
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
  • 博客访问:

age-limit for politicians?

(2016-09-15 09:14:30) 下一个

Yours? Write, learn, throw it away. Change upon new information.

age-limit for politicians? Yes. Health fitness? Yes. Be responsible for others., for USA.

Some unfilterred voices, below.

Never let hatred, fear, greedy reign !

Remember: He who laughs last, laughs last.






I want my daughters to be women of honesty and integrity. That's why I cannot vote for Hillary. I'm sad for America for the choices we have this coming election. I will be holding my nose when I vote. But, I will not be voting for a person who couldn't tell the truth if her life or her dauther's life, or her grandchildren's lives, or American's lives depended upon her.
    I love the fake outrage and butt hurt by The Deplorables. Cry us a river. Clinton just said what everybody already knows. Why be PC about it? Tell it like it is. Hillary!!! USA!!! USA!!! USA!!!
    Hillary is faking this pneumonia thling to get out of the debates and News Media Questions. She is doing a fund raiser by telecommunication tonight so that shows you how sick she really is. Anything can be done for money with her.

    Yahoo News, quit deleting my posts or are you afraid to see someone else's opinion on here.
    I saw a poll recently showed the number of people under 35 who self identify as Christian has dropped significantly. This is an example why younger people are turned off. There is nothing Christ-like about hate filled bigoted right wing conservatives who call themselves Christian,
    Who believes in Trump is a fool. Who knows better, and supports him anyway, is a bad person.
    What's the problem. Most of the Trump supporters I've seen wouldn't know what a big word like "deplorable" means and would have to Google it. Yawn. Anyone who could support an elitist draft dodging cowardly conman (The Dumbald) is ignorant of his history especially as it concerns those who actually WORK for a living. I'm not sure if the ignorance is willful or the other kind, but that doesn't change reality. Trump is Dump. Glad I could clear it up for 'Ya. C'mon 2020!!
    Smokey Clinton had to leave because of " The Deplorable Masses of Citizens" made her overheat with anxiety
    This whole charade is just a clever ruse to lure in homosexual male virgins to be sacrificed to Grover the great owl god of the Bohemian Grove whose name cannot be named.

    Here's some words of wisdom for you comment posting idiots. You people think your opinions are so important and that you possess some natural-born expertise. But take it from ME, a REAL expert, when I say your comments are even more stupider than you people making them. Now, I have a lot of experience, so when I say something, it counts. That's because I'm very important and I know what I'm talking about, unlike feeble-minded you. I see you want to retort by posting a reply, do you? PSHAW!!! You can't post a reply to me because you're speechless, and you're too AFRAID. Besides, no one wants to hear your stupidness anyway.

    Do you know who I am? I have 9 black belts, 15 Masters degrees and a PhD in Arithmetic. That's right, you know I'm way better than you, and my overwhelming legions of admiring followers will all proudly tell you just how great and awesome I truly am! Have you seen my power level? It's over 9000! You know what that means? It means I have more than 9000 units of POWER. It also puts my total adjusted force rating at 22000! That's more than triple, so you don't want to make me mad, because anger is my middle name, and when I get angry I self-enlarge to full power and cannot be controlled.

    Remember: He who laughs last, laughs last.
    I can see you now, quacking in your boots as you try to muster enough courage to write a reply to my comment. But let's face it, you wouldn't DARE write a reply to my comment because you're all too AFRAID.
    A new survey of Trump supporters from PRRI and Brookings found:

    77 percent say it bothers them to come into contact with people who speak little or no English.
    81 percent say discrimination against whites is as big a problem as discrimination against minorities.
    77 percent say discrimination against Christians in the U.S. is a major problem.
    83 percent say the American way of life needs to be protected against foreign influences.
    83 percent say the values of Islam are at odds with America’s values and way of life.
    80 percent say immigrants constitute a burden on American society.
    68 percent say the country has changed mostly for the worse since the 1950s.
    And here’s the scariest one:

