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                                         Friday, February 17, 2006

          Organization according Longman dictionary: 1) a group such like a club or business that has been formed for a particular purpose. 2) The act of planning and arranging things effectively. 3) The way in which the different parts of a system are arranged and work together.

         When I was studying (unified planning) the simple math class about how to organize things and time in middle school, it was during the culture revolution. At that time, education was not that important and students who out of high school needed to go to Countryside to get re-education there. The regular standard classes of schools in China were destroyed and teachers had to set up some practical classes for student to learn so that they can us them to make a living in a farm or a factory worker. 

        I was lucky I had that class. By the time I took that class. I didn’t know it would help me for all of my life. The organizational skill I have learned in middle school is really not only a temporary math class, it is a living skill everyone should have. It helps me to organize my life at work, school and home.

        I used to be a single mother with 5 years old boy, a pediatrician with busy practice, and a beauty school student at the same time. Because the organizational skill I have, I managed through. I also founded a clinic for over 2000 students’ boarding school in one week and only by myself. Without the organization skills I have learned in middle school, I would not be able to make it.

        One live in the world should be able to manage his time. Organization is a basic living skill can help you go through all the difficulties. It also helps you to stay out of troubles and psychological problems.

        As a teacher, one have to organize what you are going to teach and which parts of the lecture you want to talk more and what parts that you don’t want to waste much time on it. It is all the time management and the mental organization. The world is full of knowledge and surprises. Spend too much time on something is not important of the topic you are really teaching only can make you look disorganized.

        As an instructor, you do have to have a broad field of knowledge. But that is not enough, if you don’t have good organization skills, your group will be a mess. At first, you should have a clear mind, knowing what you want from students. You want your student to learn the care skills; you want them to be able to use their learned knowledge to apply on direct patient care. There is a time limit for paper work. But for practical reason, the priority of the paper work needs to be which directly affect patients. Such as the Labs, the scheduled medications, and the most likely given as needed medications need to be done. I also think the two nursing diagnosis and one complication need to be there at least of the name labels. It would be better to have an assessment plan there too if there is possible. That all indicated that the student has learned the patient’s situation and understand what is going on with the patient they are going to cared for. If there is a time limit, the scheduled medication can be reduced to the ones the patient will receive during the care shift. It would be nice to have a path physiology paper done by the first clinical day, but it is not that critical. If it is not completely done, it can be finished by the end of the first clinical day. So what I am suggesting what needs to be completely finished at the first clinical day is:

1) Labs.

2) Scheduled Medications if there were too many medications, it can be reduced, as the medications need to give during the shift.

3) As needed medications which the patients most likely to receive.

4) Two nursing diagnosis with etiology and planed assessment

5) One potential complication with etiology

But by the end of the second clinical day, All the paper work need to be done and would prefer all the 24 hrs scheduled medications on paper if there were decreased at the first clinical day due to numbers.

        That is my thought. As a nursing student, we have never expected to be easy. And we all work hard want to be success. To be success, working hard are not enough, we also need positive reinforcement from instructors. We already have enough stress with all the studies and clinical experiences; we don’t need to be added more from our instructors.

        Instructors are working hard to help all the students. We appreciate it and knowing that. But a well-organized instructor can make the job easier for everyone. So I really wish people can work on their organization skills that the world would be a happier place to live. The nursing school would be easier to manage. Yes, they do have lots of very well organized instructors there. But one Disorganized aspect can spoil the whole pot.

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