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Read between the lines, you can't let the speakers carry you away by their emotional appeals. What's their motive to say what they said - peel off that skin, you know what the heck it's all about: selling their own laundry. They don't work for you and me.
克里斯·克里斯帝 wanted to be attorney general in Trump Administration. So, he acted as expert in law: "星期一的演讲者们批评希拉里·克林顿,称利比亚班加西的美国营地安全不足,2012年的恐怖袭击导致4个美国人死亡。他们还批评她在2009年至2012年担任美国国务卿期间在私人邮箱服务器上处理保密信息。美国联邦调查局最近宣布她在处理国家级保密信息时“极端大意”,但表示她的行为不足以构成犯罪起诉。"(http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2016/07/20/5408443.html). In reality, Bush admin got more people died in abroard - none said a word. Why?
Motive: "I think what we should be thinking about is if Melania's speech is similar to Michelle Obama's speech, that should make us all very happy because we should be saying whether we're Democrats or Republicans, we share the same values," Ben Carson said. "That's what we should be talking about. Not trying to make it controversy."(CNN's Ashley Killough and Eugene Scott contributed to this story)
hey, if the same, why do we need RNC? Ben Carlson wanted to be Secretary of the US Department of Education - What example do you set for our students? Plagiarism is okay? Hey, Ben, you don't need to suck it up that earlier!
More this morning, Trump tweeted:
Conclusion: 『我是痞子,我怕誰?』王朔 (Wǒ shì pǐzi, wǒ pà shuí? 'Wángshuò) knew what Trump about! Amazing, Trump looked at his wife in a positive spin - bad and good publicity, all work for you! Hey, it's a business! Nothing is wrong or bad - you can't tell wrong from right !
if he can't set up rules for a team, how can we trust him to run the most powerful country? expect him to set Law and order? ????
don't even have common sense!
PS: may一day 发表评论于
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大诗人 海涅 记述了 山姆爷爷 从非洲海运贩卖黑奴,读过的,历历在目不忘。
华盛顿 众黑奴,杰斐逊 淫黑仆,,,,比谁多,花样殊,,爷作孽,孙子补,,
炮弹在中东油田油地 炸起 把本来小不太平的欧亚非结合部 搞的硝烟四起,伴随着油-汽-火 燃烧着中东,
鼓动 吸引中东穆兄弟姐妹北上欧洲,以为可以将军阿萨德,进逼北极熊和东方龙,
自己家院里墙外 再不得安宁。
Test: How to Recognize Plagiarism, School of Education, Indiana ...
Indiana University
Aug 19, 2013 - The test evaluates your ability to recognize plagiarism. ... from the original source material a direct word-for-word quote of seven or more words in ... correctly, and cite correctly, but in other places they also include a string of 7 or more words in sequence taken from the source, or paraphrase without citation.
What exactly is the "five (consecutive) word" plagiarism rule? - Writers ...
Apr 2, 2013 - Many short strings of words like those above are the most simple and ... And so in court the other writer's lawyer read samples from the two books that were word-for-word identical. ... student work to other sources, giving details on the points of comparison. ... 7 · How to assemble recipes without plagiarism?
Academic Integrity - Roosevelt University
Roosevelt University
Using unattributed passages or phrases from sources, including textbooks, on tests. ... using ideas or words from any source (written or oral) without proper attribution. ... A few examples of plagiarism due to lack of or improper citation of sources are listed below. ... A string of undigested quotations makes a very poor paper.