    72 percent say we need a leader who is willing to break some rules to set things right.
    Hillary labels "Islamaphobics" and conservative Americans "basket of deplorables". I don't know about you, but I am very afraid of the destructive power of Islam, as any country embracing this Muslim social system is riddled with human misery and oppression. Look what's happening across Europe, the many atrocities begin with "Allah Akbar"...Sure Hillary's closest aide is a Muslim who stayed married to Weiner, a known pervert. Just what we need, a president being advised by a Muslim......Count me in the "basket of deplorables"....God save America and may God bless Donald Trump, our only hope!
    apparently pence is now saying that putin is not really a better leader than obama... good to hear that because i don think a good leader is someone who emprisons opponents, control the press, make billions while the economy is weak and people are hurting, invade other countries, etc..
    Trump is an erratic lunatic who is going to get our country in a lot of trouble with his loose lips! Not one candidate is perfect but with Trump in office I will be fearful to wake up with bombs falling from the sky.
    The man who claims to be the only person knowledgeable enough “Make America Great Again” is displaying hypocrisy of epic proportion in visiting the tragic site where the World Trade Center once stood. Trump is a man full of opinions on the event yet failed to attend services for any of the first responders who met their end on that tragic day. A man who claims that 100s of his friends were lost in the tragedy yet never attended a funeral for one of them or even shared a name of someone he knew, loved or lost during the atrocious event. Trump is the man who rewrote history with his claims of seeing Americans celebrate the fall of the Twin Towers. Trump is the man who, after saying that none of his properties were affected by the events of 9/11, applied for and received 150,000 dollars from the taxpayers in the form of a relief effort for small businesses that were impacted. Trump is the man with the gall to state that Saudi Arabia is the country behind 9/11 and yet he continues to reap multi-millions in profits for property deals and exclusive market opportunities gained from Saudi contacts. Trump’s presence at the remembrance of that fateful day is an insult to everything America stands for and a disservice to any American that paid the ultimate price that day and all the days that followed.

    If Lady Liberty could hear words and shed tears over intolerance…Trump would have created an ocean of sorrow.
    Bunch of drunk HOMOSEXUALS
    Here's some words of wisdom for you comment posting idiots. You people think your opinions are so important and that you possess some natural-born expertise. But take it from ME, a REAL expert, when I say your comments are even more stupider than you people making them. Now, I have a lot of experience, so when I say something, it counts. That's because I'm very important and I know what I'm talking about, unlike feeble-minded you. I see you want to retort by posting a reply, do you? PSHAW!!! You can't post a reply to me because you're speechless, and you're too AFRAID. Besides, no one wants to hear your stupidness anyway.

    Do you know who I am? I have 9 black belts, 15 Masters degrees and a PhD in Arithmetic. That's right, you know I'm way better than you, and my overwhelming legions of admiring followers will all proudly tell you just how great and awesome I truly am! Have you seen my power level? It's over 9000! You know what that means? It means I have more than 9000 units of POWER. It also puts my total adjusted force rating at 22000! That's more than triple, so you don't want to make me mad, because anger is my middle name, and when I get angry my nostrils flare with hot steam and I cannot be controlled.

    Remember: He who laughs last, laughs last.
    I can see you now, quacking in your boots as you try to muster enough courage to write a reply to my comment. But let's face it, you wouldn't DARE write a reply to my comment because you're all too AFRAID.

    How about Hillary Clinton get HONEST with the Voters and stop hiding this


    Parkinson's disease
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "Parkinson's" redirects here. For other uses, see Parkinson's (disambiguation).
    Parkinson's disease
    idiopathic or primary parkinsonism, hypokinetic rigid syndrome, paralysis agitans
    Two sketches (one from the front and one from the right side) of a man, with an expressionless face. He is stooped forward and is presumably having difficulty walking.
    Illustration of Parkinson's disease by William Richard Gowers, which was first published in A Manual of Diseases of the Nervous System (1886)
    Classification and external resources
    Specialty Neurology
    ICD-10 G20, F02.3
    ICD-9-CM 332
    OMIM 168600 556500
    DiseasesDB 9651
    MedlinePlus 000755
    eMedicine neuro/304 neuro/635 in young
    pmr/99 rehab
    MeSH D010300

    Parkinson Disease Overview

    [edit on Wikidata]

