vegetarian delights recipes, soybean cubic (tofu, pickled), mustard
sesame seed and oil, green beans (wan duo), › Healthy
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Aloo Tikki Matar Chaat | How To Make Aloo Tikki Matar Chaat At Home. Aloo Tikki Matar Chaat, detailed recipe with step by step pictures. Now make the popular street food of North India in your kitchen and enjoy. Aloo Tikki Matar Chaat is a very popular North Indian street food, which is loved by all. In this recipe, Aloo Tikki ...
Rating: 3 - 1 review - 91 cal
Add mushrooms and tofu; stir-fry 2 minutes. Add carrot, corn, and water chestnuts; stir-fry 1 minute. Stir in soy sauce and vinegar; cook 2 minutes. Stir in green onions, sesame oil, pepper, and salt.
30 min - 124.8 cal
Aug 27, 2009 - Heat a large skillet and add the oil and garlic (be careful not to burn the garlic). Add all the other ingredients except bean sprouts. Stir-fry for 4 minutes, until the vegetables are crisp and tender.
Explore Mrs. Wages's board "Vegetarian Delights" on Pinterest. | See more ideas about Food, Recipes and Vegetarian recipes.
Explore Jenna Cole's board "Food: Vegetarian Delights" on Pinterest. | See more ideas about Chef recipes, Cook and Food.
3. 煮好的毛豆仁立刻進入冰塊水降溫,口感好,顏色也翠綠。降溫後剝去毛豆膜,瀝乾備用。 4. 薑與筍切細絲、辣椒去籽後切片,雪菜洗淨擰乾切丁丁。 5. 油鍋裡放1大匙油以小火爆香薑絲,改中火,下肉絲翻炒到變色,再放雪菜、筍絲、毛豆與辣椒炒透,拌炒過程分次加高湯或清水。 6. 大火收掉多餘湯汁,最後滴些香油炒兩下即可起鍋。
Nov 30, 2014 - 濃油赤醬是上海菜的特色之一,菜式重口味又帶甜,不過身為上海人的Ta Pantry Private Dining & Catering主理人Esther就話,上海菜其實也有很家常的一面。由於當地的豆製品非常多元化,一般家庭常用豆卜、豆乾來作菜,今次她就以百頁加上蔬菜炮製出雪菜毛豆炒百頁,帶出上海菜清淡的一面。 材料. 做法肉切絲 ...
我喜歡醃漬菜的味道,其中雪菜一直是心目中的前幾名,無論是做熱炒小菜還是加工成拌麵湯麵,都是我吃不厭的滋味。雪菜毛豆這道經典的素菜也是一樣很可口! 我做這道菜有兩種版本,一種是多雪菜,一種是多毛豆,
Oct 9, 2013 - 雪菜毛豆百叶是我一直都爱的菜。第一次吃是十多年前在江浙玩,好像是周庄。穿着蓝布印白花的农家妈妈端上小菜,吃的时候江南水乡的气息扑面而来. 这道菜清淡少油又很够味,配个米饭或者粥,舒舒服服,清爽不腻。特别是雪里蕻很提味下饭,怕辣的人吃这个菜配饭真是棒极了。来美国后发现很多中餐馆都能点到 ...
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雪里蕻(学名:Brassica juncea var. crispifolia),又称雪裡红、雪菜、春不老、皱叶芥菜,是芥菜的一种。 在中国北方,其茎叶用来制做成同名的咸菜。其根用来醃制咸菜芥菜头。醃好的雪里蕻颜色保持深绿,可用来炒肉,炖豆腐等。而南方的皖南、苏南、浙江、福建、广东、湖南、重庆等地先醃製后烘干的也被称为腌菜、雪菜。含芥子油,無論 ...
當了全職主婦後,生活好像比上班的時候更忙碌,烹飪、園藝、攝影....... 因工作而放下的興趣,紛紛排著隊向肥丁招手,開了博客後,更是再多時間也不夠用,熊貓先生也感慨:「怎麼沒去上班的你比我還要忙」~ 迷上手工的美味,實在很難回頭呢! 繼自製蕃茄醬、羅勒青醬後,肥丁一直有個DIY 醃菜的念頭~ 自製雪菜。