
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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Trump: pay back time !

(2016-05-22 12:27:08) 下一个

You get what you pay for. Now, you can see how Trump pays back what he got - with his $4.5 billions, no way to get long, even Ma Yun (Alibaba, Jack Ma) with $286 billion, Mike Bloomberg with $86 billion - Trump needs money to go on. So, he got shot himself by saying "I use my own money. I don't need to work for anybody." Really? 

Trump hits Nabisco, turns to Christie: 'You're not eating Oreos anymore, are you?'

Story highlights

  • "No more Oreos for either of us, Chris. Don't feel bad," Trump said
  • Since endorsing Trump this spring, Christie has taken on a significant role in the campaign

Lawrenceville, New Jersey (CNN)When Donald Trump stepped on stage Thursday night, the event had all the makings of a normal Trump rally, but the podium read "New Jersey" instead of "Trump."

That's because the presumptive Republican nominee was raising money here for his former rival-turned-supporter Chris Christie.
    "So you know Chris paid off his entire campaign debt tonight," Trump said.
    The billionaire businessman also had a little fun with the New Jersey governor. As usual, Trump was lamenting Nabisco's decision to move jobs to Mexico, and he declared that he's not eating Oreos anymore.
    He then pointed to Christie and asked, "You're not eating Oreos anymore, are you?"
    "No more Oreos for either of us, Chris. Don't feel bad," Trump said, as the crowd awkwardly laughed.
    Since endorsing Trump this spring, Christie has taken on a significant role in the campaign. He has appeared with the candidate at election night events and was recently announced as the chairman of Trump's transition team.
    Thursday night's event, with a ticket price of $200, was held to retire Christie's remaining campaign debt from his White House bid. At the end of March, the New Jersey governor had about $250,000 in debt, according to financial reports. Trump also appeared at a smaller, private fundraiser for the New Jersey Republican Party that had a higher ticket price of $25,000.
    Trump got in on some of the New Jersey pride, which could be felt from the raucous audience. Though small, it was just as rowdy as any normal Trump rally.
    "There's nothing like New Jersey. Wiseguys, so many wiseguys," Trump said, commenting on what some of the men in the crowd were shouting about Trump's opponents. "Tell you what, if you can make it in New Jersey, you can do just about anything you want in life."
    He also threw in some tough-guy humor.
    "We are not going to be the stupid country anymore. We are viewed as the stupid country," he said. "We're like a big, big sloppy bully that gets punched in the face and goes down. You ever see a bully get knocked out? It's a terrible thing unless you're doing the punching -- then it's OK."
    Trump spoke just hours after Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton told CNN he was not "qualified" to run for president. Referencing the attack, Trump pointed to some of the scandals that have dogged her campaign and argued that it's an "absolute disgrace" that she's allowed to run for president.
    He also weighed in on the plane crash in the Mediterranean Sea, calling it a "terrible tragedy" and definitively saying it was an act of terror. He railed against Clinton for not using the term "radical Islamic terrorism."
    "She doesn't want to use that term, she refuses to use that term," he said. "I'm saying to myself, what just happened about 12 hours ago? A plane got blown out of the sky, and if anybody thinks it wasn't blown out of the sky, you're 100% wrong, folks."
    For his part, Christie defended his decision to back Trump, which he said "shocked" the world back in March. Christie was the first sitting governor and one of the first so-called establishment Republicans to endorse the candidate.
    "I know that New Jersey, on June 7, on primary day, with our votes and our delegates, are going to be the people who put him officially over the top as the Republican nominee," Christie said as he introduced Trump, with most of the New Jersey governor's family on stage behind him.
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    Trump: 反正我是不会选他的
    来源: TJKCB 于 2016-05-22 12:27:08 [档案] [博客] [转至博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:1859 次 (60388 bytes)
    TJKCB 回复 悄悄话 评论
    BeijingGirl1 2016-05-22 15:12:01 回复 悄悄话 如果川普真当选就热闹了 - 民主党肯定反对他, GOP也反对他(至今GOP大佬还说没准备好接受他);他能做成什么事呢?
    谦虚谨慎的猫 2016-05-22 14:33:34 回复 悄悄话 基本赞同楼主的想法。 做为华人,最糟糕的做法是呆在家里不投票。 尽管两个候选人都不怎么样,我们还是要把选票投给一个相对可以接受的候选人。 哪怕投错了,最起码两党都会重视华人的投票权利,更加关注华人的要求。

    对于川普,我最担心的是白种族主义会借着这个机会东山再起。 如果那样,遭殃的将不仅是墨裔和非裔。正所谓城门失火,殃及池鱼。
    o,dear 2016-05-22 13:51:27 回复 悄悄话 Hillary 更可怕。
    颐和园 2016-05-22 12:59:09 回复 悄悄话 不会选川普,但也不喜欢克林顿,纠结呀纠结!
    大号蚂蚁 2016-05-22 12:53:13 回复 悄悄话 前面还说是据说,后面就当实据。自相矛盾。打击川普,这种谣言曲解的手法已经证明是无效甚至反效果的。
    诚信 2016-05-22 11:37:53 回复 悄悄话 Trump 远远不是一个智力上足够做美国总统的人,他的言论基本上就是“痞子运动好得很”的吆喝,而且异常粗鲁, excessively rude, far disqualified indeed.

    Although I am also dissatisfied with Hillary for her obvious opportunism, but she is much better than Trump in overall comparison.
    惜福666 2016-05-22 11:25:42 回复 悄悄话 说得挺有道理的