
一杯茶, 一台电脑, 时间悄悄从指间流逝;一句话, 一个玩笑,阳光偷偷沿帘缝偷视

关于润涛阎 (after editing)

(2020-11-24 19:37:04) 下一个

I think these two posts are probably two of his most important posts which I find most substantial and useful in explaining a very difficult scientific topic.  They are possibly the best description of his life's best scientific work and the creation process in developing a new scientific model.



He tells a story that has important lesson for a fresh scientist's carrer. His two papers in Cell and PNAS should get him at least a tenure track assistant professor position but in biology a PI is not just scientist but also a boss and salesperson and that can be a big obstacle for most non-native English speaking people. It is  a pity that an important piece of work, even if published in a good journal, still needs both his post-doc advisor and him or someone in the field to explain and to promote it in order to reach its deserved impact.  If done properly, he didn't need to argue with N. Yan, another Yan with same last name in English but totally different in Chinese. The younger Yan is a pretty female and she has both reputaton from China's propagada machine and good position at Princeton and QingHua U. So R.T. Yan did not get his much deserved scientific recognition even if his publication record does speak itself. His writings in Wenxuecity and his influence in the oversea's Chinese reading community make him like a Lu Xun(鲁迅) in the 1930s in China, he can 横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。The latter phrase should  be a good description of Run-Tao Yan's life. 

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