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女大三得諾獎20 ~ 17 (米列娃~愛因斯坦)

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女大三得諾獎20 ~ 17 (米列娃·馬里奇 ~ 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦)

20 ~ 17 (米列娃·馬里奇 ~ 阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦) 沒有米列娃幫助也不成就愛因斯坦

一位是 20 歲的塞爾維亞人 Mileva Mari?; 另一個是阿爾伯特·愛因斯坦,一個 17 歲的德國人。 兩人都學習物理,參加了一些相同的課程,並且在其中許多課程中獲得了可比的課程成績。 他們一起學習,墜入愛河,結婚。 愛因斯坦繼續創立了現代物理學。 2019 年 3 月 5 日
愛因斯坦第一任妻子的爭議遺產 - 自然
當愛因斯坦在蘇黎世專利局工作時,馬里克懷孕了,這對夫婦結婚了。 當愛因斯坦完成他最著名的工作時,她又為他生了兩個孩子。 他們於 1916 年離婚,米列娃獲得了愛因斯坦的諾貝爾獎。 她於 1948 年去世。


One was Mileva Mari?, a 20-year-old Serbian; the other, Albert Einstein, a 17-year-old German. Both studied physics, taking some of the same courses and, in many of those, getting comparable course results. They studied together, fell in love, married. Einstein went on to found modern physics.Mar 5, 2019
The debated legacy of Einstein's first wife - Nature
What happened to Albert Einstein's first wife?
Image result for name of einstein's first wife
Maric became pregnant and the couple married while Einstein was working for the Zurich patent office. She bore him two more children while Einstein did his most famous work. They divorced in 1916 and Mileva received Einstein's Nobel Prize money. She died in 1948.


Albert Einstein, the world-famous scientist declared the “person of the century” by TIME magazine. Until seeing this movie https://lnkd.in/gU9ZkrMt , I did not know "Mari? and Einstein were collaborators (she was the first one who understood and helped him out in his theory) and lovers and had a daughter Lieserl in 1902, whose fate is unknown. They later had two sons, Hans Albert and Eduard. They separated in 1914, with Mari? taking the boys and returning to Zurich from Berlin. They divorced in 1919; that year Einstein married again."
How many hours did Einstein study?
Albert Einstein worked 10 hours a day, six days a week for years. He demonstrated a tremendous ability to focus on the work for extended periods and apply himself to big thinking. Before he became a famous professor, he held a job in a Swiss patent office in Bern.Jul 12, 2018
Who is the smartest woman alive?
Mileva Mari?
One was Mileva Mari?, a 20-year-old Serbian; the other, Albert Einstein, a 17-year-old German. Both studied physics, taking some of the same courses and, in many of those, getting comparable course results. They studied together, fell in love, married. Einstein went on to found modern physics.Mar 5, 2019
The debated legacy of Einstein's first wife - Nature
What happened to Albert Einstein's first wife?
Image result for name of einstein's first wife
Maric became pregnant and the couple married while Einstein was working for the Zurich patent office. She bore him two more children while Einstein did his most famous work. They divorced in 1916 and Mileva received Einstein's Nobel Prize money. She died in 1948.
Mileva Einstein-Maric - Facts, Husband & Life - Biographyhttps://www.biography.com › historical-figure › mileva
With an IQ of 228 (190 in some sources), Marilyn vos Savant is not only the most intelligent women in the world (which is confirmed by Guinness Book of World Records), she is also the most intelligent person in history!Sep 17, 2020 #love #job #work #inspiration #einstein #colleagues

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