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已有 154 次阅读 2017-3-3 10:01 |个人分类:People history|系统分类:科研笔记 推荐到群组
First one general biology principle: structure determines function and function
restoration modifies structure.
大学申请时,我报物理专业,因为我喜欢物理原理:许多现象可以由原理来管理。当年的物理老师, 曾和杨振宁和李政道同学于西南联合大学 - 老师常唠叨那些神奇故事。这个情结维系我的一生,常常跑去听物理课和讲座。妄想有一天,一般统一生物学原理,能用统一公式代生物现象。
在生物学中 我被淹没在沉重的记忆中失去了理性和思考,一直到通过研究生院考试。 老实说,我现在也不喜欢生物学 - 这么多记忆的东西,所有的时间使我的头旋转。 我渴望有一个统一的生物学原理,统一如此多元化的材料。 我忘了所有的插曲,直到我阅读以下文章。以下文章(药物成瘾者大脑结构异常)说明:“结构确定功能和重新修好功能会修改结构。”
For college application, I applied across board physics major as I's fond of the principles in physics: many phenomena can be governed by the principle. Vividly stories were told by my physics teacher, classmate of Yang Zhen Ning and Tsung-Dao Lee at 西南联合大学 Southwest United University, have inspired me all these years in my life.
I's swamped in biology, lost in heavy memories for scrambling to pass exams all the way to graduate school. Honestly, I dislike biology even now - so much memory stuff, making my head spin all the time. I long to have a unified principle governing biology, so much diversified materials. I forgot all about my pursue until I read this
following article:
It said "历经8年创新性研究,广东省第二人民医院和华南师范大学科研团队终于发现海洛因和止咳药水会“改变”人的大脑。" I wonder if it's creative conceptually or not as I've read about that many neurologic drugs modify brain structure elsewhere as you can see below:
"Drugs can alter important brain areas that are necessary for life-sustaining functions ... It links together a number of brain structures that control and regulate our brain function. " (Drugs and the Brain | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)))
However, it's novel if you narrow down to specific "咳药水" - TCM drug.
"What's the hect you're talking about? " You might shout out.
Not sure.
Some of my readers in physics and mathematics might remember I've tried to entice them to help out to invent some simple formula to solve biology ((that list includes Eric Lander at MIT, 岳东晓, 饶传霞 (武汉大学数学教授)), but didn't pan out as they're caught up in the heckuva fun of their own world.
I'm still thinking about somewhere someone, some idealistic dream suckers, so sucking up biology to juice out that dreaming formula, so the new generation of biology major students will not suffer what I suffered. All is well in faith, hope, and love - getting there
"What's your expectation?" You may follow up.
For example, 统一生物学原理:结构确定功能和重新修好功能会修改结构。It should be a unified formula to define for any 结构确定功能 - no matter brain, bone, or muscle, all follow one set of formula. Vice versa for 重新修好功能会修改结构。
What do you think?
作者:李颖 来源:科技日报 发布时间:2017/3/2 9:30:02
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科技日报讯 (记者李颖)资料显示,止咳药水滥用在我国男性青少年群体中有明显的流行趋势。近期一项研究发现,止咳药水成瘾患者在脑功能和脑结构方面均存在异常。历经8年创新性研究,广东省第二人民医院和华南师范大学科研团队终于发现海洛因和止咳药水会“改变”人的大脑。 据知,这些脑区功能与结构的异常与成瘾时间、冲动特质和临床表现有很大的相关性。 异常主要集中在奖赏回路、认知控制和决策相关的脑区。 项目第一完成人、广东省第二人民医院院长田军章介绍,国内的慢性药物成瘾研究相对较少,特别是对于合法非处方药物止咳药水的研究,社会学乃至医学上对其认识尚不足,成瘾的神经生理学机制也不完全清楚,因此临床上缺少有效诊断、疗效评估及预后判断的影像学指标,严重限制了止咳药水成瘾患者的积极治疗和康复。 田军章带领团队,遴选了30名20岁—50岁的海洛因成瘾患者、80名20岁—50岁的慢性止咳药水成瘾患者进行组间研究,还选取30名经过美沙酮治疗的海洛因成瘾患者进行研究。结果发现,海洛因成瘾患者和止咳药水成瘾患者在脑功能和脑结构方面均存在异常,主要集中在奖赏回路、认知控制和决策相关的脑区,如眶额叶皮层、扣带皮层、丘脑、楔叶等区域。这为指导临床提供了重要的影像支持。对于慢性止咳药水成瘾患者,该研究还发现,患者的抑制控制相关前额叶皮层灰质体积减少,且该脑区的受损与患者极高的冲动性有关。 项目第二完成人、广东省第二人民医院影像科主任江桂华介绍,但凡有药物成瘾者,因滥用药物、毒品导致大脑皮层变薄的患者,要比正常人群易冲动、嗜赌。在毒品、药物给患者带来幻想、幻觉的同时,他们可能会因为这一类冲动而导致轻生等可怕的后果。 特别声明:本文转载仅仅是出于传播信息的需要,并不意味着代表本网站观点或证实其内容的真实性;如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网站转载使用,须保留本网站注明的“来源”,并自负版权等法律责任;作者如果不希望被转载或者联系转载稿费等事宜,请与我们接洽。