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BFF w/ fish with human-looking face

(2021-05-07 13:34:28) 下一个



Amid the heartbreaking loss of life and economic hardship wrought by the coronavirus, we recognize the need for stories of kindness, hope, courage and humor.

79-year-old diver and this fish are BFFs

Japanese driver and wrass fish

Yoriko, an Asian sheepshead wrasse (kobudai in Japanese), first met scuba diver Hiroyuki Arakawa nearly 30 years ago. Great Big Story/YouTube

In a plotline straight out of Disney, an adorable aquatic denizen of Japan's Tateyama Bay has captured one man's heart in a friendship that's lasted close to three decades. The fish with an almost human-looking face and her human companion became UWBFFs (underwater best friends forever).

  1. a person's best friend.
    "being able to work with my BFF is a dream come true"
    What does my BFF mean?
    The Meaning of Bff

    Bff is an initialism of the phrase best friend(s) forever, and it's a term of endearment used for selected close friends.
    What does bestie stand for?
    best friend
    The definition of a bestie is a best friend or close friend. An example of a bestie is the person you love and with whom you spend lots of time. noun.
    What does BFF mean on Snapchat?
    BFF Emoji on Snapchat

    The BFF Emoji is a beautiful red heart. You'll see this emoji next to a friend's name who has been your Best Frie
    What does bestie mean on TikTok?
    Typically speaking, the word bestie is slang for “best friend”. For example, saying “Sara is my bestie” is the exact same thing as saying “Sara is my best friend”. However, on social media, the word is often used as a term of endearment.
    What does ???? mean from a girl?
    Two Hearts
    ???? MeaningTwo Hearts

    This emoji is widely used to express warm feelings, love and romance. This emoji is present in many romantic texts, and can mean everything that is related to it: from "love is in the air" to the deeper and mature emotions. Sometimes used by girls simply to decorate warm friendly letters.


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