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What's bad about America now? Some damn badly want to come America. Why? - "I was filled with faith; faith in America – the generous, bighearted, hopeful country that made my story – indeed, all of our stories – possible."
“We’re not a frightful people. Our power doesn’t come from some self-declared savior promising that he alone can restore order. We don’t look to be ruled."
"That’s America. Those bonds of affection; that common creed. We don’t fear the future; we shape it, embrace it, as one people, stronger together than we are on our own."
It's shared value of freedom, inclusiveness, equal justice under law - common core for all Americans.
Never before, never now, never will, only one self-declared savior in America!
• Live:美国总统奥巴马在民主党全代会上的演讲 (视频+文字全文) - 互联网 - ♂
(35255 bytes) (495 reads) 07/27/2016 19:59:34
• Very powerful! - 春蚕 - ♀
(0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/27/2016 20:20:46
• Yes! "The American dream is something no wall will ever contain. - 互联网 - ♂
(0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/27/2016 22:20:32
您的位置: 文学城 ? 论坛 ? 时事述评 ? 2016大选必是川普对喜拉莉,不可能有其它可能
来源: Norcalfan0 于 2016-04-27 13:38:01 [档案] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:3543 次 (815 bytes)
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昨晚的初选结果是川普和喜拉莉的大胜,其他对头已经不可能拿到足够票数,商老头大概会不日退出。在下二个月川普即使拿不到250票(超过1237)也会拿到200以上,共和党上层要想做掉他可能性很小很小了。 川普如果不改变台风继续乱说话,应该是无法战胜喜拉莉的。今天他的对外政策讲话是照本宣科,看来是知道他自己的大嘴问题了。如果他真能自控,这次大选有看头了。不过,我还是坚持喜拉莉胜,毕竟她是两人中较弱(容易被控制)的一个,财团们不太乐意川普的强势。至于咱们普通非白人百姓,真的别指望川普能在任何时候在任何层面帮咱们弱势群体说话。 黄鹤楼上看翻船,咱们就静静的看大选闹剧吧!