More choice could be making Americans have less sex. Angeli Kakade (@angelikakade) has the story. Buzz60
If you were under the impression that all it took for a woman to orgasm was a quick romp in the hay, think again, according to a new study.
Women overwhelmingly require clitoral stimulation in order to orgasm, according to a study recently published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, which asked 1,055 women ages 18 to 94 about their sex lives and sexual touching preferences.
Only 18.4% of the women surveyed said intercourse alone was enough to orgasm, according to the study. While almost 37% of women reported that clitoral stimulation was necessary to orgasm during intercourse, and an additional 36% said clitoral stimulation made their orgasms feel better during intercourse, though it wasn't necessary, according to the study.
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And surprise, surprise, what women like in the bedroom differs.
Women reported different preferences in genital touch, ranging from varying taste in stroke, pressure and pattern of stroking. An up and down motion was preferred by 63.7% of women, while a little over 50% preferred circular motions and 41% of women preferred one style of touch rather than multiple, according to the study.
Debby Herbenick, director of the Center for Sexual Health Promotion at Indiana University, who led the study, told CNN the survey was meant to showcase how clitoral stimulation and penetration contribute to orgasms.
"Sometimes, when people are first getting together, they spend time making out and touching each other's genitals long before they start having oral sex or intercourse with each other," Herbenick told CNN. "All too often, once oral sex and intercourse become part of their routine, the rest fades away — which is too bad, considering how powerful genital touching can be."
Perhaps it's time to get back to the basics.