
Whatever you say, 我就是很帅


(2009-09-11 13:30:49) 下一个

昨晚跟太太一起去Grocery Store 买东西。在门口遇见一个老太太。老太太拄着个拐杖,背驼的很厉害,看得出她的脚有问题。看着她站着那里好像Lost, 就忍不住上去问一句:Do you need any help? 结果知道:她是在等旁边打电话的一个女孩带她做公车。She just returned something to the Grocer and now was waiting for the refund money to show up on her debit card. 太太是银行的,就告诉她,probably she has to wait until tomorrow. 9点多钟公车早就没了,于是我们就offer to drive her home. (等我们问完,那个原来offer带她坐公车的女孩已经不知所踪了)

老太太还是想check一下她的refund有没有到账户里,因为她很有grocery 要买。于是我们就和她一起非常缓缓地走到customer service. 跟她交谈才知道,原来她只有3 dollars and didn't have enough money for the grocery. While we were waiting, she received a call. It sounds like that a young guy maybe her son) asked to buy two more 2 liter.coca colas. 陪着她跟Assistant Manager讲完情况,the manager paid for the groceries the old lady needed. 而且the assistant manager insisted on giving us 10 dollars gift card which we gave to the old lady instead.

While we were driving her back home,
老太太kept murmuring that God always take care of her needs.

写了这些,不是想说我们多么的morally better. 只是想想这件事发生在中国会怎么样。跟大家一样,经历过那么多的故事,我想在中国我们也不会停下来问老太太,因为想多半她是个骗子,可能以乞讨为生,说不定比我还有钱。在北美,begging 好像是一件很humiliating的事,很少有beggar imposes on you.当然这个老太太也不是一个beggar to start with. 比较中国和北美,这么多年的感受是还是这边的人innocent一点,大家芥蒂没有那么深,也不需要说话的时候总是要揣摩这个人到底是什么目的,这是我们喜欢这里的最重要的因素。像这个Assistant Manager 的好人,热心人还是不少。就好象很久之前的一个客户告诉我,当时他在加拿大开车横穿,一个人不认识,沿路住在别人家里,对他都不错。


Having written this, I don't want to get into the frivolous debate about US vs. China which one is better.
大家都是中国人,都是爱中国的。只是在自己的博客了写了一些自己的随感, since we are living in a free county.

Have a nice weekend, everyone.

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