我的笔记:你的直觉告诉你什么是适合你的 - 导航你经历任何麻烦的水 - 安静地听到那个小声音 - 只有你的资源独有的生存技能。
你每天都会面对被冲突的 health information 想法爆炸轰炸,这对你有好有坏。 为了自己的利益,你怎么能接受它,权衡它?105岁周有光: 吃肉,不动,勿听医生!
或许你的身刚相反, 走自己的路,让专家走开!
如何老而康健? 走自己的路,让专家走开!
例如,多项研究表明,喝酒不会帮助您保持健康,补充维生素不会减缓您的衰老过程。 哎呀专家了解你的情况? 只有你能说出这样的结论!(e.g, multiple studies show that driking wine won't help you stay healthy, takine supplement vitamins won't slow down your aging process. Who the heck experts know about you? Only you can say such conclusion! )
my notes: Your instinct tells what's right for you - navigate you to go through any trouble water - be quiet to hear that little voice inside - only survival skill unique for your resources.
Blasting in the face, you're bombarded daily with conflicting ideas what's good or bad to you. How can you take it in, weigh in on, for your own good?
** Read critically, write well **
ABC7 - Dec. 26, 2018
People who drink moderate amounts of alcohol or coffee and are overweight in their 70s live longer lives, according to researchers at the UC Irvine Institute for Memory Impairments and Neurological Disorders. The researchers started a study in 2003 to look at what makes people live past 90. … To learn more about the study, click here.