

(2009-12-04 07:38:27) 下一个
"Gifted children have an internal drive to KNOW things. Unfortunately, their interests don’t always coincide with what their teachers are teaching. Gifted children tend not to respond to the same rewards as high achieving students. High achievers are motivated by grades, pleasing adults, and competition. Some gifted children are also high achievers"

"EnergyYou may have heard people say, “I want my child in the classroom with the gifted kids. They don’t have behavior problems.”This is a MYTH.
High achievers tend to have fewer behavior problems because theyare motivated by making adults happy and getting positive feedback from authority figures.
On the other hand, there are four traits that tend to get gifted people into trouble:
Multi-potentiality or Multi-stimulus
Excessive Energy"

"Sometimes these trouble traits lead parents to seek help for their children. They may appear to have symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Or they may appear to have symptoms of other psychological disorders.
It is important that the physician or psychologist working with your child understand gifted people, as it can be difficult to separate the characteristics of giftedness from the characteristics of some of these disorders."

4.Asynchronous Development in physical (P), cognitive (C), social (S), and emotional (E).摘一段:
"GiftedThe developmental rates of GT children are different. Their areas of development are out-of-sync. Many experts in Gifted Education call this the “hallmark of giftedness.”The students identified as GT in schools are usually cognitively gifted, so that is the area with the fastest rate of development. In addition, most gifted children’s emotional development is more rapid than their physical or social development
The out-of-sync (or asynchronous) development of gifted kids is an integral part of who they are and how they interact with the world. This is why they act like an adult at one moment and throw a temper tantrum the next. Different parts of them are different ages all at the same time"
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