
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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The phrase "aristocracy to serve people and to glorify God" encapsulates a philosophy that suggests an ideal form of nobility or privilege in society should be directed towards serving the common good and upholding spiritual values.

In essence, it implies that those who possess material, intellectual, or spiritual resources should utilize them not for self-aggrandizement or personal gain, but rather for the betterment of society as a whole and in alignment with higher moral principles, often associated with religious or ethical beliefs.

Historically, aristocracy was often associated with privilege and power, but in this context, it's redefined as a select group of individuals who voluntarily dedicate themselves to advancing social progress and justice. These individuals may stand in contrast to authoritarian regimes, often facing personal sacrifices or persecution for their noble actions.

The idea suggests that even in societies with oppressive systems, the presence of such noble individuals who embody selfless service and integrity offers hope for positive change. Their actions should be celebrated and admired, rather than ignored or ridiculed, as they represent a beacon of morality and resilience in the face of adversity.

In summary, "aristocracy to serve people and to glorify God" advocates for a noble class of individuals who use their privilege and resources to uplift others and honor higher spiritual or moral ideals, thereby contributing to the advancement of society as a whole.

 贵族=拥有物质思想精神资源并运用这些资源来推动社会进步的志愿服务者!  [关于“贵族”的定义 - 老键 - ♂ ]

"云天高谊, 古道江湖, 勇敢且骄傲地活过一生—— 行可以为仪表,智足以决嫌疑,信可以守约,廉可以使分财,作事可法,出言可道,人杰也!" (野夫)



本書其中之一文章《正在有情無思間─史良側影》先在2002年出版的第29期「老照片」內刊登(山東畫報出版社),讀者反應強烈,在2003年4月發行之第28、29輯「老照片」中再刊登《君子之交—张伯驹夫婦與我父母交往之叠影》一文,2004年加上其他文章交由人民文學出版社出版。[8]  https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%AB%A0%E8%AF%92%E5%92%8C? 

• 章诒和, 史良《最後的貴族》 TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (36013 bytes) (94 reads) 01/28/2024  14:11:35 (2)

• 一边追捧自由民主平等, 一边追捧贵族。人不都是平等的吗? 哪有谁是贵族? 也是劳碌命 - ♂ 给 也是劳碌命 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) (20 reads) 01/28/2024  15:10:25 (3)

• +100! 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/28/2024  15:21:54 (1)

• 觉得不矛盾。-:) 有言 - ♂ 给 有言 发送悄悄话 有言 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 01/28/2024  18:09:59

• 我也觉得奇怪,为什么社会主义中国非要把人分成不同的等级,还振振有词要消灭“三大差别”,这些所谓差别不就是共产党制造的么? 金笔 - ♂ 给 金笔 发送悄悄话 金笔 的博客首页 (114 bytes) (6 reads) 01/28/2024  19:05:33 (1)

• 貴族原定義冷兵器時第一個排頭先戰死 TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 01/28/2024  19:48:43

• aristocracy to serve people and to glorify God TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 01/28/2024  19:50:24 (1)

• 很獨立堅強的女人要几代人的高认知与层次才能滋润出来修行是一种享受孤独的境界 TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (317 bytes) (7 reads) 01/28/2024  20:58:45 (1)

• 是的。现在稀缺。然和大师一样冒牌太多故而引起误解。-:) 有言 - ♂ 给 有言 发送悄悄话 有言 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/28/2024  22:30:56

• 这是我以前一篇博文写的关于“贵族”的定义 老键 - ♂ 一个社会,不可能也不必人人成为“贵族”,“贵族”永远是少数,他们是那些拥有物质,思想或精神资源,并运用这些资源来推动社会进步的志愿服务者。在专制社会,他们的高尚行为必然意味着他们个体与体制的龃龉,并常常为此付出高昂的个人代价,比如像十二月党人那样失去自由甚至生命,比如像那些可敬的律师为挑战劳改收容恶制而受到拘压,比如像...为社会公正自由而获刑监。一个社会,如果它的公民崇敬这样的“贵族”行为,那它即使目前是专制的,也是一个有希望的社会。对实践了十二月党人那样“贵族”行为的人予以颂扬和同情,而不是置予冷漠遗忘或嘲弄,这本身也是一种很高尚的行为。给 老键 发送悄悄话 老键 的博客首页 (857 bytes) (13 reads) 01/28/2024  21:12:20 (2)


"十二月党人" refers to the Decemberists, a group of Russian revolutionaries who staged a failed uprising against Tsar Nicholas I in December 1825. The term "十二月党人那样“贵族”行为" translates to "the noble behavior akin to that of the Decemberists."

The Decemberists were primarily members of the Russian aristocracy who rebelled against the autocratic rule of the Tsar, seeking political reforms and the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. Their actions were driven by a sense of duty to the people and a desire for social justice, rather than personal gain.

Their rebellion, though unsuccessful, symbolized a noble sacrifice for the cause of freedom and justice. They were willing to risk their lives and privileges for the betterment of society, embodying the ideal of aristocracy serving the people.

Therefore, "十二月党人那样“贵族”行为" refers to acts of courage, selflessness, and sacrifice undertaken by individuals from privileged backgrounds for the greater good of society, echoing the spirit of the Decemberist uprising.

• 贵族=拥有物质思想精神资源并运用这些资源来推动社会进步的志愿服务者! TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 01/28/2024  22:29:41



** 史良https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8F%B2%E8%89%AF? 

出生 1900年3月27日
逝世 1985年9月6日(85歲)
国籍  中华人民共和国
政党 中國民主同盟
配偶 陸殿東
亲属 史公載(弟)
学历 武進縣立女子師範


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