2011 (1)
2016 (1035)
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2018 (978)
2019 (385)
2020 (175)
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2023 (983)
2024 (800)
As some wish Trump'd make peace with China - you got the opposite, below.
Hear out his tone, so much anger, so much hatred (his face twisted, his mouth altered), so dark, so means, so provokative. How can you expect he'll be kind to minority? Kindness radiates from heart, conveyed in voice tone - none from him.
"It is time to show the whole world that America is back — bigger, and better and stronger than ever before,” Mr. Trump said. Does it ring a bell? Sounds tyrant, sounds unilateral.
- in a global village and internet era, the nationalist fire Mr. Trump sets up smells troubles.
May God bring peace on Earth.
"Sounding often like a wartime president, Mr. Trump used the word “threat” several times as he promised to “defeat the barbarians of ISIS” and take a strong hand in dealing with Iran, China, and other countries that he regards as adversaries. He also recited homicide rates in American cities and the thousands of illegal immigrants with criminal records, promising to control violence at home and abroad.
“It is time to show the whole world that America is back — bigger, and better and stronger than ever before,” Mr. Trump said.
But the speeches dedicated to promoting Mr. Trump and the party’s governing vision were hazy and at times collided with the candidate’s own beliefs. Many of the elected officials who spoke extolled a traditional conservative platform that bears little relation to the nationalist agenda on which Mr. Trump is basing his campaign.
For example, just hours before Mr. Pence, a committed internationalist, assured delegates and millions of voters that America would defend its allies, Mr. Trump gave an interview in which he balked at defending NATO countries, a policy that has been the cornerstone of the alliance for 70 years.
In many ways, the convention’s formality was an awkward fit for Mr. Trump, who soared in the primaries by energizing voters at freewheeling rallies with his off-the-cuff and frequently entertaining remarks."