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follow-up questions make you more likable, get date

(2017-11-29 09:16:02) 下一个
KPCC 89.3 FM - Harvard study

Asking Questions Increases Likability – Association for Psychological ...

Jul 14, 2017 - New research suggests that asking more questions—and in particular, asking more follow-up questions—increases people's positive impressions.

How to Become A More Likable Person By Asking More Follow-Up ...

Nov 7, 2017 - Just ask more questions and make an honest effort to get to know someone and what they are about. In fact ... Also, not only do “follow up” questions make you more likable, but according to another recent study published in the journal Management Science, asking good questions can also make you seem ...

13 Habits of Exceptionally Likeable People page 1 - TalentSmart

Too many people succumb to the mistaken belief that being likeable comes from natural traits that belong only to a lucky few. Dr. Travis Bradberry explains how being likeable is under your control, and it's a matter of emotional intelligence (EQ).

Harvard research reveals a conversation trick to make you more likable

Jun 15, 2017 - Nearly every person has been in the situation: You're mid-conversation and suddenly you don't know how to continue it. You're worried you'll be perceived as awkward or unfriendly. So what's your move? New Harvard University research shows there's a simple trick you can use: Ask a question. You'll be ...

Asking more questions makes us likable, study finds | Ladders

Jul 17, 2017 - But new research has found that to be remembered as likable in a conversation, you need to make the conversation engaging. And that means not making it all about you. In fact, not at all. A recent Harvard study found that people who asked questions were seen as more likable than people who spent time ...

7 questions that make you more likable | Ladders

Mar 24, 2017 - To many, networking events sound as appealing as getting teeth pulled, but that doesn't mean they have to be so dreadful. Instead, great networking is all about having questions ready that start actual conversations, not mundane small talk. After asking dozens of professionals their go-to networking ...

How to Develop Your Charisma and Become More Likable - Lifehacker

Dec 22, 2014 - No matter your personality, there are certain traits you can practice and apply to your own behavior that can possibly make you seem more magnetic, ... And those that ask reasonably smart questions usually come across as intelligent and even wise – two elements that help build the perception of charisma.

Social skills that will make you more likable - Business Insider

Jun 3, 2017 - From good posture to asking the right questions, some of these surprisingly simple social skills can really help you win people over.

People Will Like You More If You Ask Them Questions -- Science of Us

Jun 14, 2017 - (Don't make this weird by turning every conversation into an interrogation, in other words, though thoughtful follow-up questions should also help with that.) But the truth is that asking questions makes a conversation more fun for the asker, too. You don't have to worry so much about what to say next, and ...
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