? 7 identical words in a string without citing source = plagiarism - TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/20/2016 13:41:32
? 你太天真了。花了2天才有个专业作家出来承认错误,现在我绝对相信是床铺自己的子女写的,高薪聘请了替罪羊。 - 用户名被占用了 - ♂ 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 用户名被占用了 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/20/2016 13:07:59
? 与我无关,我只是说一下新闻里是怎么报的。不要搞人身攻击。这和我的立场观点无关。 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 13:11:04
? 哪里有人身攻击,说你天真是恭维你年轻漂亮的意思 - 用户名被占用了 - ♂ 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 用户名被占用了 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/20/2016 13:13:31
? 原来天真还有这解释,呵呵 - Timberwolf - ♂ 给 Timberwolf 发送悄悄话 Timberwolf 的博客首页 Timberwolf 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/20/2016 13:41:04
? 简单,Trump说,去他的竞选法!川奶说,oops(作pose)。川粉怎样俺就不说了 - 非否 - ♀ 给 非否 发送悄悄话 非否 的博客首页 非否 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 13:18:43
? 其实没啥大不了的。奥8是个法律教授,演讲一样读提示器,用别人写的稿子,否则慢得要死想一句说一句。 - 用户名被占用了 - ♂ 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 用户名被占用了 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/20/2016 13:20:45
? Trump『我是痞子,我怕誰?』 - TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (9999 bytes) (383 reads) 07/20/2016 09:52:07
? 难道他周围的顾问都是商人?当别人在为他奋斗的时候, 他在慢慢地自杀。 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 07/20/2016 09:57:49
? 看看大picture吧,他的能力,努力,成本,结果,so far都很奇迹,不错,不够十全十美也是个outsider的自然 - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (12 reads) 07/20/2016 10:15:37
? Yes. Everybody need wath the video of Why Ben Carson endorse him - wandlerland - ♀ 给 wandlerland 发送悄悄话 wandlerland 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 10:26:52
? 华人民猪党:我们是叛徒,我们是叛徒~~ - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (74 bytes) (10 reads) 07/20/2016 10:18:12
? 弱智的家伙,还用抄袭黑trump?来看看你家黑夫人有版权吗?? - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (2818 bytes) (14 reads) 07/20/2016 10:19:18
? That's what I wanted to hear ! below: - TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (3020 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 13:14:16
? 那所有说"life is good" 或者 "i have a dream" 的人都算抄袭了,前者还是有商标权的呢。还有中国古 - newberry - ♀ 给 newberry 发送悄悄话 newberry 的个人群组 (500 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 13:24:24
? 7 identical words in a string without citing the source = plagia - TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/20/2016 13:41:32
? 为了避免剽窃的法律问题,trump 儿子抱怨是写稿人的错误,为此此人提出辞呈,trump拒绝。下面 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (401 bytes) (677 reads) 07/20/2016 09:50:41
? 她自己说喜欢那几句就引用了,哈哈,左派拼命也要在Trump这边,挑出个能撒谎的吧,级别不同啊,能理解,不过几个小时过后,... - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (15 reads) 07/20/2016 09:54:54
? 会觉得小题大做了,重要的是Hillary的撒谎性格,已经误国,民主党老怕提这个,拼命小题大作转移视线 - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 07/20/2016 10:01:19
? 其实很容易避开麻烦,只能说明他的团队人员没有太多的经验。第一,改变句型,第二,冠上一句,Michelle 生活在 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (241 bytes) (60 reads) 07/20/2016 10:06:10
? 嗯,很可能 - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/20/2016 10:12:40
? Trump夫人最后朴实说了实话,满truthful,她说她一直很佩服08夫人,哈哈。的确,Michelle自己很有能力但相夫教子 - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (15 reads) 07/20/2016 10:11:16
? 辅助Obama - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (0 reads) 07/20/2016 10:13:09
? 她的稿子是不是她写的,这个问题信者有理,不信也有理。 - 天蝎小猪 - ♀ 给 天蝎小猪 发送悄悄话 天蝎小猪 的个人群组 (801 bytes) (39 reads) 07/20/2016 10:12:56
? 你说的完全不是一回事。你那是正常写作程序,这个是整段抄袭,这是有标准的, - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (232 bytes) (22 reads) 07/20/2016 10:19:20
? 抄谁?民主党说抄袭你家黑夫人有版权吗? - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (2818 bytes) (8 reads) 07/20/2016 10:20:42
