
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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(2022-10-07 14:58:00) 下一个

勿忘我花瓣淡雅素庄敬自强Forget-me-not petals are elegant and dignified (by TJKCB)

Forget-me-not? Knock, knock, knock

out of waiting Silence,  talk, talk, talk

eye-in-eye, lock, lock, lock

so, so, so, what, what, what

All on thought, thought, thought

Put up on work, work, work

Hand-in-hand, heads held high “After Ever Happy” (*), walk, walk, walk


the above two images were from Google images.


(Note: I did not know this flower until reading those poems below, which impressed me so tremendously, that those five lines manifested by dancing my fingers on the keyboard growing on my screen). Google it:

What do forget-me-nots symbolize?

Forget-me-nots represent true love; giving someone this flower means you truly love and respect this person. It is a testament to your relationships and promises the other person that you will never forget them in your thoughts. A symbol of fidelity and being truthful to someone you love.

* After Ever Happy is a 2022 American romantic drama film directed by Castille Landon, from a screenplay by Sharon Soboil. Based on the 2015 novel of the same name by Anna Todd, it is a sequel to After We Fell, and the fourth overall installment in the After film series. The film stars Josephine Langford and Hero Fiennes Tiffin, reprising their roles as Tessa Young and Hardin Scott, respectively.[2] The plot continues the premise of the three previous films.

After Ever Happy had its world premiere in London on August 10, 2022 and was released theatrically on September 7, 2022.[3] A sequel titled After Everything is currently in post-production, while a prequel and an additional sequel centered around the children of the series' main characters are also in development. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/After_Ever_Happy

&&&&&  Sources of my inspiration:

  1. E诗配画】Forget-Me-Not /来源: 妖妖灵 于 2022-10-06 20:35:14  https://bbs.wenxuecity.com/mysj/275462.html

** 2) 打油打油。

来源:  于 2022-10-07 07:34:

回答: 【E诗配画】贡献一幅画,附拙作一首,Forget-Me-Not, 求真正诗人赐诗 由 移花接木 于 2022-10-06 19:43:37

little, little likes a star,

forgotten in a bar.

embellished in the dark,

was who's mark.

forget-me-not so blue,

missing so true.

** 3)  移花多才多艺! 沾沾你的才气, 打油一下


来源:  于 2022-10-07 08:43:23 

回答: 【E诗配画】贡献一幅画,附拙作一首,Forget-Me-Not, 求真正诗人赐诗 由 移花接木 于 2022-10-06 19:43:37

Yesterday is gone

Today carries on

Blue flowers nod


** 4) 摄影:移花接木 Forget-Me-Not


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