
宁静纯我心 感得事物人 写朴实清新. 闲书闲话养闲心,闲笔闲写记闲人;人生无虞懂珍惜,以沫相濡字字真。
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They got Taiwan and we got egg rolls

(2015-10-09 21:07:23) 下一个

I've tumbled into this website, surprising to view this power house: Barbara Waters, Diane Sawyer, Dan Rather, Ted Kappel, Max Frankel, Sam Donaldson - all of them were so young - being in China in 1972.

When talking about "US-China Shanghai Communique", "They got Taiwan and we got egg rolls" - Wow!



Assignment: China - "The Week That Changed The World (Chinese Subtitles)

Uploaded on Jan 27, 2012

Richard Nixon's visit to China in February 1972 changed the course of history — reshaping the global balance of power and opening the door to the establishment of relations between the People's Republic and the United States.
1972年2月理查德•尼克松对中国的访问改变了历史的轨迹 - 它重新调整了全球势力的均衡,为中华人民共和国和美国两国间关系的建立打开了大门。

It was also a milestone in the history of journalism. Since the Communist revolution of 1949, a suspicious regime in Beijing had barred virtually all U.S. reporters from China. For the Nixon trip, however, the Chinese agreed to accept nearly 100 journalists, and to allow the most dramatic events — Nixon's arrival in Beijing, Zhou Enlai'swelcoming banquet, visits to the Great Wall and the Forbidden City — to be televised live.
这次访问同时也是新闻史上的一个里程碑。自1949年共产革命以来,对外界充满怀疑的­北京政府将所有美国新闻记者拒之门外。然而为了尼克松中国之行,中方同意并接纳了10­0名新闻记者,并且允许电视现场直播尼克松中国之行中发生的重大事件 - 例如尼克松抵京,周恩来总理欢迎晚宴,总统参观长城和故宫。

Classroom use of this video is permitted. We would appreciate feedback from viewers. Please write to us at uschina@usc.edu.

The coverage was arguably as important as the details of the diplomacy. It profoundly transformed American and international perceptions of a long-isolated China, generated the public support Nixon needed to change U.S. policy, and laid the groundwork for Beijing's gradual move to open China to greater international media coverage.

While the outlines of the Nixon trip are familiar, the behind-the-scenes story of how that momentous event was covered is much less well-known. This segment of Assignment: China focuses on journalists who went with Nixon and includes interviews with those officials who sought to shape the coverage. The Week that Changed the World contains previously unreleased footage of the Nixon visit, as well as interviews with journalistic luminaries such as Dan Rather and Bernard Kalb of CBS, Ted Koppel and Tom Jarriel of ABC, Barbara Walters of NBC, Max Frankel of the New York Times, Stanley Karnow of the Washington Post, and many others.

Reported and narrated by U.S.-China Institute Senior Fellow Mike Chinoy, formerly CNN's Senior Asia Correspondent and Beijing Bureau Chief, and edited by USCI Multimedia Editor Craig Stubing, the film offers a fascinating and previously untold perspective on one of the most important historical moments of the 20th century. Clayton Dube conceived of the Assignment: China project and supervises it.