? 不要争论是不是抄袭,人家自己已经承认。问题是为什么他的班子居然如此无知,既不知 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (450 bytes) (18 reads) 07/20/2016 10:31:29
? 那么请问同样标准黑夫人现在是不是也应该出来承认她曾经的抄袭并且为之道歉? - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (8 reads) 07/20/2016 10:35:56
? 你是在帮助trump 竞选还是用转移选民的视线打击trump 竞选的程序?希望他 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (47 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 10:57:57
? 黑夫人那两段也是抄别人的 - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/20/2016 10:21:20
? 把你标准量出来,看看为什么这标准下你家黑夫人不算抄袭而trump夫人算。 - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 10:22:52
? 再纠缠这个已经定论的问题就是庸人自扰了。很容易避免这种事发生。而他的班子没有 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (32 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 10:34:21
? 那么请问同样标准黑夫人现在是不是也应该出来承认她曾经的抄袭并且为之道歉? - - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/20/2016 10:38:36
? 那样人们的注意了就跑到Michelle 那去了,那就hurt trump。因为Michelle 也有许多 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (126 bytes) (8 reads) 07/20/2016 11:02:06
? 喜欢就引用了,没啥吧,多大事啊,技术上太钻牛角尖别忘了看本质 - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/20/2016 10:24:20
? 引用是可以的,借他人的话,发挥抬高自己是最好的演讲手段。他的写者没经验。 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (3 reads) 07/20/2016 10:37:02
? 她刚发表了statement,很真诚,谁不犯错误。 - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (5 reads) 07/20/2016 10:43:32
? 是的,最帮助trump 的办法是minimize 这件事,let it go。 谈明天的演讲。 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/20/2016 10:59:39
? 我也不觉得这是什么大问题。 - 天蝎小猪 - ♀ 给 天蝎小猪 发送悄悄话 天蝎小猪 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (2 reads) 07/20/2016 10:37:14
您的位置: 文学城 ? 论坛 ? 时事述评 ? 反驳抵赖对谁不利?又暴露了谁的短处?刚刚美联社报道,川普阵营首度公开认错
来源: 互联网 于 2016-07-20 10:48:25 [档案] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:55 次 (2492 bytes)
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回答: trump 真不会解释。她们讲的是一样,因为obama 夫人说了没完成所以才又拿来讲。而且要完成。 由 Jackwu 于 2016-07-20 10:31:02
CLEVELAND (AP) — A speechwriter for Donald Trump's company said Wednesday she made a mistake and apologized for using passages from a 2008 Michelle Obama speech in the Republican party convention speech delivered by Melania Trump.
In a statement issued by the campaign, Meredith McIver took the blame but made it clear that Mrs. Trump knew the passages were from the first lady's speech.
"A person she has always liked is Michelle Obama," McIver says of Mrs. Trump. "Over the phone, she read me some passages from Mrs. Obama's speech as examples. I wrote them down and later included some of the phrasing in the draft that ultimately became the final speech."
The passages in question came near the beginning of Mrs. Trump's nearly 15-minute speech.
In one example, Mrs. Trump said: "From a young age, my parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise, that you treat people with respect."
Eight years ago, Mrs. Obama said: "And Barack and I were raised with so many of the same values: like, you work hard for what you want in life, that your word is your bond, that you do what you say you're going to do, that you treat people with dignity and respect."
There were similar overlaps in a passage dealing with conveying to children that there is no limit to what they can achieve. Mrs. Trump's address was otherwise distinct from the speech that Mrs. Obama gave when her husband was being nominated for president.
McIver, co-author of some of Donald Trump's books, said she offered to resign but the Republican nominee for president refused to accept her resignation.
"I did not check Mrs. Obama's speeches. This was my mistake, and I feel terrible for the chaos I have caused Melania and the Trumps, as well as to Mrs. Obama. No harm was meant."
