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not the strongest (or the smartest) that survive

(2018-04-30 13:42:14) 下一个
Subject It is not the strongest (or the smartest) that survive
From Cade Hildreth <Hildreth@bioinformant.com>Add contact
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Date Today 11:19
The laws of the universe are indisputable. As we know from Darwinian evolution, it is not the strongest or the smartest that survive.

It is the most adaptable.

To be adaptable, you need to react to your environment. Over the past 12 months, the regenerative medicine (RM) industry has dramatically changed and expanded. Some companies are thriving, while others are going out of business or being acquired by the competition.

Companies like MAGiQ Therapeutics (a collaboration between Q Therapeutics and Reprocell to develop stem cell therapies for ALS) and Scout Bio (a gene therapy spin-out from Penn Medical School operating in stealth mode) have entered the marketplace. Others, like Precious Cells International, have gone out of business.

Merger and acquisition (M&A) activity is also reaching new heights, most notably within the CAR-T cell space. Celgene snagged Juno Therapeutics for a shocking $9 billion in January 2018. Gilead acquired Kite Pharma for an astounding $11.9 billion in August 2017. Most recently, Takeda Pharmaceuticals made an astonishing offer to acquire Shire for $64 billion in April 2018. 

If completed, the takeover will represent the most expensive overseas acquisition ever by a Japanese company. Among other efforts, Shire is involved with CAR-T cell therapies through its own acquisition of Baxalta for $32 billion in 2016. 

The laws of the universe are not set up so that weak people will get anything substantive. To be adaptable, you need to understand your environment and react to it. For this reason, BioInformant continuously updates the "Global Regenerative Medicine Industry Database" featuring 600+ companies worldwide.

Are you ready to beat the competition and increase your adaptability within the marketplace? For a limited-time, you can claim the database for 50% off (only $97):

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