Learn Chinese Now!


All of China's Dynasties in ONE Video - Chinese History 101

When everyone else in the world refers the Mongolians-ruled China a part of the Mongolian empire, China - for some reasons not known to me - calls that the Yuan dynasty of China. Then centuries later, the Manchus, regarded as foregin invaders since the beginning, were suddenly Chinese once the Qing dynasty was officialized after they cross the boarder. Oh and modern day China boosted themselves having never invaded other countries. I wonder if there's a video explaining how the Mongolians (if considered the "Chinese people" of the Yuan dynasty) "peacefully convinced" all western Asia to turn themselves under this Chinese rule. It's good to learn history, but one needs to be careful not to confuse facts with subjective narratives.
 @aty6221  many of chinese dialects does not contain the 'g' sound, and many of times it's not obvious to the listener, confusion is understandable and should be considered
The history, inventions,the books, poems, artwork,the six schools of Thought. I am a beginner in speaking Chinese. The culture is very rich,a testimony of a country that has been around for almost 5,000 years.
The emergence of Chinese characters predates 5000 years ago very much.The Chinese character "姓(means family name)" consists of "女(mainly means female)" and "生(usually means birth)". It can be seen that the Chinese characters appeared as early as in the matriarchal society, and by the Yan and Huang Dynasties (about 5000 years ago), a mature writing system had been formed (according to the Folktale “Cang Jie's creation of characters”and some cultural relics)
这可能是一种正确的分析。母系氏族社会下,人的名字可能需要包含其母亲的身份信息。 所以这个字似乎可以被解释为这个人是某个女人或者某个部落的女人所生。这是早期姓氏产生的方式,后来更多的姓氏则来源于地名,器物,自然现象,官职,职位等的社会属性和自然物质,也有些自主的随机选择。 奇特的是只有极少数汉字是专属的姓氏名称,而这类姓氏的祖先通常都是帝王或者高级统治者。因为只有这些人的身份和其家族是独一无二的,而社会定位和自然属性则是任何人都可以替代和使用的。
 @wenliu9571   姓氏主要是来源两个概念,姓跟母系相关,而氏一般是所属地相关,为了区别不同群体,利于群体团建,其实也是社群最早的形式之一。例如,一些诸侯的大臣的封地,往往都是氏。春秋战国时期,那些小的封地简直多如牛毛,这些都是氏的来源。


Map of China:  History Of Ancient China | Dynasties, Confucius, And The First Emperor







契丹:  Who are the Khitans today?
The modern-day Daur people, a recognized minority ethnic group in Northeast China, are the genetic descendants of Khitans. The historical name for China, Cathay, originates from the word Khitan.  The worship of Yogah of Yag also indicates that the Khitans pay tribute to beings they feel are real. The Khitans believe the universe has three interconnected divisions: the heavens, the earth and the underworld.

the Xiongnu (匈奴) -->  Turkic [Are the Xiongnu the Huns? Supporting evidence is provided by historical records indicating that the term Xiongnu was used for the people referred to in Sogdian and Sanskrit texts as the Xwn and Hu?a respectively, terms used for peoples called Huns in the West.] The Xianbei 鮮卑 were the most important and largest federation of nomad tribes of the steppe region north of China during the Jin 晉 (265-420) and Northern Dynasties 北朝 (386-581) periods. Traditional historians counted them among the Eastern Hu 東胡 barbarians and believed them to be relatives of the Wuhuan 烏桓.

The Xiongnu, who are the ancient ancestors of the Mongols of today, was the First Empire to be established by the nomadic people living in the grasslands of Central Asia.

What race were the Xiongnu?
The Xiongnu Empire encompassed virtually every ethnic and linguistic group in Inner Asia. These included the Mongolic-speaking Donghu people to the east and the Indo-European-speaking Yuezhi people to the west. There was also a large population of Turkic and Iranian language speakers within the Xiongnu Empire. [匈奴帝国几乎包括了内亚洲的每一个民族和语言群体。这些包括东部说蒙古语的东胡人和西部说印欧语的月氏人。Xiongnu帝国内还有大量说突厥语和伊朗语的人口。]
鲜卑 Schafer believes many of the Xianbei were blondes, but others such as Charles Holcombe think it is "likely that the bulk of the Xianbei were not visibly very different in appearance from the general population of northeastern Asia.
Genghis Khan was born Temüjin to a royal clan of the Mongols. When he was nine, his father Yesügei was poisoned and Temüjin was held captive by his former supporters. He later escaped, killed his half-brother, and began gathering supporters and manpower in his teenage years.Mar 7, 2024Genghis Khan | Biography, Conquests, Achievements, & Facts ...
What do Mongolians think of Genghis Khan?
History books portray him as a brutal emperor who massacred millions of Asian and Eastern European people. However, he also practiced religious and racial tolerance, and his Mongolian Empire valued the leadership of women. Khan also brought law and civilization to Mongolia and is regarded as a hero in his native land.


The Xianbei and Khitans: History of Mongolia


The Rise and Fall of the Khitans & Why They Wanted To Build A Chinese Dynasty - Liao Dynasty History

136K subscribers
61,714 views May 18, 2022 #Documentary #Asia #History
Get Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/bros - Enter promo code BROS for 83% off and three extra months for free! The Khitans had appeared in history since the fourth century, but once they rose to power, they wanted to build a Chinese style empire. Why is that? This video offers some answers. [TIMESTAMP] 0:00 Introduction 0:36 Who Were the Khitans? 3:42 Surfshark 5:07 Abaoji and Li Keyong 6:47 Rise of the Khitans 9:57 Succession Crisis 13:06 Khitan Conquest of China 14:55 Khitan Liao and Their Neighbours 17:18 The Fall of Khitan Liao MUSIC by Epidemic Sound:
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