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Wait and hope! = White House = W.H.

(2018-01-25 09:29:50) 下一个
Reading this book, gift from KLL, in the end, at 2:45 AM, caught me in surprise with its ending:  "all human wisdom is contained in these two words: 'wait' and 'hope'!" (117.150)"  -- The Count strips away all the dirt and the grit and the blood and gets down to the wholesome core.

It's conclusion - classic is classic !

If all this weren't enough, well, it helps to look at MC's parting words to Maximilian and Valentine. "So, do live and be happy, children dear to my heart," he tells them, "and never forget that, until the day when God deigns to unveil the future to mankind, all human wisdom is contained in these two words: 'wait' and 'hope'!" ...

That's Alexandre Dumas The Count of Monte Cristo (1844-45 book):  quotes - All human wisdom is contained in these words: Wait and hope!

I made it up: Wait and hope! = White House = W.H.

The Count of Monte Cristo Perseverance Quotes Page 4 - Shmoop

"So, do live and be happy, children dear to my heart, and never forget that, until the day when God deigns to unveil the future to mankind, all human wisdom is contained in these two words: 'wait' and 'hope'!" (117.150). The Count strips away all the dirt and the grit and the blood and gets down to the wholesome core.
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