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David Limbaugh: The Code (zt)

(2016-12-27 14:04:46) 下一个

#1 New York Times bestselling David Limbaugh: The Code

已有 43 次阅读 2016-12-27 13:33 |个人分类:Thought Leader|系统分类:人物纪事    推荐到群组

Looking back, I's shocked with surprise to read this

查看: 32606|回复: 5
go“大科学家牛顿晚年也信教了哦!" ? ? ? ? ?[

It's top read of all my others posts: 32,335 reads. Why? Curiosity? the big name? religion? I guess it's all of these; however, the bottomline is you're searching the meaning of your life. Me, too. a seeker before. I's lost and now I's been found and blessed to write this to you.

Friend LG told me this book (The Emmaus Code: Finding Jesus—in the Old Testament) by David Limbaugh - I'd check it out now. My takehome message is if you're curious about the book that's most read, top all prints, you'd read this book and about the author (below).

My experience and advice?

Trust, but verify - that's scholar's approach to christanity; however, it's not a textbook you can argue with, but take as the entity - you gotta believe it before you understand that - let the light lighting up your life, and you'll be blessed to see God's glory and wisdom. Metaphor? It's like in a dark room, if you don't want light come in, you're in the dark. If you open a window, a door, the ceiling window, the room is lighting up. The Bible, The God, is like a window, a door, the ceiling window, to the room, your life.

You can't really study God, as you're like an infant, a child to your father - you're relied

on your father - no doubt about this, right? If you don't think you need to connect to your source, you're lost in the wilderness - no direction to go, no meaning to live any minute.


May God bless you.


热度 12015-3-3 10:36"在牛顿生活的时代,化学还在襁褓之中,元素的概念尚未出现,人们不知道  物质只能细分到元素这个层次,不同元素之间也无法用常规手段相互转换。在这  种情况下,牛顿试图通过某种手段把普通物质炼成黄金,恰恰是一个非常合理的  想法,甚至可以说是任何聪明人都应该有的想法,你不这么想反而说明你迂腐了。     同样, ...1219 次阅读|1 个评论


Editorial Reviews                                

ReviewFrom the Inside Flap
Finding Jesus—in the Old Testament

To many Christians, the Old Testament is daunting. The stories are familiar enough, the poetry is beautiful, but the size, scope, and sometimes seemingly bewildering collection of archaic laws, history, and genealogies of the Old Testament can make it seem outdated and to a large degree irrelevant.

But according to #1 New York Times bestselling author David Limbaugh, the Old Testament is brimming with stunning insights into the life, deeds, and message of Jesus Christ. The encounter between the risen Jesus and two travelers on the road to Emmaus, Limbaugh argues, is the key that unlocks the mysteries of the Old Testament, showing that its entire purpose is to herald the coming of our Savior.

In The Emmaus Code, Limbaugh reveals:
How hints of Christ permeate the Old Testament's account of creation
How the Old Testament prophets repeatedly foretold Jesus' arrival
How the numerous covenants between God and the Israelites culminate in Jesus Christ
How the exodus story is loaded with Christian imagery
Why the Old Testament is an indispensable guide for understanding all the events of the New Testament
The Old Testament is not daunting when you have the right guide. In The Emmaus Code, Limbaugh takes readers on a journey from Genesis through Malachi, explaining the principal events and lessons of each book in a way that is open to beginning Bible readers while offering rich insights to more advanced students as well.

As Limbaugh demonstrates, the Old Testament's literary beauty, enduring moral lessons, and historical record make it one of the most extraordinary sets of books ever compiled. And yet, these works contain something more—something even many of their most avid readers fail to grasp. While it is often wrapped in allusions or foreshadowed in symbols, a consistent message courses through every one of the Old Testament’s thirty-nine books: the power, wonder, and everlasting love of our Lord Jesus Christ and His redemptive plan for our lives.



"David has written The Emmaus Code not only as an accomplished author, commentator, and attorney, but with vitality that conveys his love for the Lord and His inspired Word. Well-studied, he brings to light that Christ is not hidden in the early books of the Bible but is seen as the bearer of God's loving and redemptive plan of salvation from the beginning of time itself.... Don't miss following the road map found in The Emmaus Code."
—Franklin Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association

"Wow, what a book! My good friend David Limbaugh has outdone himself with The Emmaus Code. If you've ever been intimidated by the Old Testament, if you've ever wondered what ties the Old Testament and the New Testament together, then this is the book for you. It's the best Christian layman's guide to the Old Testament I've ever read. Fascinating—and highly recommended!"
—Sean Hannity, host of The Sean Hannity Show and Fox News Channel's Hannity

"In his exciting new book The Emmaus Code, David Limbaugh takes the encounter with the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus to show how the Old Testament affirms the truth claims of the New. It's a masterful performance, and, to coin a phrase, evidence that demands a verdict."
—Josh D. McDowell, author and speaker

