
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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李连杰 时空对置好演员【时空错置劣演员】世家三代而斩?

(2018-09-04 11:42:53) 下一个

Hollywood 演导业世家, Kirk and Michael and Peter Douglas, Peter and jane and Bridgette Fonda, (American screenwriter, director, producer, and former actress Sofia Carmina Coppola. She is the daughter of director, producer, and screenwriter Francis Ford Coppola (Godfather I, II), Martin and Charlie Sheen, Nicolas Cage - jackie chan's son Jaycee, Bruce Lee's son Brandon Lee, and daughter Shannon Lee. (李香凝)

评论说,百变演员, skillful and velatine acting. Over the labor day weekend, I watched the same actor/actress in multiple movies, I realized it's misleading to say 百变演员. In reality, their acting (facious expression, body language) was the same - they acted like themselves; however, it's that setting enivornment to eluse the audience to think they were different - 时空对置好演员【时空错置劣演员】. E.g., Bridgette Fonda and Jet Li's Kissing of Dragon - good acting, but little of notice in award given events. - Getting awards is a package - 天对,地合,人和愿帮 【女演员的美, 靠 team work, 很多众星捧月, 众人合力】

世家三代而斩?Still, proof of this phrase remains elusive, probably more so during a modern time, as some can overcome this curse.写此,搭个架,打几个桩,有空再展开写:

Acting is an art form of talent, born with. You can rehearse, practice to be perfect, but not natural beauty of acting. Education, including conciling from experts, can help you find, define, realize your talent. You gotta know that, eduction rather provide a platform to exhibit your talent, than extract/expand/cultivate the talent out of your acting exercise. 
表演是一种艺术形式的人才,天生就有。 你可以排练,练习完美,但不是表演的自然美。 教育,包括专家的整理,可以帮助您找到,定义,实现您的才能。 你必须知道,教育提供了一个展示你的才能的平台,而不是从你的表演练习中提取/扩展/培养天赋。

Image result for Bridget Fonda and Jet Li's Kissing of Dragon

Image result for Bridget Fonda and Jet Li's Kissing of Dragon

Image result for Bridget Fonda and Jet Li's Kissing of Dragon

Image result for Bridget Fonda and Jet Li's Kissing of Dragon

of the Dragon is a 2001 English-language French action thriller film directed by Chris Nahon, written and produced by French filmmaker Luc Besson, and starring an international cast of Jet Li, Bridget Fonda, and Tchéky Karyo.

Chinese cop Liu Jian is brought to Paris to help crack a major drugs ring, but when the official with whom he's meant to liaise ends up dead, he realises that corrupt cop Jean-Pierre Richard is the head of the ring. Jian must not only prove he is innocent of the murder but also evade Richard's thugs who want him dead. In a city where he knows nobody, Jian's only ally is a prostitute named Jessica.… MORE
Release date: June 25, 2001 (USA)
Budget‎: ‎$25 million
Box office: 64.4 million USD
Languages: English, French, Standard Mandarin
Screenplay: Luc Besson, Robert Mark Kamen

Image result for Bridget Fonda and Jet Li's Kissing of Dragon
Actress LAURENCE ASHLEY at the Los Angeles premiere of Kiss of the Dragon25JUN2001
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