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ChatGPT聊天狗屁通(下) – 聊天实录

(2023-02-15 09:06:49) 下一个

ChatGPT聊天狗屁通() – 聊天实录



我平时特喜欢在网上搜索(Search), 工作上的,生活中的,任何我想知道的(比如我的“跑步看世界”系列),基本都可以从网上找到答案。当然用得最多的是Google,很多时候,Google只提供信息来源,我需要自己去读,去理解,去整合方方面面的信息,有时候会很费时,不太方便。但无可否认,Google搜索引擎完全可以满足我的要求,我用得满意。由于经常使用,也学会了不少的技巧。对同一个主题,如果使用不同的关键词,答案可能千差万别,但也正好显示出方方面面的信息,可用于同一个主题。当然,用Google搜索引擎完全没有跟人交流的那种赶脚。












今天的交流是英文和中文交替进行,很明显中文的问题,TA回答慢吞吞的。我估计是有翻译的程序,还是要搜索中英文的双语信息?我喜欢跑步看世界,就用中文问“跑步看世界,你认为怎么样?”TA回答得还算满意(见后)。在问到有关铁人三项运动时,出现点状态,TA明显有点不耐烦了,嫌我问得太多了,给我点颜色看看。我用中文问的,TA用英文说“Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later.” 我等了大约10分钟后,回来继续问,Chat GPT回答了我的问题。








I am a runner and run almost every day, average daily running 10KM. Can you tell me there are any benefits for doing this every day?

Yes, there are several potential benefits to running 10 kilometers every day. Here are a few:

1.      Improved cardiovascular health: Regular aerobic exercise like running can improve your heart health by strengthening your heart and circulatory system, reducing your risk of heart disease, and lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

2.      Weight management: Running can also help you maintain a healthy weight by burning calories and increasing your metabolism. This can also reduce your risk of obesity and related health problems.

3.      Reduced stress and improved mood: Exercise can be a great way to reduce stress and improve your mood, thanks to the release of endorphins in the brain. Many runners report feeling a sense of calm and well-being after a good run.

4.      Improved bone density: Regular weight-bearing exercise like running can help improve your bone density and reduce your risk of osteoporosis.

5.      Increased stamina and endurance: Regular running can also help you build stamina and endurance, making it easier to tackle longer distances and more challenging terrain over time.

However, it's worth noting that running every day can also come with some potential risks, such as overuse injuries or burnout. It's important to listen to your body and give yourself adequate rest and recovery time to prevent these issues. If you're new to running or have any health concerns, it's a good idea to speak with a doctor or trainer to ensure that you're engaging in safe and effective exercise.


do you believe any excise really extends human life? I think gene is the most important factor.

Regular exercise has been shown to have a number of positive health effects that can contribute to a longer and healthier life. While genetics certainly plays a role in determining lifespan and health outcomes, exercise can have a positive impact on a number of factors that influence health and longevity.

For example, regular exercise has been linked to a lower risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, as well as improved mental health and cognitive function. Exercise can also help improve physical function and reduce the risk of falls and other injuries, which can be particularly important as people age.

That being said, it's important to note that genetics can still play a significant role in determining lifespan and health outcomes, and that some individuals may be more predisposed to certain health conditions than others. It's also worth noting that exercise alone is not a guarantee of a longer life, and that other lifestyle factors like diet, stress management, and sleep quality can also play an important role.

In summary, while genetics are certainly an important factor in health and longevity, regular exercise can play a valuable role in improving overall health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases and other health problems.


how to improve pace to qualify Boston Marathon?

Qualifying for the Boston Marathon requires achieving a certain time based on your age and gender in a qualifying race. To improve your pace and increase your chances of qualifying, here are a few tips:

1.      Increase your mileage: Consistently running higher mileage can help improve your endurance and speed. Gradually increase your weekly mileage over time and incorporate longer runs into your training plan.

2.      Incorporate speed work: Intervals, tempo runs, and other forms of speed work can help improve your running economy and increase your overall pace. Consider working with a coach or using a training plan to incorporate these workouts into your routine.

3.      Focus on form and technique: Improving your running form can help you run more efficiently and reduce your risk of injury. Consider working with a coach or using video analysis to identify areas for improvement.

4.      Cross train: Incorporating cross-training activities like cycling, swimming, or strength training can help improve your overall fitness and reduce the risk of injury.