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The LIBERAL media has not changed in 40 years. The bastards are still after President Nixon. Listen to their negative comments about the President calling him paranoid, etc. In the presentation the media feels they are the fourth branch of the government. They somehow feel they are entitle to be in on everything to be everywhere including this trip to China. Nixon was right in not bringing the NY Times and the Washington Post. Why? Because he knew how they would portray him in the media and history. Thank God for the internet where we can balance the score. Nixon was bad but the media was and is only worse. POST REPORTERS NAMES, HOME ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBERS EVERYTING ABOUT THEM ON THE INTERNET FOR THOSE WHO SEEK THEM OUT CAN FIND THEM. POST REPORTERS' HOME ADDRESSES AND PHONE NUMBERS ON THE INTERNET. POST,.......POST,...........POST....
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I believe the people in this video spoke from their experiences. I've seen it viewed with other journalists in Hong Kong and I didn't feel quite the bias you are referring to. This was intended to be an account of what they observed and I believe those intentions were filled. Nixon WAS paranoid; that's been established. However, that's was only one of his qualities.
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@ronnieboy3, Actually, they both were united, they built a jointed army, & established a modern army academy Huang-Pu, which produced many famouse generals on both sides. But Jiang broke the unification by killing 90% CCP in1927. It's after that, Mao decided that CCP hd to hv its own army. By 1935, Jiang under the help of Germany advisor, wiped out 100% CCP in cities, & 90% in countrysides. That's why CCP hd its famous Long March. As Mao once said: some conflicts r irreconcilable.Win or die.
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@sunmoonstargood An example of mao extremist view was the Sino-Soviet split. For what I've read as the cause of the split was because of mao was revolted by the soviet leadership decision change their hostile position to one of peaceful co-existence with the west. I think that he wanted to team-up with the soviets in a confrontation with the west. Perhaps as revenge for the exploiting China during the colonial times. That would have turned out very bad for China. cont
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ronnieboy3, it's impossible to learn from the past, or to interpreter what happened to China without an adquate sense of right & wong. What believe system do u hv? Do u hv any? If we believe the west version of how the world hs been operating, then, all the conquers in the human history hv gone, disspeared. That means, the west will be gone also, without exception. Then, why should China emulate someone who will desternated to dissappear in the future? lol
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@ronnieboy3, u r bullshit. All leading west countries hd forced China to sign Unequal Treatis, they all had Chinese blood on their hands. Mao was the 1 who abolished all of them.He hd to side with USSR, coz Russia was the only 1 west country who abolished its Unequal Treaty with China on its own & support China's cause. If Mao had sided with US, then he had to inheritate all these Unequal Treaties. Russia also supported China for Korean War, which set the foundation for China's risiing today.lol
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@ronnieboy3 D) Opium Wars, Racial discrimiation, Siege of the International Legations,all these had happened long BEFORE communism appeared in China. U hv to understand who the West nations r. They r predators like wolves, only by killing preys they can live. In their eyes, China was the biggest preys. Killing China & eat it's flesh cd enable them live for yrs to come. China was the source of biggest meal; Thailand was not; therefore, there was no posiiblility China cd "smart" its way out of it.
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@ronnieboy3,West usually considers Japanese, Korean & Chinese r the same kinds of ppl. For quite a long time, Japanese & S. Koreans view themself as very special; but 08 Olympic proves that J & K r just Chinese-look-alike; China is a master, they r not. China is a giant & will acquire a giant sized enonomy, a size that's equal US+EU. We Chinese don't want to stop fast growing until our GDP is as twice as that of USA. Then, the world will see what a real master of civilization looks like.lol
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@ronnieboy3,so far, all u hv asked for China, is the "perfect reaction". While the west don't hv to hv their "perfact action", China shd hv hd perfect reaction in dealing with them. If China's reaction hd bn perfect, China cd hv bn much better off & avoided all the dissasters. In other words, China shd belame itself for the situation it hs bn in, not the west. The west hvn't done any demage, it's China's reactions that hd done all the damages. U r those who always blame victims. lol
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It is impossible for a leader to make the perfect reaction. But looking back at the turn of the 20th century, japan military power was growing as well as its envy for new territories. The last thing China needs was a civil war. Did you know that the west, japan, and the soviet was playing both sides (KMT and communist). None of them wanted a united China. They all had to loss if China was united. When it was divided, it was easier for them to exploit.
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@ronnieboy3 u probabely right that both jiang and mao wanted the best for China at heart. However, if u read "The empire of the city" by E. Knuth (u can download for free), all the world hd/hv being controlled by this so-called International Financiers=today they r Wall Street Bankders; then, they were Bank of England & Rothechild families circle. Jiang was totally controlled by them regardless his intention. Mao believed that China cd only be saved by breaking the ties with those bankers.
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@ronnieboy3, A)actually, I don't think China really care the world's oppinions. China has bn cursed, spit on for the past 170 yrs & the skin gets thick. Mao told Chinese: "Go on our road, let others say what they want." I think the problems you see in China r "growing pains". It's like teenages' growing, a fast growing period when the body and mind r out of balance; most of the nutritions go to expand the body size & not much left for the brain. So teenages do stupid things & run into troubles.
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I am not a western apologist. I know that atrocities that they have commited and continue to commited to this day. But since they controll most of the power in the world, they think the can do what they want without repercussions. If you look at history of mankind, it has always been the strong preying on the weak. It may not be fair, but it is the reality even in today's world. cont.
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@ronnieboy3 "differing in language, opinions, color, and physical conformation; between whom and ourselves nature has placed an impassable difference" and as such had no right " to swear away the life of a citizen" or participate" with us in administering the affairs of our Government"--China never wanted 1 inch of land nor 1 oz of gold from US/West, but they were hostile against us from the start. Chinese chose communism was a reaction of this kind of hostility, not the other way around.lol
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OK here is my sense of right and wrong. Mimicing a fail economic system from Stalin was wrong. Creating a cultural revolution that wasted 20 yrs of development is wrong. Waging civil war especially with a belligerent neighbor that was going to invade you was wrong. Opening up to the world and for new science and technology was right. Modernizing the military so it can protect the country was right. Treating your own better than treating foreigners is right. Learning from pass mistakes is right.
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@sunmoonstargood For your post, you seem to imply that Jiang would be a puppet for the west. Form a documentary I saw, Jiang neither trusted the soviest or the west. He wanted to play one of the other. I think both jiang and mao wanted the best for China at heart, but neither wanted to compromise their positions. Jiang had the support of the cities while mao the country side. I think Mao was a bit of an extermist in his view and you have to agree that he did cultivate his cult of personality.
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@sunmoonstargood Have you ever been to Xian and seen the Taracotta Warriors. They look so proud and confident of themselfs and their country. Look at us know. We are only a shadow of what our ancestors was once were. I want Chinese to be like that again.
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All that matters to me is the China is strong. If it is strong I can remain independant and our people can hold our head up high with dignity. I know Chinese people view that there are universal morals and that karma will befall those that do wicked deads. But if you go to use the moral arguement with these neo-imperialism, they will just laugh in your face. All they understand is strength.
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@ronnieboy3, I'm afraid u don't really understand who China is. China is NOT Thailand.China is too rich, too big & too geo-politically importand to act as Thailand did. Usually, those who can survice extream hostile situation r those r too insignificant, it's not worth it, they r the exceptions.e.g.Switzland, it cd stay nuetral coz its hd nearly nothing + its geo location/high mountains. Its better to hv it as a neutral zone. Japan hd nothing either, so the bankers used it as dog to attack China
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