    Parkinson's disease (PD) is a long term disorder of the central nervous system that mainly affects the motor system.[1] The symptoms generally come on slowly over time. Early in the disease, the most obvious are shaking, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty with walking.[1] Thinking and behavioral problems may also occur. Dementia becomes common in the advanced stages of the disease. Depression and anxiety are also common occurring in more than a third of people with PD.[2] Other symptoms include sensory, sleep, and emotional problems.[1][2] The main motor symptoms are collectively called "parkinsonism", or a "parkinsonian syndrome".[3][4]

    The cause of Parkinson's disease is generally unknown, but believed to involve both genetic and environmental factors. Those with a family member affected are more likely to get the disease themselves[4] There is also an increased risk in people exposed to certain pesticides and among those who have had prior head injuries while there is a reduced risk in tobacco smokers and those who drink coffee or tea.[4][5] The motor symptoms of the disease result from the death of cells in the substantia nigra, a region of the midbrain. This results in not enough dopamine in these areas.[1] The reason for this cell death is poorly understood but involves the build-up of proteins into Lewy bodies in the neurons.[4] Diagnosis of typical cases is mainly based on symptoms, with tests such as neuroimaging being used to rule out other diseases.[1]

    There is no cure for Parkinson's disease.[1] Initial treatments is typically with the antiparkinson medication levodopa, with dopamine agonists being used once levodopa becomes less effective. As the disease progresses and neurons continue to be lost, these medications become less effective while at the same time they produce a complication marked by involuntary writhing movements.[2] Diet and some forms of rehabilitation have shown some effectiveness at improving symptoms.[6][7] Surgery to place the microelectrodes for deep brain stimulation has been used to reduce motor symptoms in severe cases where drugs are ineffective.[1] Evidence for treatments for the non-movement-related symptoms of PD, such as sleep disturbances and emotional problems, is less strong.[4]

    In 2013 PD was present in 53 million people and resulted in about 103,000 deaths globally.[8][9] Parkinson's disease typically occurs in people over the age of 60, of which about one percent are affected.[1][10] Males are more often affected than females.[4] When it is seen in people before the age of 40 or 50, it is called young onset PD.[11] The average life expectancy following diagnosis is between 7 and 14 years.[2] The disease is named after the English doctor James Parkinson, who published the first detailed description in An Essay on the Shaking Palsy, in 1817.[12][13] Public awareness campaigns include World Parkinson's Day (on the birthday of James Parkinson, 11 April) and the use of a red tulip as the symbol of the disease.[14] People with parkinsonism who have increased the public's awareness of the condition include actor Michael J. Fox, Olympic cyclist Davis Phinney, and late professional boxer Muhammad Ali.[15][16][17]

    Today is also the Fourth Anniversary of the DEATH of Four American Citizens in BENGHAZI. I am wondering if Clinton and Obama will partake in a Ceremony to honor the four fallen heroes who were left behind by Obama's/Clinton's Administration?

    I guess not as I have heard nary a word from the Obama Administration or Clinton Campaign.

    To soon to forget that their calls for help went unanswered and they died due to negligence of this Administration.
    Christian conservatives cheering on Trump, a sexist bigot NOTORIOUS for marital infidelity and sticking it to pageant contestants HALF his age. The HYPOCRISY of these imbeciles is so common place, you would think it was mandated in their bible.
    It's scary to think Hillary could be our next President. Almost horrifying.
    Donald Trump is merely a symptom. Any good infectious disease expert will tell you to combat the virus and not the symptom. The "virus" in this case is indeed significant. It has been insidious, festering and chronic. This particular virus flourishes by exploiting America's millisecond attention span, America's need for simple one word magical solutions and the complete and blatant disregard of history in America's classrooms. Together, these present the perfect conditions that spawn the symptom that manifests itself through Mr. Trump. Inoculation is simple. It starts by using our data plans not for zombie-surfing social media, but for discovering the obvious parallels of the current global and domestic unrest to those of the not so distant past and how these conditions provided opportunistic megalomaniacs to dictate catastrophic global policies. Embrace basic world history America so that the next time a narcissist picks up a megaphone and asserts that a wall and isolationism will cure economic, educational and social woes, you can vote that blowhard into oblivion.
    have you noticed that hillary depolerable comment is news everywhere but doesnt show up at all on yahoo after when it first posted? its impossible to find the article unless you specifically search for it.
    Hitlery is too stupid to realize we have troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria. She either doesn't count them as troops or maybe it's because she can't "recall." Either way all she wants to do is bring more terrorist to our shores and do nothing about ISIS as the current administration is doing. Her only plan is to go after the head of ISIS like they did Bin Laden. We saw how much that helped after kill Bin Laden, another one sprung up to lead. How about someone asking her if she recalls getting the child rapist off and cackling about it in an interview. An one that votes for her cares nothing about our military men and women or their children.
    In 2015 Obama signed an executive order to establish a Special Panel of 20 people who do nothing but find ways to fool the Public into buying into Government Programs.