5.      Follow a structured training plan: A well-designed training plan can help ensure that you are making steady progress and avoid overtraining or injury. Consider working with a coach or using a pre-made training plan to guide your workouts.

6.      Pay attention to recovery: Proper recovery is key to making progress and avoiding injury. Make sure to take rest days, get enough sleep, and fuel your body with a balanced diet to support your training.

Remember that improving your pace takes time and consistent effort, so be patient and stay committed to your training. Good luck in your efforts to qualify for the Boston Marathon!


how to choose running shoes?

Choosing the right running shoes is important for comfort, performance, and injury prevention. Here are a few factors to consider when selecting running shoes:

1.      Foot shape and arch: The shape of your foot and the height of your arch can impact which type of shoe will be the most comfortable and provide the right level of support. Consider getting your foot measured and analyzed by a professional at a running store to help determine your foot type.

2.      Pronation: Pronation is the natural rolling motion of your foot when you run. Depending on the degree of pronation, you may need shoes with more or less support. A professional analysis at a running store can also help determine your pronation level.

3.      Cushioning: The amount of cushioning you need depends on your weight, running style, and the surfaces you run on. More cushioning can help absorb shock and reduce impact, while less cushioning can provide a more responsive feel and better ground contact.

4.      Fit: Make sure the shoes fit snugly but not too tight, with enough room for your toes to wiggle. Try on shoes in the afternoon or after a run, when your feet are more swollen to ensure the best fit.

5.      Comfort: Look for shoes that feel comfortable and supportive, with no areas of pinching or rubbing. Test the shoes by walking and running around the store before making a purchase.

6.      Brand and price: Consider the reputation of the brand and the price point when choosing running shoes. Higher-priced shoes often use higher quality materials and construction, but there are also many affordable options that can provide excellent performance and support.

Remember to replace your running shoes every 300-500 miles or whenever they begin to show signs of wear and tear. By taking these factors into account when choosing running shoes, you can help ensure a comfortable and enjoyable running experience while minimizing the risk of injury.









1.         脚型和足弓:脚的形状和足弓的高度会影响哪种类型的鞋最舒适并提供合适的支撑。考虑在跑步店里请专业人员为您量脚和分析,以帮助确定您的足型。

2.         内翻:内翻是跑步时脚的自然翻滚动作。根据内翻程度,您可能需要更多或更少的支撑。跑步店的专业分析也可以帮助确定您的内翻水平。

3.         缓冲:需要的缓冲量取决于您的体重、跑步方式和跑步路面。更多的缓冲可以帮助吸收冲击和减少压力,而更少的缓冲可以提供更快的响应和更好的地面接触。

4.         合适的尺码:确保鞋子穿着紧但不过紧,有足够的空间让脚趾动一动。建议下午或跑步后尝试鞋子,当您的脚更肿胀时,以确保最佳的适合度。

5.         舒适度:选择感觉舒适、提供支撑的鞋子,没有任何夹住或摩擦的地方。在购买之前在店内走和跑一下,测试鞋子的适合度。

6.         品牌和价格:在选择跑鞋时考虑品牌的声誉和价格点。高价的鞋子通常使用更高质量的材料和制造工艺,但也有许多价格实惠的选择可以提供优秀的性能和支撑。






