
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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The Princess Stallion | FULL MOVIE | 1996 | Drama, Adventure Ch

(2023-02-01 15:44:17) 下一个

Sheila Hammond
I love this movie! Fergus is so wise. I hope lots of people will start to realise that all he said is true.
Beautiful Petunia
A really wonderful movie ! It should be shown to all primary school students! It’s the best way to make children understand the importance of respecting and loving Nature!
Angela Edwards
Loved this movie !!! The scenery was amazing the horses that I say were beautiful and the story line was nice , glad they got the bad guys
Karlisa Lampe
I have loved horses ever since I was up on them at 3 years of age, and I truly love this movie, awesome story. Thank you for sharing this film. I just wish there were more of them, children definitely need to appreciate the environment and habitats, all the creatures on this planet. All life is sacred and precious and should be treated with dignity, respect, kindness and compassion. If humanity would do this maybe our world would be a better place to live in. This film reminds me a lot of myself in my walks in nature, but I also respected their space and never ventured too close into their space/territory, especially if I knew where they were at. This would have caused issues which they didn’t need nor did I. I learned a lot about nature, animals, their habitats and all about wildlife in general from my walks. It helped with my interest in science, archaeology and astronomy, and most of all, to keep learning more as a grew older. I really liked Furgus, he was a wise man and we sure could use more people like him. We are our planet’s caretakers, and this is why we are here. Life should be appreciated, not destroyed by greed, misguided values or ignorance. Our planet Earth is unique and abounds with countless, diverse species of life, all dependent upon the other for its survival. There is no other like it in the universe, mainly because IT IS OUR HOME, we live here and nowhere else.
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Donna Nichols
Such a sweet, beautiful movie, filled with thought provoking, meaningful messages of love and respect for all creatures, big and small.
Rizza Ablen
This movie is so nice. No guns no weapons but full of beautiful creatures of the earth. Just nice. <3
Verita Wallace
This is a wonderful movie! During most of it, I was smiling and happy, imagining myself as being there. But, when the poachers started their evil acts, I was angry and sick to my stomach! Yes, I recognized the older brother, he played a king, a crippled king. But the part he played here, he was evil and repulsive! Guess he played his part well! In my family’s heritage, we have Scottish roots. It would be great to see Scotland before my last days.
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Charlene Ford
Such a wonderful movie. We need these kind of movies for families. Thank you very much!
Diane Libby
I have always wanted to go to Scotland. Now I want to go more than ever! Thank you for this wonderful movie!
Jonna Marie Alforque
My tears fell not because I'm hurt but I learn to love the message of this movie. It don't requires a man to be known to make a change but a determined loving heart to care for what is around. What makes the world beautiful is not just of what we can get and make of it but of what we can give and share for it. Happy watching
florence s
What a beautiful movie!... It makes me feel so good. Great actor.
Life According to Cynthia
Really beautiful movie, thanks for adding it to the channel! I will ring in the new year believing that miracles still do come true!
Captivating story. Loved it!
Mary Ainsworth
Beautiful movie. Loved the message of taking care of the earth and its inhabitants. We have too much greed in the world.
Marthani Fick
This is am extremely special and beautiful story. Respect for animals, because they are Gods magnificent creations, and we are NOT allowed to hurt them or eat them, or force them to do anything. They must be free. Please care for your animals well, love them, and cherish them! ?
Rodel Madrid
An excellent family movie!
Janete Murasaki
O filme em português seria ótimo tbm , obrigada de
Melanie Meehan
Really loved this movie. Full of wonderful messages. Thank you so much for posting and the scenery of course.............
David Skeen SR
First time I've seen this movie. Great family entertainment. I give this movie 10 ?'s
Rosila Tabing
A great story, i love it!
Beautiful movie!
Rajendra Vottery
Beautiful movie ! Excellently made .
deanna young
Beautiful movie indeed
Sheila More
What a beautiful movie I love this it ended very well
Vioris Thomas
Love this movie
Ariana Richards was a vegetarian in Jurrasic Park . Nothing wrong with being a vegetarian . Both movies are a favorite of mine .
Mareyke Rondonuwu
I really enjoy watching this movie.... a beautiful story and is good for every age to watch....thank you for showing it on youtube.
Sunset kiss vlog
Belin Estiban
Wow this is amazing I’m watching and crying
Vicki B Warren
Nice movie, beautiful scenery!
Pearl Peaches
Films should look like this. Make you dream about places you be never seen
I love the movie. I was sad, angry, hopping, crying and very happy at the end. Thank you for sharing.
Donna Rivo
Wonderful story. My grandfather was a Highlander of Scotland. So this is close to my heart. I miss him something trouble. Please provide more Highlands story's if you can. They have such wonderful stroy's. Thank you. It brought back such wonderful memories of him. Miss you papa.
Bruna B
the rolling scotland hills look so amazing. makes you want to be there. This movie caught my heart. I call it, "The Magical White Horse" in my mind.
Devi Dasi
At 1:16 when they go "oooh" so refreshing to hear bad guys do that childhood thing.
Lance Jade Tv
One of the best ever movie that I watched.I love it
Shilpa Hiremath
I loved this story. Nice
Lynne Johnston
Big thank you for uploading this fantastic movie good picture quality doesn't break up or lose sound also a good story I have seen this movie before but still loved it going to give this movie a ?????????? star's ...,,...,,, Hope to see more movies like this one...
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