
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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(2019-03-08 20:57:59) 下一个

 buzzwords like big data of bloody history in Civil War - freedom came with bloody price - hand in hand came freedom and sacrifice - value as you can and fight the fight to keep it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8kSUDp2BC0


Lincoln, Grant, Sherman. Thank goodness.?
Craig Dillon
Sherman "not the best tactician"? Actually, he was. His campaign to Atlanta is still taught today at West Point.  Johnston did not fight because of cowardice. He was outmaneuvered out of position, repeatedly.  Sherman continually put him in positions where to fight was stupid, and his only recourse was retreat towards Atlanta. 
Unfortunately, that part of Sherman's movements is given short work in this video.?
Greg Moonen
He said "War is a terrible thing", and then he set out to prove it.?
In 1864, the State of Georgia was:
[  ] Not Rekt
[  ] Rekt
[X] Tyrannosaurus Rekt?
Joe Scopelite
I can't understand this hatred of Sherman.  He did exactly what Stonewall Jackson would have done if the shoe was on the other foot.?
Duh Condfederates dindu nuffin! They swear they was good bois!?
You havin' treason problems, I feel bad for you son.
I got 99 problems but Atlanta ain't one.

- William T. Sherman, probably?
"You have started this fire when you attacked Fort Sumter. Now the flames have reached your homes"-William T. Sherman?
blue saber 88
Sherman looks like wolverine.?
Tiberius Kirk
No mercy for traitorous slavers. If the Civil War was half a century later the South would have been leveled with mass modern shell firing artillery.?
Meandrous Phoenix
General Sherman did nothing wrong

10/10 would burn Atlanta again?
Rick Pyle
There are two ways to win a war. First, one can kill every last enemy soldier. Secondly, you can destroy the enemies ability to support an army in the field with food and other supplies.?
All the world's a stage
The only mistake Sherman made was stopping the fires at the Georgian border. Should have kept going and salted the earth for good measure.?
Bruce Baran
My Great, Great Grandfather marched with Sherman. In his diary he talked about how he and his fellow soldiers viewed the Confederates as treasonous traitors and the south, especially Georgia deserving to be burned to the ground.
He wrote though how their command prevented the soldiers from causing more damage than was actually carried out during their march to the sea. This was mainly due to close ties some in the command had with the south.

My x2 Grandfather didn't view it that way, especially after being wounded at Gettysburg. He wrote that the Confederates were traitors to their country and deserved much worse than they received after the war.

My Grandfather (My Mother's Dad) was born in 1903, and told me about meeting this hero when he was a young boy. Said he was a kind and gentle man, but carried himself like a soldier until the day he died. (I believe he died in 1921, he was about 76 years old)?
Flournoy mason
As a Georgian living in the area of which Sherman destroyed I have this to say.  Yeah for Sherman.  He ended the war by fighting a total war.  I'm glad the Union was saved.  I live in Conyers Ga and this town was spared simply because we stopped fighting and gave Sherman what he wanted.  Conyers was not a rich town but many of the houses that were here during the civil war are still here.  Sherman also spared Madison Ga and when Savannah Ga surrendered without a fight he spared that magnificent too.  He destroyed the railroads and the larger farms and whipped every army the Confederacy sent against him.  The Confederate cause was anything but glorious.?
Mark Adams
Brilliant documentary.  As a Texan, I can say:  the War Between the States should have been avoided.  And, it should never be forgotten.  God Bless America!?
Old Alabama male here...Sherman was the ultimate warrior.  No hate here from a southern male...Sherman did his job...nothing but respect.  War was hell....?
There's no military value in burning the mansions of private citizens of Atlanta?  Yeah there is.  Just like bombing the cities in Japan and Germany.  It's letting people know, don't F with the USA.  You start a war with the USA, you will regret it.  We will come for your houses, your cities and your families.  War is about suffering, and we will bring the suffering to you.?
bd C
My comments are directed at people who want to learn, not ideologues north or south.  Sherman's line of supply was a single railroad line.  It took 1/3 of his troops to defend it.  It was winter.  Come spring, the South would have grass to feed cavalry horses and be able to raise additional troops. The South would be able to cut his line of supply.  His choices appeared to be two: 1. retreat and 2. attempt to engage the remaining southern army outside Atlanta, hoping it would stay in place and allow itself a set battle (which it would not).  He devised a third alternative - two columns to the coast with a hopeful link up with the Union navy.  Burn the bridges behind.  Go lightly.  Support the two columns off the land.  Buy provisions and destroy all resources along the way.  If there were two columns they could be mutually supportive.  The southern army anticipated a movement in the other direction and so ended up behind the two columns.  Sherman had luck with him.  Now study the accomplishments of his army AFTER he reached the coast - no one ever discusses the same.  He took a calculated risk (not a gamble) that had enormous success and ended the war years earlier than it would have stopped.?
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Joseph N. Pollaro
Time now to completely destroy the traitors in our wonderful republic.?
James Robert
I've worn those woolen uniforms at re-enactments and even on 70 degree pleasant days I would be soaked through. I can't imagine wearing that in Georgia summer heat.?
Peter Cunha
Fantastic film!!!!!?
Thank you for posting.?
The Confederacy had it coming. The only regret of the rebel dullards was that they lost.?
James Robert
Putting Hood in charge was a mortal error on the part of Davis. Hood was delusional as he took laudanum for pain having lost a leg and the use of one arm. If anyone could have found an opening and attacked at the right time it was Joe Johnston. He nearly did it at Bentonville but the war was already lost.?
Thema inproblem
Slavery the the biggest mistake we ever made.   Just imagine what could have been avoided.?
DM 777
We whipped generations of slaves
We started a war that killed 600 thousand people.
No idea why you burned our houses down????
Published on Sep 11, 2015
FOR 37 WEEKS IN 1864, GENERAL WILLIAM T. SHERMAN MADE GEORGIA HIS BATTLEGROUND.   Georgia Public Broadcasting and the Atlanta History Center have partnered to produce the gripping new documentary “When Georgia Howled: Sherman on the March,” premiering Thursday, September 10 at 8 p.m. on GPB Television. The program is the companion documentary to their Emmy-winning collaboration  "37 Weeks: Sherman on the March,” a series of 90-second segments that premiered in April 2014 and commemorated the 150th anniversary of Sherman’s 1864 march into Georgia.   IT WAS 37 WEEKS THAT WOULD DETERMINE THE FATE OF A NATION.
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