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Serious. I haven't made up my mind, so I asked around even though no politics, no religion in work place is being advised. I found if people got closer, they talk everything, share everything, for all ethical groups, white, black, brown, washed, blank, or color-blind. Here is one today.
Caucasian guy, 4 generations of Republicans, so much anti-Trump when it's 17 candidates, favored John Kasich. He told me today, "I don't fall in love but fall in line with Trump, just like coming home as Republican - I have no choice!" His face's stoned, no feeling - if any, was sad, feeling "being busted, cornered, forced, anti-his-will. Freedom? So absurd!
Reading these news, I don't blame him, but sympathetic. He shock his head talking his pain as below:
-- Trump wanted his buildings and golf fields "gun-free zone" - but he asked parents carry guns to school!
-- Trump claims zero income in 1980s, negative in tax report.
-- In 2011, Trump claimed "America shouldn't have been in Lybia. Now, what he said?
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New York Times | - 3 hours ago | |
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Trump puts foot in his own mouth again
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