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Trump to make a Jewish President?

(2017-01-09 17:20:20) 下一个

A step to make a Jewish President? Hey, why not? They's connected by Deng Wen-Di! A setup for better China relationship? !

Trump names son-in-law Jared Kushner senior adviser

Politics 1 hour ago
Setting up a possible test of nepotism laws, Kushner is named as a top adviser in Donald Trump's White House administration, according to news reports from CNBC, ABC, TIME and others. Kushner, who is married to Ivanka Trump, played a crucial role in the presidential campaign.

JUST IN: Trump formally names son-in-law Jared Kushner to position of Senior Advisor to the President

23 replies 50 retweets 57 likes

Kushner has chosen to forego his salary while serving in the administration. By doing so he may more easily skirt anti-nepotism laws

8 retweets 19 likes

Trump is about to test the 1967 federal anti-nepotism statute with his appointment of his son-in-law Jared Kushner.

111 replies 2,133 retweets 1,974 likes

Best precedent for Kushner/Trump is from Bill Clinton's appointment of Hillary to health care board: but not binding

21 replies 102 retweets 140 likes

"[ senior staff]went to great lengths to comply w the strict ethical requirements that the American people expect" re Kushner

3 replies 7 retweets 25 likes
16 replies 201 retweets 267 likes

Source: Jared Kushner to serve as Trump senior adviser

66 replies 83 retweets 103 likes

Because of his business dealings, some find Jared Kushner's involvement in White House affairs unsettling.

41 replies 295 retweets 348 likes

Just in: memo to NY Observer staff on Jared Kushner's departure

5 replies 41 retweets 14 likes

Jared Kushner will resign as publisher of New York Observer…. BUT his lawyer tells me "He will be transferring his interest to his brother."

18 replies 96 retweets 79 likes

Who else besides Trump has made their son-in-law a top deputy? Well, there's Castro, Saddam Hussein, and Mussolini

75 replies 1,307 retweets 1,407 likes
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