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54th regiment 1989 movie \'Glory\'starred Denzel Washington, Mor

(2023-03-06 20:05:08) 下一个

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In an Instagram post, The Rock explained that he wants to build a league where players are not only exceptional athletes but also have high character and integrity. The number 54 is significant because it is the jersey number that he wore during his college football career at the University of Miami.

The idea behind the "League of 54s" is to create a culture within the XFL that emphasizes not only physical talent but also personal values such as hard work, determination, and community involvement. The aim is to attract players who embody these values and create a league that is not only entertaining but also inspiring and positive.

It remains to be seen how The Rock and his team will achieve their vision for the XFL, but their stated goal is to make it a league that is unique, innovative, and focused on the players and their values.


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the 54th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry Regiment was a Union Army regiment made up of African American soldiers. The unit's story was popularized in the 1989 movie "Glory," which starred Denzel Washington, Morgan Freeman, and Matthew Broderick.

The 54th Massachusetts became known for their bravery and heroism in several battles, including the Battle of Fort Wagner in 1863. The regiment suffered heavy casualties, but their courageous efforts helped to open up more opportunities for African Americans to serve in the military.

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