
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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affection, loyalty, trust and reciprocity ?

(2018-06-12 10:26:42) 下一个
 a compulsion to fill an existential emptiness. This anxiety has its own Latin name, horror vacui, fear of the void  - cluttering makes sense for some people.

Quite a change of game? Traditionally, some whites love your loyalty to them, like Trump. Now, it seems change, being king, act like king ?


affection, loyalty, trust and reciprocity


competition, self-interest, suspicion and efforts to establish dominance

David Brooks
Verified account 
   3 hours

Trump takes every relationship that has historically been based on affection, loyalty, trust and reciprocity and turns it into a relationship based on competition, self-interest, suspicion and efforts to establish dominance.

  1. eileen chengyin chow @chowleen                    6 hours
  2. “They argue that these artists’ works are expressions of a compulsion to fill an existential emptiness. This anxiety has its own Latin name, horror vacui, fear of the void — and Kidd brings this intensity to his understanding of every book he reads.”
  1. We’re not called to straighten everyone out. They may be wrong, and you know you’re right, but if you win the argument you have to ask yourself, "What is that going to accomplish?" Let somebody else be right for the sake of peace.
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