
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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The survivors of the Holocaust came up with 3 elements

(2022-01-30 18:11:02) 下一个

The survivors of the Holocaust came up with 3 elements: 1) Well informed and connected to the top, 2) Judgment call right, 3) Action (follow up - escaped from danger to safety).

Unfortunately, history has a habit of repeating itself... We should never forget.

"Human beings are parts of each other; creation is true of one essence. If one part is afflicted with pain, other parts uneasy will remain. If you have no sympathy for human pain, The name of human you cannot retain."

Golestan (chapter 1, story 10), completed in AD 1258. May God bless this earth and people and may there

be no hate, violence, and crime.

I pray humans to love each other and never harm!! Hate is such a cruel thing !!! MAY GOD BLESS ALL.

For a moment I thought; unbelievable, unthinkable, how was it possible..... but then.... it was.....it is......and it will be. Man is Said to be the jewel in the hands of great God old mighty, but I think not. We haven’t learn yet. Peace is still just a brief moment between conflicts. We must learn and the only way to learn and understand is to............bring out the imprisoned splendor with in. The creative love force and light of the universe. In lack of a better word; God.

The ground-breaking, historic TV mini-series which originally aired on NBC -- follows each member of the Jewish Family Weiss throughout Hitler's reign in Germany. One by one, the family members suffer the horrible fate of extermination under Anti-Semetic Nazi Law until only one son remains at the end of World War II. A subplot follows the story of Eric Dorf, a young German lawyer with a good heart who is changed into a mass murderer by membership in the S.S.

Holocaust (Starring: Michael Moriarty, James Woods, Meryl Streep)

Part 1 "The Gathering Darkness" - 1978 TV Mini-Series

pt 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rli9mzoMtLY? 

pt 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_siQVTd-EM 

pt 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0ll_Xi8knw&list=RDCMUC5da4UST5wrBydwPoYx18bg&index=3 

pt 4 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9fHluKVPr4&list=RDCMUC5da4UST5wrBydwPoYx18bg&index=4


pt 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L1xMg186sLk 

Holocaust : episode 5 of 5 (TV-series 1978) 

Jan 27, 2022

385K subscribers
Part 1 of 5... For International Holocaust Remembrance Day - The ground-breaking, historic TV mini-series which originally aired on NBC -- follows each member of the Jewish Family Weiss throughout Hitler's reign in Germany. One by one, the family members suffer the horrible fate of extermination under Anti-Semetic Nazi Law until only one son remains at the end of World War II. A subplot follows the story of Eric Dorf, a young German lawyer with a good heart who is changed into a mass murderer by membership in the S.S. Part One: "The Gathering Darkness" - Covers the period of 1935-1940. In Berlin, the Weiss family celebrates son Karl's marriage to Inga Helms. When Erik Dorf is unable to find work as a lawyer, wife Marta urges him to apply for a Nazi government job. Erik Dorf warns Dr. Weiss he should leave Germany. Karl is arrested and sent to Buchenwald concentration camp, and Dr. Weiss is deported to Poland. Erik Dorf continues to advance in the Nazi hierarchy. Continue the mini-series with PART TWO: https://youtu.be/U_siQVTd-EM
Part 2: "The Road to Babi Yar" - Covers the period of 1941-1942. Inga is desperate to reunite with Karl, but her parents don't want to risk hiding her Jewish in-laws. Rudi runs away from their hiding place. Erik Dorf helps Heydrich plan and execute his Final Solution. Moses and Dr. Weiss are caught when the Nazis overrun Poland. Helena rescues Rudi from a patrol. Berta joins her husband in the Warsaw ghetto. Rudi and Helena escape to Russia.
I remember watching this back in 78, my last year of high school. All students should watch this as a lesson in what hate does. This is already as powerful as I remember it being and I've only rewatched Part 1 so far.
Part 3: "The Final Solution" - Covers the period of 1942 -1944. Rudi and Helena escape from a long procession of Jews being marched into Babi Yar. They are eventually rescued from a hayloft by a group of Jewish partisans. Erik Dorf attends a top-level Nazi conference in which Heydrich gives Hilter's orders of the final solution for all the Jews in Europe. Karl Weiss has been transferred to Theresienstadt concentration camp which the Germans use to display to the Red Cross officials and representatives of neutral countries that Jews are being treated kindly. Karl learns that his fellow artists in the camp are creating propaganda.
Part 4: "The Saving Remnant" - Covers the period of 1944 -1945. Erik Dorf complains to the other S.S. leaders that the executions of the Jews are not being efficiently done. An order is placed by Erik for Zyklon B (a lethal gas) for use at Auschwitz and other camps. Inga asks Muller to denounce her and have her sent to Karl at Theresienstadt. Felscher sells four of the secret drawings done by him, Frey and Karl, which depict the brutal conditions at Theresienstadt, to a Czech gendarme, which the S.S. get a hold of. Felscher, Frey and Karl are called in for questioning and then tortured, where Karl is the only one who survives.

Holocaust: episode 5 of 5 (TV-series 1978)


I'm German and still shocked and ashamed that Germans did this. I also remember watching this for the first time in 1979 in Germany and it started a whole debate on Nazism which many Germans had avoided up to that point. The German version actually ended at 1:22:43 because they didn't want the Germans to see a happy end.
This is the first time I have watched this all the way through - what really hit me was the "ordinariness" of some of the Germans - even Eric Dorff. Everyone has their price, and we can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people all of the time. It shows the full horror of what happened to very ordinary people, and how the prejudice against jews started, subtly at first, then eventually there was nowhere to hide. Gripping performances which do not shy away from the facts!
How easy it seems for the character Erik Dorf to change from a simple, non-political, guy looking for a job to a monster pushed by his wife's ambitions and a good cut of steak!! To freedom and all freedom-loving people.
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"War and Remembrance"... That's also a classic TV series..
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