McIver was described in the statement as an "in-house staff writer at the Trump Organization."
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关于Trump 夫人演讲剽窃一事的信息
来源: 笑薇. 于 2016-07-20 12:45:05 [档案] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:42 次 (1956 bytes)
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关于Trump 夫人演讲剽窃一事的信息
本年早春,Trump 儿子作为竞选小组的主要advisor之一,将为trump 夫人撰写演讲稿的合同交给了两个著名的演讲撰稿者。一个是Matthew Scully, 曾经的布什的演讲撰稿人,另一个是John McConnell。 初稿写好,交给竞选小组,之后,在今年的五月到六月之间在竞选班子和周围的支持者内广泛传阅,得到非常的好评。特别是文中那种轻松,和可以因人发笑的幽默口吻。
T夫人收到稿件,去找Trump公司里的专职writer,Meredith McIver,一个具有英语学士学位的,曾经的芭蕾舞者。她也是Trump: How to get rich 一书的两名作者之一。T夫人要求她对稿件进行修改。T夫人说她很欣赏Michelle Obama 的演讲,并口头传授了其中的一段,Meredith 将其用笔记录下来。两位原稿作者一直疑惑为什么自交稿之后再也没有得到竞选小组的反馈。当看到电视上T夫人演讲,才知道这和他们写的完全不一样。
由此引发的几个问题,(1),T夫人两次对媒体撒谎,信誓旦旦地说每一个字都出自己之手;(2)Meredith是Trump 公司的拿薪水的雇员,涉嫌违反竞选法;(3)Trump儿子在interview 时几次表明竞选小组最后签署审批的人应该承担责任。
事发之后,Meredith 主动请辞,被Trump 拒绝。Trump明确表示,将没有任何人因此被解雇。目前,他最大的愿望有两个,(1)如何利用目前的契机,增加声势,以对应下星期民主党的convention; (2)让这件事尽快在媒体消失。
此时再一次显露出,trump 和他的班子政治上的无知,他的夫人完全不知政治游戏的程序。这些弱点使得他们陷入需要众多精力才能摆脱的麻烦。政治最终不是做生意。
? 华人民猪党:我们是叛徒,我们是叛徒~~ - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (74 bytes) (10 reads) 07/20/2016 10:18:12
? 弱智的家伙,还用抄袭黑trump?来看看你家黑夫人有版权吗?? - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (2818 bytes) (14 reads) 07/20/2016 10:19:18
? Trump『我是痞子,我怕誰?』 - TJKCB - ♀ 给 TJKCB 发送悄悄话 TJKCB 的博客首页 TJKCB 的个人群组 (8928 bytes) (293 reads) 07/20/2016 09:52:07
? 难道他周围的顾问都是商人?当别人在为他奋斗的时候, 他在慢慢地自杀。 - 笑薇. - ♀ 给 笑薇. 发送悄悄话 笑薇. 的博客首页 笑薇. 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (4 reads) 07/20/2016 09:57:49
? 看看大picture吧,他的能力,努力,成本,结果,so far都很奇迹,不错,不够十全十美也是个outsider的自然 - Narnar - ♀ 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 Narnar 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (10 reads) 07/20/2016 10:15:37
? Yes. Everybody need wath the video of Why Ben Carson endorse him - wandlerland - ♀ 给 wandlerland 发送悄悄话 wandlerland 的个人群组 (0 bytes) (1 reads) 07/20/2016 10:26:52
? 华人民猪党:我们是叛徒,我们是叛徒~~ - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (74 bytes) (10 reads) 07/20/2016 10:18:12
? 弱智的家伙,还用抄袭黑trump?来看看你家黑夫人有版权吗?? - smalleagle - ♂ 给 smalleagle 发送悄悄话 smalleagle 的博客首页 smalleagle 的个人群组 (2818 bytes) (14 reads) 07/20/2016 10:19:18