    They are called The Social and Behavioral Science Team (SBST) and they work under the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).

    More information can be found at JUDICIAL WATCH . ORG.

    This is why Obama thinks all Americans are Really Stupid that he can manipulate you this way.
    By iheartswagdouble on
    hard to believe people don t trust clinton and trust trump ... hard to imagine trump winning because of this pneumonia thing ... a trump win would be awful
    HOMOSEXUAL DEVIL WORSHIPPERS - JUST A BUNCH OF DRUNK PORNOGRAPHERS AND MALE PROSTITUTE HOMOGAYS SPREADING THEIR SEX-CHANGE PROPAGANDA TO BRAINWASH OUR WIVES WITH HOGWASH - This whole charade is just a clever ruse to lure in homosexual male virgins to be sacrificed to the devil. So here's some words of wisdom for you comment posting idiots. You people think your opinions are so important and that you possess some natural-born expertise. But take it from ME, a REAL expert, when I say your comments are even more stupider than you people making them. Now, I have a lot of experience, so when I say something, it counts. That's because I'm very important and I know what I'm talking about, unlike feeble-minded you. I see you want to retort by posting a reply, do you? PSHAW!!! You can't post a reply to me because you're speechless, and you're too AFRAID. Besides, no one wants to hear your stupidness anyway.

    Do you know who I am? I have 9 black belts, 15 Masters degrees and a PhD in Arithmetic. That's right, you know I'm way better than you, and my overwhelming legions of admiring followers will all proudly tell you just how great and awesome I truly am! Have you seen my power level? It's over 9000! You know what that means? It means I have more than 9000 units of POWER. It also puts my total adjusted force rating at 22000! That's more than triple, so you don't want to make me mad, because anger is my middle name, and when I get angry I self-enlarge to full power and cannot be controlled.
    I only have one question, for everyone. After sending I have no idea how many e-mails over the past 4 ?? years how many e-mails can you remember. Does anyone know how many she sent, seriously, I would like to know, I`m sure it is a WHOLE BUNCH. If any of you can remember just from last year everything you wrote about. One more thing, after the GOP held 8 investigations on Clinton and they could not find a single thing.
    Misogyny, racism, homophobia, and xenophobia ARE deplorable--and un-American. Hillary got it just right.
    so we have been lied to by Democrats re Hillary's health
    "I don't remember the security briefings about how to handle classified material because I had a concussion."
    Hitlery Clinton
    Yeah...THAT'S who I want as my president. I SOO believe her too.
    why are Hillary "male" supporters so Weiner-like?
    I'm with her: Trump fans who chant "lock her up!" are a disgrace to all Americans and an affront to all that America means.
    "Donald Trump declares he would shoot Iranian ships 'out of the water' if they bother American ships"
    So will he also be shooting down the Russian Planes when they bother American ships? Because they are. But I guess someone who loves Putin doesn't care about that. Hypocrite.
    Some of Hillary's responses to her interview with the FBI:
    Could not recall receiving classification training
    Could not recall classifying any documents
    Could not recall receiving any documents that should have been classified
    Could not recall due to her concussion in 2012.
    She said she Could not recall, Did not recall, or Did not remember 35 times during her interview with the FBI.
    If she cannot recall anything prior to her concussion in 2012, she cannot claim to be knowledgeable and experienced in Government. She is unfit to be President.
    The facts: According to PolitiFact, 59% of Trump's checked claims have been deemed false or "Pants on Fire" false, versus 12% for Clinton.
    Hillary placed hard working Islamaphobic Americans into the "basket of deplorable" at a LGBT rally. Now she has pneumonia, wonder how that happened?
    Fool votes for race.
    Fool voted for skin color.
    Fool votes for gender.
    Smart votes for merit.
    When it comes to merit Hillary Clinton is the last person to be considered for The POTUS.
    Donald Trump is a Godless Heathen and his supporters are Traitors and Klansmen. FACT
    Here's some words of wisdom for you comment posting idiots. You people think your opinions are so important and that you possess some natural-born expertise. But take it from ME, a REAL expert, when I say your comments are even more stupider than you people making them. Now, I have a lot of experience, so when I say something, it counts. That's because I'm very important and I know what I'm talking about, unlike feeble-minded you. I see you want to retort by posting a reply, do you? PSHAW!!! You can't post a reply to me because you're speechless, and you're too AFRAID. Besides, no one wants to hear your stupidness anyway.