"David Limbaugh uses an ingenious approach to helping people understand God's Word in The Emmaus Code. The title refers to the resurrected Jesus appearing to two disciples on the road to Emmaus and explaining to them how the entire Old Testament focuses on Him and His redemptive ministry. Anyone wanting to better understand Holy Scripture will greatly benefit from reading The Emmaus Code, regardless of their previous level of understanding, beginning or advanced. This is truly a Christ-honoring book."
—Dr. Richard Land, president of Southern Evangelical Seminary

"If you've ever struggled to understand the unifying theme of the Old Testament and its relevance to your life today, The Emmaus Code will enlighten you. It's like seeing the box top to a jigsaw puzzle. David Limbaugh has written another gem filled with ah-ha moments that will leave you marveling at the Savior woven through every page of the Bible!"
—Frank Turek, founder and president of CrossExamined.org



David Limbaugh

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
David Limbaugh
David Limbaugh by Gage Skidmore.jpg
Limbaugh in 2016.
Born David Scott Limbaugh
(1952-12-11) December 11, 1952 (age 64)
Cape Girardeau, Missouri, U.S.
Alma mater Southeast Missouri State University, University of Missouri(B.A., J.D.)
Occupation Attorney, writer
Family Rush Limbaugh (brother)

David Scott Limbaugh (born December 11, 1952) is a conservative Americanpolitical commentator and author. He has also worked as a professor and as a lawyer. He is the younger brother of talk radio host Rush Limbaugh.[1]



Life and career[edit]

Limbaugh was born on December 11, 1952 in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.[2] His father, Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Jr., and his grandfather, Rush Hudson Limbaugh, Sr. were lawyers. His mother was Mildred Carolyn "Millie" (née Armstrong).

David Limbaugh has a bachelor's degree, cum laude, in political science and a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Missouri.[3] He also served in the National Guard for six years. He has written columns that are carried by Creators Syndicate,[4]Townhall.com, WorldNetDaily, Jewish World Review, The Washington Times,[citation needed] and Newsmax.[5] In addition to his legal and writing work, Limbaugh also works as an agent for several conservative talk radio hosts, including his brother.[6]

After his admission to the bar in 1978, Limbaugh taught business law at Southeast Missouri State University. He practices law as a partner at The Limbaugh Firm, where he specializes in entertainment law.[7]

Limbaugh was chosen by Christian apologists Norman Geisler and Frank Turek to write the foreword to their book I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist (Crossway, 2004). In the book, Limbaugh states that he came to Christ after years as a skeptic and is now passionate about Christian apologetics.[8]

Limbaugh and his wife, Lisa, have five children.[2] Limbaugh has written several books, some of which have been bestsellers, such as Crimes Against Liberty, which was The New York Times' Non-fiction best seller for two weeks in 2010.[9]

  • Absolute Power: The Legacy of Corruption in the Clinton-Reno Justice Department (Regnery Publishing, March 2001, ISBN 0-89526-237-1)

  • Persecution: How Liberals are Waging War Against Christians (Regnery Publishing, October 2003, ISBN 0-89526-111-1)

  • Bankrupt: The Intellectual and Moral Bankruptcy of Today's Democratic Party (Regnery Publishing, September 2006; ISBN 1-59698-017-6)

  • Crimes Against Liberty: An Indictment of President Barack Obama (Regnery Publishing, August 2010; ISBN 978-1-59698-624-4)

  • The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic (Regnery Publishing, June 4, 2012; ISBN 978-1596987777)

  • Jesus on Trial: A Lawyer Affirms the Truth of the Gospel (Regnery Publishing, September 8, 2014; ISBN 978-1621572558)

  • The Emmaus Code: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament (Regnery Publishing, November 9, 2015; ISBN 978-1621574156)

See also[edit] References[edit]
  1. Jump up ^Brock, David (2008). The Big Lie. The Republican Noise Machine. Crown Publishers.

  2. ^ Jump up to: ab"About David Limbaugh, author of an opinion column from Creators Syndicate.". Creators.com. Retrieved 2014-12-26.

  3. Jump up ^http://www.nas.org/articles/The_College_Backgrounds_of_Americas_Leading_Syndicated_Columnists

  4. Jump up ^"The Cross Was Preceded by the Cradle". Creators.com.

  5. Jump up ^"David Limbaugh – Conservative View". Newsmax. Retrieved 25 November 2013.

  6. Jump up ^Avlon, Jon (May 7, 2013). "The high cost of Rush: Talker bleeds millions from his carriers as toxic talk slumps; Cumulus set to part ways with Rush". The Daily Beast.

  7. Jump up ^"The Limbaugh Firm – Attorney Profiles – David S. Limbaugh". Limbaugh Law.

  8. Jump up ^Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist, 7.

  9. Jump up ^"Hardcover Nonfiction". NYTimes.com. Retrieved 25 April 2013.

External links[edit]


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