
你的 “exit strategy” 是什么?

(2009-11-08 15:32:03) 下一个
你的 “exit strategy” 是什么?
Thanks for sharing your investment, especially the details. It's still hard to say if it's "值得", even with this much information. Another info should be your expectation. Here are some common exit strategies, which one is yours?

1. Hold and rent. You'd end up paying 60+13K=73K (on average) for the house. If you rent $750, you need to pay estimated 135(HOA) + 120(tax) + 40(ins) + 60(vacancy) + 70(management/repair) = ~430/month. That'll leave you about $300 for everything else. If you get $45K loan, the mortgage would be $356 ($188 for interest). Your cashflow would be -60, but there is $170 going into your principle. If you count in the depreciation of $3K/year, would save you $1K pear year. Of course these figures are estimated, but shouldn't be too far off.

2. If you flip, then you need to sell for below market for a quick sale. So, $100K tops. Take out 6% commission and other closing cost, you might get 93K best. Carrying cost of 5K for 6 month, you're looking at 93-5-73=15K profit. This would be best case scenario since a million things could go wrong.

3. What is the near future of the market? Is it slight going up? Still decreasing? For DC suburb, those low-end houses are actually going up a bit. For midwestern, there might be another tip downward. Would you hold it for another 5 years?

4. Do you have other deals better than this?

The conclusion is: Do you have better alternatives, or do you just want to try your RE hand? It's not a superb deal in term of absolute return. But if this is the best you can find already, and you don't mind carrying it for long time, then by all means.

Hope this helps.

RE: 要价$71000。 Last sale $68500 was in 2001, 目前 tax value $95000. Agent 说全部装修好后大概值$10000-115000。 装修大概要花$10000-$15000。据Agent说,这个区的房租大概每月$700-800。
Agent建议出价$56500. $58000-60000能拿下吗? 我要付现金$20000-25000,请问大家值得吗?第一次做,心里没底。
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