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gracious act, RR

(2016-10-20 23:12:47) 下一个

One of the things I liked best about Reagan was his sense of humor. Today's politicians are way too serious. He poked as much fun at himself as he did others, and never got butt-hurt when someone criticized or made fun of him. I decided to put together this video (in his honor) to capture some of his finest moments. The Cold War era was a spooky time; thank God we had a President that kept things lighthearted enough to get us through it! Arguments



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? gracious act, RR - TJKCB - ♀ 給 TJKCB 發送悄悄話 TJKCB 的博客首頁 TJKCB 的個人群組 (1163 bytes) (5615 reads) 10/20/2016 23:12:47