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(2009-11-25 18:55:05) 下一个



毕竟咱还“年轻” ,昨晚睡了一宿好觉,今天就感觉神情气爽了,我还到公园跑了个圈回来。我就不相信我真会有什么心病。再歇歇,我就会把大学趣事给白活完了。


It was three o’ clock at the Rimsleys’ house. Matthew Rimsley was asleep, and the rest of the family as well. His mother turned gently in her sleep and his father snored loudly. Then, Matthew suddenly sat straight up in his bed. He was panting, and tiny droplets of sweat dotted his face. He had a terrifying dream… where an evil creature ruled. “Matthewwwwwww….Matthewww…..”the creature had called in his dream,” I willll see you one day…hisssssssssss” .That’s when he woke up. He was about to fall asleep again when his 12 year old sister, Anne, came into his room. Her face was pale in the moonlight. Before he could ask her why she came in, she held her finger to her lips, and said: “Come with me to the enchanted Blackwood forest…”

All of a sudden, their parents’ room’s door creaked open. “Matthew? Anne? Are you awake?” called a tired voice. Anne and Matthew slipped into Matthew’s bed and pretended that they were asleep. Their mother pushed the door open, and saw only Matthew pretending to sleep. She smiled and closed the door behind her. As soon as she left, Matthew immediately pulled the covers off him and Anne. He said to her: “I’ll go with you to this forest.”

Several days went by, and they finally saw trees instead of city lights and buildings. The forest was very strange. Lizards and snakes slinked around the forest ground. In the distance, they heard the humming and chanting of tribes nearby. They could also hear crackling and snapping of the fire. Suddenly, a neighing was heard. The chanting stopped. Anne and Matthew heard it get louder as they ran into the forest. Branches whipped their faces and dust choked them as they half ran, half stumbled down a steep hill. A large chariot burst from a bush and started to chase them. Anne ran one way and Matthew ran the other. The gladiator in the chariot hesitated, and then decided to chase Anne. Matthew ran, and didn’t look back until he was too tired to run anymore. When he finally stopped, he looked behind him to see if was being chased, was surprised to see the chariot and gladiator gone, with Anne too! “Anne! Anne! Can you hear me?” His voice echoed back, and there was no other sound except the rustling of the leaves in the wind.

Night dawned on the forest. The moon danced in the sky as Matthew walked on. He was feeling drowsy. He decided to stop. He lay in the grassy bedded ground. As he slept, trees seemed to corner him as branches swayed in the rhythm of the wind.

                                                                         When he woke up, he was surprised to see a native looking seriously into his eyes. Matthew could see fear in his eyes. The native muttered something to him and gestured to other natives to come closer. Matthew sat up. A native said: “Unherthica, has returned…”

 Matthew found out that the tribe was the Blackwood Indians. The chief was a man named Alejoah, and that they would help find Anne in exchange for Matthew’s gold and silver wrist-watch. He watched them silently as they pressed the watch to their ears.

The next day, Matthew woke up early to see Alejoah standing by his reed mat. “Come,” he whispered,”The others are still sleeping. We will go search for Unherthica’s lair. Matthew eagerly nodded, and followed Alejoah. They wandered for days. Days turned to weeks, and weeks turned into months. The sun beat on their heads. Sweat ran down their faces and backs.

 One day, they came across a tree with a trunk longer than fifty-five people side-by-side. In one side of the trunk, there was a perfectly carved gladiator, and the other side skull and cross-bones. Matthew and Alejoah crept silently to the tree and touched the carvings. It left a burned mark on their fingers. Matthew was sucking his finger to ease the pain, but Alejoah just muttered something that sounded like “Pasdh”, a passageway opened into the tree. A small girl was tied up in the center.” Anne!” cried Matthew.

They ran outside, but Unherthica blocked their way. They gasped. An evil smile crept on his face. HE knocked Alejoah down. Matthew saw a little sword sticking out from Alejoah’s pocket. On it was a note that said:



                        When danger strikes, slay whoever threatens you with this sword.




Matthew picked up the sword and charged at Unherthica, who was fighting Anne. Anne had learned karate two years ago. They were locked in combat. Unherthica looked up and screamed. The sword pierced his chest, and he fell, dead. Matthew checked to see if he was dead. Unherthica didn’t move. Matthew went to Alejoah, who stood up, taller than ever, and smiled. “You have bravely fought. You deserve a reward.


Anne, Matthew and Alejoah returned home, and Alejoah promised to take them again someday. Unherthica was dead, and the gladiator fled. All was good.


3-28-08  4:40PM

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