    Do you know who I am? I have 9 black belts, 15 Masters degrees and a PhD in Arithmetic. That's right, you know I'm way better than you, and my overwhelming legions of admiring followers will all proudly tell you just how great and awesome I truly am! Have you seen my power level? It's over 9000! You know what that means? It means I have more than 9000 units of POWER. It also puts my total adjusted force rating at 22000! That's more than triple, so you don't want to make me mad, because anger is my middle name, and when I get angry I surge to full power and cannot be controlled.

    Remember: He who laughs last, laughs last.
    I can see you now, quacking in your boots as you try to muster enough courage to write a reply to my comment. But let's face it, you wouldn't DARE write a reply to my comment because you're all too AFRAID.
    It's scary to think that Trump could be our next President. Almost horrifying.
    This whole charade is just a clever ruse to lure in homosexual male virgins to be sacrificed to Grizzbinn the great owl god of the Bohemian Grave whose name cannot be named.
    Here's some words of wisdom for you comment posting idiots. You people think your opinions are so important and that you possess some natural-born expertise. But take it from ME, a REAL expert, when I say your comments are even more stupider than you people making them. Now, I have a lot of experience, so when I say something, it counts. That's because I'm very important and I know what I'm talking about, unlike feeble-minded you. I see you want to retort by posting a reply, do you? PSHAW!!! You can't post a reply to me because you're speechless, and you're too AFRAID. Besides, no one wants to hear your stupidness anyway.

    Do you know who I am? I have 9 black belts, 15 Masters degrees and a PhD in Arithmetic. That's right, you know I'm way better than you, and my overwhelming legions of admiring followers will all proudly tell you just how great and awesome I truly am! Have you seen my power level? It's over 9000! You know what that means? It means I have more than 9000 units of POWER. It also puts my total adjusted force rating at 22000! That's more than triple, so you don't want to make me mad, because anger is my middle name, and when I get angry I self-enlarge to full power and cannot be controlled.

