

(2010-05-21 23:34:47) 下一个

特别提醒:请注意着装要求:Business casual attire is required, shirt with collar, no jeans or sneakers. No children allowed.

The President of USTC, Dr. Hou Jianguo, will lead an academic delegation to visit Chicago. The purpose of this visit is to enhance the connections with leading research universities in US, network with local scholars and also recruit gifted talents for USTC. They will have an official visit to The University of Chicago and host a reception on May 31st for local alumni and friends who have general interest in USTC.

USTC Reception

Monday May 31st, 2010 4:30 pm -8:00 pm

The Union League Club of Chicago, French Room, 7th Floor

65 West Jackson Blvd, Chicago, Illinois


4:30 ≒ 5:00pm Registration & resume collection

5:00 ≒ 5:05pm Introduction by USTCAAC

5:05 ≒ 5:35pm Speech by President Hou Jianguo and the delegation

5:35 ≒ 6:00pm Q&A

6:00 ≒ 8:00pm Networking/Reception

Please check the following links and attached flyer for details about their visit and recruitment related information.



Special Notes:

1. The event is not restricted to USTC alumni. Anyone interested in an academic career in USTC should bring a resume with you.

Feel free to bring your friends (non-USTCers are warmly welcome!) and help us promote USTC!

2. Business casual attire is required, shirt with collar, no jeans or sneakers (by Union League Club). No children allowed.

3. Admission is free.

The event is co-sponsored by USTCAAC and CFAA.

About Event Co-Sponsor USTCAAC:


The University of Science and Technology of China Alumni Association in Chicago Area was founded in 1995. Its member includes hundreds of USTC alumni studying and working in Chicago area. The aim of our association is to promote the networking between alumni, assist the development of USTC, and increase the social influence of USTC alumni. Our alumni work for the universities, research institutes, and many successful corporations in Chicago area, most of them have PhD or Master degrees and play leading roles in their positions. We have also been actively involved in all different kinds of activities in the local Chinese community.

中国科学技术大学芝加哥校友会成立于1995年, 经过十多年的发展,其成员包括在大芝加哥地区学习和工作的数百名中国科学技术大学校友.组织的宗旨是促进本地区科大校友间的联络, 帮助母校发展, 及增强科大校友的社会影响力.除在校读书的年青校友外,相当多的校友在本地各高校,研究机构和各大公司任教任职. 绝大多数科大校友拥有博士硕士并在所在岗位发挥重要作用. 科大校友在本地华人社团中也相当活跃, 很多的活动都有科大人的身影.

About Event Co-Sponsor CFAA:


Chinese Finance Association of America (CFAA) is an independent not-for-profit, non-partisan organization committed to promoting educational and cultural exchange among finance professionals between the United States and Greater China through facilitating communication and the exchange of ideas in the financial industry. Incorporated and headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, CFAA is aimed to serve Chinese finance professionals and others who are interested in the financial industry of Greater China.

美国华人金融协会(Chinese Finance Association of America, 简称CFAA) 是一个非营利的、非党派的独立法人会员组织。它力主服务于在美国的华人金融从业人员以及其他对大中华地区金融业富有兴趣的专业人士,并致力于促进美国和大中华地区金融界的业间交流和往来。本协会的总部位于美国芝加哥市,法定注册于美国伊利诺伊州,并遵循美国联邦政府内务部非营利组织501(C)(6)免征收入税的所有规章和条文。美国华人金融协会将主要通过以下活动来实现我们的宗旨:创办行业交流的平台,组织举办各类讲座、活动和项
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