

(2016-03-31 06:17:57) 下一个



带女儿去芝加哥之前征求意见,网友推荐signature room at the 95th。

到了芝加哥第二天想订位,但定不上当天的。只好订次日晚上6:30。餐厅Email确认(见附件)。我们早起去“名轩”吃了早茶,然后去参观了现场博物馆。博物馆5点关门。我们是最后一拨出来的。到了John Hancock building,我们先去霉烯买皮鞋。离家之前知道这个餐厅有着装要求,但忘了带皮鞋,女儿和我都只穿了运动鞋。


到了John Hancock building餐厅专用电梯,有迎宾员过来打招呼。去96层酒吧的检查身份证,够年龄的单排一队。电梯来了他们先进去,我们后进。电梯很上升速度很快,耳朵压得痛。到了95层我们先下。


还没等换皮鞋,我们就被带到餐桌。墨西哥bus boy献上面包和黄油








整个晚上基本上是bus boy在忙,堂官根本没跟我们说话。点甜食我一再问bus boy,冰激凌是自制的,还是工厂生产的。他告我是自制的。我就点了冰激凌。等堂官经过我们桌,我让他再次确认。堂官说是工厂产品。我就换了魔丝蛋糕。














Dear Customer,

 Thank you for making your reservation at The Signature Room.

Your reservation is confirmed.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
6:30 PM
Party of 2

 Thank you for your booking!

Dress Code:

Our dress code for lunch is casual; we do not permit beachwear, hats, and request that men do not wear sleeveless shirts.
Our dress code for Saturday & Sunday Brunch is upscale-casual. We do not permit gym shoes, athletic wear, or beach wear. Tie and jacket are optional, and dressy jeans are permitted without rips or tears.

Our dress code for Dinner and Holidays is business-casual. We do not permit gym shoes, shorts, athletic wear, or beach wear. Tie and jacket are optional, and dressy jeans are permitted without rips or tears.

Cancellation Policy:

We ask that cancellations are made more than 24 hours prior to the scheduled reservation; please call the reservations department at 312.787.9596 to cancel your reservaiton.

Any reservation secured with a credit card is held to a 24-hour cancellation policy; a cancellation made on the day of the reservation will result in a $20 charge per expected guest. A cancellation can be made without penalty if the guest calls more than 24 hours in advance of the reservation.

All Holiday reservations, regardless of size, are held to the same 24-hour cancellation policy.

Window Requests:

We do not take any window requests in advance; requests for window seating and specific tables can only be made with the concierge, host, or manager upon arrival in the restaurant at the scheduled reservation time.


Thank you for choosing the Signature Room!


 If you would like to change your reservation, please call us at Phone: 312.787.9596.

The Signature Room
95th floor
875 N. Michigan
Chicago, IL 60611
 Phone: 312.787.9596
 Fax: 312.280.9462


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