    Remember: He who laughs last, laughs last.
    I can see you now, quacking in your boots as you try to muster enough courage to write a reply to my comment. But let's face it, you wouldn't DARE write a reply to my comment because you're all too AFRAID.
    NEVER FORGET 9/11/01
    "We here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -
    that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -
    and that government of the people, by the people, for the people,
    shall not perish from the earth."
    Abraham Lincoln
    Public opinion by propaganda
    Propaganda is manufactured false malicious public opinion based on a campaign narrative of misinformation. The danger of propaganda is that a lie told a thousand times is believed more than the truth told once. Propaganda was the medium of Nazism and Communism, and has always been the tool of hatred, bigotry, intolerance and hypocrisy. Since 2008, Republicans have used propaganda spending billions of dollars to demonize Obama and Clinton. Manufacturing scandal after scandal based on uncorroborated evidence and sneaky innuendo, the Republican Conspiracy Machine has labored to make Obama appear responsible for the slow economic turnaround, despite the fact that a do-nothing Republican Congress worked diligently against economic development. Since, Hillary Clinton announced her candidacy, Republicans have created scandal after scandal to destroy her public image as a way to hide the fact that Republicans are unable to offer viable solutions to living wages, fair immigration, economic growth, infrastructure repairs, rising domestic terrorism, and the dangers of out of control climate change. Seven Republican Benghazi committees have exonerated Clinton. Repeated FBI investigations have exonerated her alleged email illegalities. Nevertheless, the Republican Conspiracy Machine swamps the media daily with unfounded assertions like the Clinton Foundation and the health and stamina of women. “Crooked” fits Nixon, indicted for his crime, and Bush and Cheney whose lies led to the Iraq War, but never to routine email processing and lack of recollections from among ten-thousand decades old memos. Nevertheless, Republican propaganda has falsely positioned the highly-qualified public reformer, former first lady, senator, and Secretary of State in the same camp as the foul-mouthed con man Trump. Such a distorted comparison proves yet again the dangers of false propaganda; the ability by spending huge sums of money to con angry white workers into blindly supporting the guy with a history of not paying his debts and destroying fair-wage jobs. diogenes of california
    Hillary supports Black Lives Matter chanting "what do we want? DEAD COPS! When do we want it? NOW!" - - no wonder the Christians are chanting "lock her up" She should put THAT in HER "basket of deplorables".
    TRUMP AND HIS FOLLOWERS ARE JUST THAT DEPLORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Deplorable? More than 1/2 the legally registered voters of this country are going to vote for Trump or one of the other two candidates. She should have just said: "What does it matter now, anyway?"
    what is the problem ? one is a crooked politician , using the Secret Service housing money (our tax dollars) to pay her house payment . she lies to Congress or uses " I do not recall " . He on the other hand has made bad financial calls , been sued and not convicted of anything nor lied to Congress.
    she has a history that includes white water , travel gate , health care flop , did nothing in the Senate , messed up as Sec. of Defense and scammed money for bill's charity from many foreigners.
    now you tell me ?
    Send Trump to his boyfriend Putin. They can make Russia great again.
    I find it hilarious that folks call Pres Obama, the Great Divider, like when he came into office AMerica suddenly became a divided country, with race issues. This country has racism at it core. It's been prevalent for 300 hundred years. We are getting better, but we have a log way to go. The only thing that happened when Obama came into office , is the real racists came out of hiding and have been trying to divide us over that issue.

    Then there the whole Benghazi/email issue, and folks wonder why Clinton is still so popular. Because the left sees it for what it is, partisan gamesmanship, and a witchunt, and the moderates and independents, you know the people who actually decide an election, see the extreme partisanship of the GOP and the would rather continue with a Democratic leader who is opne to many options, not a closed off conservative, wacko like Trump.
    So Hillary takes this retro-actively diagnosed "walking allergy,overheated dehydrated pneumonia...highly contagious "walking pneumonia into Chelsea and grandkids apartment?
    This whole charade is just a clever ruse to lure in homosexual male virgins to be sacrificed to Grizzbinn the great owl god of the Bohemian Glove whose name cannot be named.
    Here's some words of wisdom for you comment posting idiots. You people think your opinions are so important and that you possess some natural-born expertise. But take it from ME, a REAL expert, when I say your comments are even more stupider than you people making them. Now, I have a lot of experience, so when I say something, it counts. That's because I'm very important and I know what I'm talking about, unlike feeble-minded you. I see you want to retort by posting a reply, do you? PSHAW!!! You can't post a reply to me because you're speechless, and you're too AFRAID. Besides, no one wants to hear your stupidness anyway.

    Do you know who I am? I have 9 black belts, 15 Masters degrees and a PhD in Arithmetic. That's right, you know I'm way better than you, and my overwhelming legions of admiring followers will all proudly tell you just how great and awesome I truly am! Have you seen my power level? It's over 9000! You know what that means? It means I have more than 9000 units of POWER. It also puts my total adjusted force rating at 22000! That's more than triple, so you don't want to make me mad, because anger is my middle name, and when I get angry I self-enlarge to full power and cannot be controlled.

    Remember: He who laughs last, laughs last.
    I can see you now, quacking in your boots as you try to muster enough courage to write a reply to my comment. But let's face it, you wouldn't DARE write a reply to my comment because you're all too AFRAID.

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