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why did it call “Big Ben”? Benny?

(2023-10-08 16:48:54) 下一个
why did it call “Big Ben”? Benny?

The origin of the name “Big Ben” for the clock tower is a subject of some debate and uncertainty. There are a few theories regarding its origins.

One theory suggests that the nickname “Big Ben” was inspired by Sir Benjamin Hall, a renowned civil engineer who oversaw the installation of the Great Bell (the actual bell inside the tower) in 1858. Hall was a large man, standing at around 6 feet 6 inches tall, and it is believed that his name became associated with the bell due to his stature.

Another theory suggests that the nickname “Big Ben” may have been derived from a heavyweight boxing champion of the time, Benjamin Caunt, who was also known for his large physique.

It is important to note that “Big Ben” is technically the name of the Great Bell, not the clock tower itself. However, over time, the name has come to be used more broadly to refer to the entire clock tower and clock mechanism.

The exact origins of the name “Big Ben” remain somewhat uncertain, and it is likely that the true story may be a combination of these theories or have other elements that have been lost to history.

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