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My days....

(2016-08-13 21:27:57) 下一个

My Days我的时代 I was sitting by my door,我坐在自家门口,A couple of things I can’t ignore:冒出些缠人念头:Am I wise or am I just a fool?我算聪明人,还是傻得透?Strangers passing by,陌生人擦肩而过,Say ‘hello’, eye to eye.说声‘嗨’,目光交错,Do they think the same things as I do?他们是否和我有同样念头?I wanna escape, leave this behind.我想逃走,把此刻甩在身后,I’ll chase the world, I’ll till the sky.(?)我要追逐世界,开垦天空。(?) Oh take me to the time of my days.带我到属于我的时代,I don’t feel the need to stay.不需停留,也无阻碍,I dream a different kind of way.我的梦想可能有点怪。Try to see the world through their eyes.试着看看别人眼中的世界,Please forgive me, I apologize.请原谅,我道歉,I truly just don’t see the reasons why.虽然我真心觉得这样也不坏。 To see in white and black,就像看一场黑白电影,Face to face but back to back.面不改色地同床异梦。Feel the shadow everywhere I go.我在每个角落看见阴影。I’m facing down the street,我大步走上街,Tracing back ten more feet. (?)试着往回寻找,(?)Is there one place only I would know?有没有一个地方只有我知道I wanna escape, leave this behind.我想逃走,把此刻甩在身后,I’ll chase the world, I’ll till the sky. (?)我要追逐世界,开垦天空。 (?) Oh take me to the time of my days.带我到属于我的时代,I don’t feel the need to stay.不需停留,也无阻碍,I dream a different kind of way.我的梦想可能有点怪。Try to see the world through their eyes.试着看看别人眼中的世界。Please forgive me, I apologize.请原谅,我道歉,I truly just don’t see the reasons why.虽然我真心觉得这样也不坏。
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