·        室内跑步可以避免受天气影响,如下雨、刮风等。

·        室内跑步环境相对稳定,可以更好地控制运动强度和心率。

·        室内跑步环境相对安全,不用担心路面情况和交通安全问题。

·        室内跑步场地设施齐全,可以使用跑步机等设备,提高跑步的趣味性和多样性。


·        室内跑步环境单调,缺少自然风景和空气流动,对于长时间跑步可能会产生疲劳和枯燥感。

·        室内跑步空气不流通,会影响呼吸和心肺功能,建议选择通风良好的场地。

·        室内跑步相对单独,缺乏跑步群体互动和交流,可能会影响跑步的社交性和娱乐性。




·        室外跑步可以享受到自然风景,呼吸到新鲜空气,对身体有益。

·        室外跑步可以挑战不同路面和环境,提高运动技巧和适应性。

·        室外跑步可以结合社交活动,增加跑步乐趣,结识新朋友。


·        室外跑步容易受到天气和环境的影响,如下雨、刮风等不良天气,以及路面不平等情况。

·        室外跑步路面不稳定,容易造成膝盖等关节损伤。

·        室外跑步可能会有交通安全问题,需特别注意路面行人和车辆情况。




·        生理因素:跑步会产生多巴胺等神经递质,这些物质会给人带来愉悦感和快感,促使人产生想要再次运动的欲望。

·        心理因素:跑步可以缓解压力,帮助人们减少焦虑和抑郁等负面情绪,从而让人们更加喜欢运动。

·        社交因素:跑步可以成为一种社交活动,让人们结交新朋友,参加跑步比赛等,从而增加运动的趣味性和社交性。

·        成就感:跑步有一定的挑战性,可以带来成就感和自豪感,让人们产生强烈的满足感和自我肯定感。












1.      慢跑:慢跑可以帮助人们锻炼心肺和提高耐力,消耗卡路里,减轻压力,提高免疫力,同时还能增强骨骼和肌肉的强度。

2.      游泳:游泳可以帮助人们提高心肺功能、减轻身体压力、消耗卡路里、增强肌肉力量、提高柔韧性和协调性等。由于游泳是一种低冲击性的运动,对关节的损伤和压力较小,也适合很多人练习。

3.      瑜伽:瑜伽可以帮助人们放松身心和提高柔韧性,同时还可以增强肌肉力量和协调性,提高心肺功能,改善呼吸和循环系统的健康,还能缓解压力和改善睡眠质量。




! Too many requests in 1 hour. Try again later.


这里出现点状态,有点不耐烦了,嫌我问得太多了,给我点颜色看看。下面是10分钟后,回来继续问,Chat GPT回答了我的问题






1.      全面锻炼身体:铁人三项包括三个不同的项目,可以全面锻炼身体各个方面的肌肉群。

2.      增强心肺功能:三个项目都需要较长时间的持久运动,可以提高心肺功能。

3.      增强耐力和毅力:铁人三项需要耐心和毅力,训练和比赛都需要长时间的投入和坚持。

4.      有助于减肥和塑身:铁人三项的训练量大,能够消耗大量的热量,有助于减肥和塑身。



1.      训练时间和量大:铁人三项需要长时间和大量的训练才能够达到比赛水平。

2.      需要高昂的装备和费用:游泳、自行车和跑步的装备都需要一定的费用,参加比赛的费用也很高昂。

3.      风险较高:三个项目都需要一定的技巧和体能,不正确的操作或过度训练可能会导致受伤。




As an AI language model, I do not have personal preferences or emotions like humans do, so I do not have the ability to like or dislike anything. However, I can provide information and answer questions related to cycling as a sport or form of exercise if you're interested.




Cycling is a great form of exercise that provides numerous benefits to our health and wellbeing. Here are some of the potential benefits of cycling:

1.      Improves cardiovascular health: Cycling is a great way to improve your heart health and strengthen your cardiovascular system.

2.      Burns calories and helps with weight loss: Cycling is an effective way to burn calories and can help you achieve your weight loss goals.

3.      Builds strength and endurance: Cycling can help you build strength in your lower body muscles, as well as improve your endurance and overall fitness.

4.      Low-impact exercise: Cycling is a low-impact form of exercise that puts less strain on your joints than other high-impact exercises like running.

5.      Can be a social activity: Cycling can be a fun and social activity that you can enjoy with friends or family members.

However, as with any form of exercise, there are also potential risks and drawbacks to cycling. These can include the risk of accidents or injury, the cost of equipment, and the time commitment required for longer rides or training sessions. It's important to weigh the potential benefits and risks of any exercise or physical activity before starting a new routine.





1.      改善心血管健康:骑自行车是改善心脏健康、增强心血管系统的很好的方法。

2.      燃烧卡路里、帮助减重:骑自行车是一种有效的燃烧卡路里的方式,能帮助您实现减肥目标。

3.      增强力量和耐力:骑自行车能够帮助您增强下肢肌肉的力量,同时提高您的耐力和整体健身水平。

4.      低冲击运动:骑自行车是一种低冲击的运动,相较于其他高冲击的运动,如跑步,对关节的压力较小。

5.      可以是一种社交活动:骑自行车可以是一种有趣的社交活动,您可以和朋友或家人一起享受。



Very goodThank you so much! That's it for today

You're welcome! Have a great day!




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