要表达心中的愤怒,要报复他们,要给他们还以颜色,喊得最多的口号竟只能是 - “抵制日货”!大家才惊然发现,在这几十年间,日货已悄无声息地攻陷了整个神州大地。中国人继甲午战争战败给日本赔偿了三年GDP后,在近代又源源不断为他们的GDP作着贡献。没办法!谁叫日本产品是“中产一族”的宠物呢!日本车、日本电器、日本电子…… 曾是多少中产家庭的必需品。在这个“象牙塔”结构的社会,能够完全摒弃日货而使用奢侈欧美货的人,毕竟不多吧。小康水平的普通老百姓,还是要使用“性价比”相对较高的日本货。并且随着中产一族人数的增加,这个市场的需求也越来越大。所以“抵制日货”喊了几十年,还是不能阻止中国成为日本最大的贸易国。小日本看在眼里,可能都在掩嘴窃笑呢!所以屡屡剑走偏锋,不断挑战中国人的底线。
觉得日本人骨子里有股傲慢,可能是因为他们身后有着强劲的经济后盾吧。还记得多年前去日本探望一位好朋友,朋友的先生是美国人,之前在香港工作了十年,没有学会一句中文。他说:“不用学!走到街上,大家见我是鬼佬,都会跟我说英文。”后来公司将他调去日本分部,去到的第一个月,他们就要匆匆忙忙找语言学校学日文了。没办法,那里根本不会有人与他说英文,他们一下变得又聋又哑,就连公司分配给他的手提电脑,也是日文版的,他完全靠记忆去运用。探访期间,还认识了几个英国去的家庭,他们说觉得在日本做“外国人”很自卑:去租房子,有些房东见他们是外国人,就是不租,宁愿房子丢空,也不租;有一些酒吧,门口就贴着– “只许日本人进入”……外人怎么感受,他们真的不大在乎。 别看日本产品遍布全世界,但其实内销才是它主要的来源,日本国民的购买力非常的强大,他们最好的产品,都留着内销,不依赖出口。
Look at the JETRO survey, China is practically exporting clothing in exchange of textile machinery.
Due to influence from the Japan disaster, car exports declined, exports of semiconductors and other electronic components shrank sharply
Japan’s exports to China in 2011 showed double-digit growth in the first quarter, on the back of China’s steady economy (its real GDP growth rate in 2011: 9.2%). However, due to influence from the Great East Japan Earthquake, the growth rate dropped to single-digit in April and May, as a result of a sharp decrease in electric equipment, raw materials and transportation equipment.
Following restoration of production bases, the rate recovered almost to double-digits from June to September, but fell again after October for three consecutive months due to the downturn in the Chinese economy and Europe’s debt crisis.
By product, Japanese shipments of chemical products and general machinery such as metal processing/textile machinery increased, while raw materials and electric equipment including electric circuits almost leveled off, and automobiles were down.
Breakdown by product category:
A sharp rise was seen in the exports of metal processing/textile machinery, manufacturing equipment for semiconductors and other devices and industrial robots, backed by China’s expanding industrial production, rising labor cost and manpower shortage.
A decline was noted in exports of nonferrous metal products including automobiles and refined copper, due to the shortage of parts caused by supply chain disruptions from factories damaged by the Japan disaster. Meanwhile exports of semiconductors and other electronic components and car parts leveled off.
Exports of construction/mining machinery, which rose sharply in the previous year, showed a decline in 2011 due to a decrease of real estate investments reflecting the impact of the Chinese government’s tight monetary policies. Food exports also dropped significantly due to China’s tightening regulations on food imports from Japan following the nuclear accident.
Imports surged, fueled by smart phones, emergency supplies
A steady increase was noted in Japanese imports from China in 2011. In addition to imports of electric equipment such as communications devices, clothing and accessories, general machinery, raw materials and foods also showed double-digit growth. Imports of items such as electric fans and batteries shot up as a result of demand to conserve energy following the March disaster.
Breakdown by product category:
Imports of smart phones surged with their increase in popularity. As for chemical products, imports of rare earths and rare metals declined in terms of number, while sharply rising in terms of value, backed by their soaring prices.
Imports of clothing and clothing accessories were up by nearly 20%, despite the recent trend for makers to shift production from China to other Asian countries seeking lower production cost. The growth was fueled by rising import unit value caused by high value added products manufactured in China and an increase in the imports of functional clothing designed to help conserve energy. Food imports rose by nearly 20%, backed by fading concern for Chinese food safety, and rising domestic demand for low price products.
Imports of electric fans, power generators, batteries, flashlights and portable radios soared, reflecting increased needs which have arisen from the electricity shortage and nation-wide power saving measures as well as demand for emergency supplies following the March 11 disaster.
China’s share of all Japanese trade dropped, the first decline in 21 years
The pace of increase in Japan’s trade with China grew by 14.3%, which was less than that of Japan’s overall trade, 14.7%. As a result, China accounted for 20.6% of all Japanese trade, dipping 0.1 point from the year earlier. This is the first such decline since 1990. While Japan’s share of exports to China grew to 19.7%, a record high, its share of imports from China decreased to 21.5%, a drop for two consecutive years reflecting significant expansion of imports from resource-rich countries. China, however, remains Japan’s largest trading partner in terms of import, export and total trade value.
1937 - 1945 日货=仇货, 不法商人公开正法